Originally Posted by Thommyknocker
I saw that on a "running" Pontiac engine I got.
It ran ok but had a miss.
Apparently the PO forgot to put a pushrod in, that rocker flopped over and took out it's neighbor
I got a set of rockers, 2 pushrods and I'm still running it.
I had something similar happen with an old Rabbit Diesel pickup I had a few years ago. When I bought it and drove it home it was running on 3 cylinders (think about that for a moment; a 4 cylinder Diesel engine that on a good day had about 60 horsepower). I pulled the cam cover and discovered that one of the cam followers had chucked its shim. The shim was just laying in the head. The follower itself got a bit chewed up, but once I replaced it and the shim the engine ran fine.
I'm not seeing any shards of metal in these pictures that would tell me that this engine won't be fine once it is put back together with some more appropriate parts.