Re: WTB Cluster for 1964
Hey tone I got two other clusters I ended up getting three to make pretty much to get a really clean one that's like super fun clean and I got a one with the factory tach but that one's not for sale at the moment the other two though they need the plastic but if you got that are you going to buy a new one anyway I've got ones with clean gauges and clean face and all that you want me to send you pictures just message me with your cell number and I'll send you some pictures
'yeah I just had it painted' me: " dam man that thing looks like a side of beef" or "dam bro looks like a sack of walnuts" or the ever so smart ass: " well at least it's a friendly color, it waves as you drive by" first Boss's famous words "I dont know anyone who can see both sides at the same time" Just my 2 event's, tho nobody Carr's, sincerely AssHoleExtraordinaire.....