Inside the Adjustable Vacuum Advance Can
Wanted to share this enlightening photo of the insides of a typical adjustable vacuum advance canister.
I found this helpful because seeing this finally it dawned on my why "tightening" (turning clockwise) the allen screw adjuster LOOSENS the spring tension and increases the advance at a given number of inches of vacuum.
Before I saw this I was even wondering if they were left hand threads..Doh!
Probably most of you were not at all puzzled; but anyway it is not righty-tighty / lefty-loosey because that traveling adjustment nut makes more or less "room" inside for the spring.
It is not my photo; I found it and many others on the Samba forum and you can search for this topic; I believe the photo credit should be the author (Scott N.)
The Samba Post subject: Inside the Mallory Vacuum Advance Canister