Re: Starting my engine build
Funny story I thought I would add, took the truck for the very first drive yesterday and I had the timing set as good as I could with my knowledge. When I drove it out onto the main road it was running great and felt very very powerful much more power and torque than before. I drove it for about 25 minutes so I can watch the trans temp gauge and engine temp gauge and everything stayed nice and cool no matter how I drove it. The throttle response was pretty good and even when I was in third gear at low speed I could stomp it and it would pick up and go pretty good. But I started to notice as I drove it each time I hammer down on the throttle it ran different, slightly better each time. Well I decided to turn around and come home and there was a four way stop sign and I live out in the woods so there was nobody around and when I turned left as soon as I got straight I stomped it and the truck barely picked up speed at all, hit second gear still barely rolling but roasting tire, and hit third and it started to hook enough to take off but still roasting tire. I thought to myself man this is really cool it's almost like it's breaking in even more and getting more powerful, so I get home and I pop the hood make sure there's no leaks and a distributor is loose enough to move but not slide around all over the place. It was a pretty harmless and very instructional demonstration on just how much timing can make a truck run better or worse. That's when I spent the next two hours reading everything there is to know about timing and distributors lol by the time I was almost home I could be rolling in first and just stab the throttle and it would break loose, so I need to figure out the best timing for this truck because that was fun.
Hope you guys enjoyed my rookie story lol more to come I'm SURE