Re: 350 fan shroud questions.
Fan basically got destroyed by the end of my experimenting, I got really really radical in frustration, ended up tossing it. Still have the electrical stuff sitting in a box in the garage. IIRC, I bought the basic kit plus the dual temp 185/200 switch with AC. Interested in buying it? I'd have to look to make sure what I have before giving you a price plus shipping, but if it will work for you (please check your clearances first) I might as well pass it on to someone who can use it. I'll make you a good deal, especially since you live at Fort Riley and are probably an Army guy. I am retired Army myself, and was stationed at Fort Riley from 97 - 2000 in the Medevac unit down at the airfield, which is where you probably work based on your user name, 15R.
BTW, it has only been taken out of the box, never even close to getting installed. So basically brand new. Shoot me a PM, but make it quick, I leave town for two weeks on Thursday morning.
Last edited by earl84; 11-18-2014 at 08:48 PM.