Originally Posted by dmjlambert
How do you do deploy that, and how often do you need to refresh?
My place is surrounded by oak trees and I have an abundance of gray squirrels around. They would try and store acorns on top of the intake manifold and also in the hood of my '66. I had read someplace that mice dont like the smell of peppermint, so thought I would try it out with squirrels when I stored my truck for the winter. I bought a small vial of peppermint oil ($4.99 or so) from the health food store and sprinkled a few drops in the engine compartment and also on the floorboards and then left the vial open on the hump when it was in storage. Have no evidence of mice or squirrels being in my truck since then. Our toy poodle is unbelievable about sniffing out a mouse's nest and is relentless in finding it after she smells one. She hasn't "hit" on my truck either.