Originally Posted by Rust_phoenix
Merry Christmas my friend,
looks like the swap is coming along nicely and it won't be too long before it's drivable again, nice work!
Thanks man. Merry Christmas to you also.
My Christmas present to myself was getting to hear this thing run yesterday!!!!!!!!
Pic of the T fitting from the heater hose to the throttle body.
New intake mod. I figured "Duct" tape was appropriate right??
I have a whole bunch more pictures, part numbers, and a video of it running here:
5.3 LS Engine Swap into Ol' Blue 1971 Chevy Truck Part 6 - DIY METAL FABRICATION .com
No weird noises, she runs great. Now I just need to clean up a whole mess of wiring. The wiring I used to get it started was very temporary, I even had wires strung along the outside of the truck to the fuel tank