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Old 06-12-2002, 07:27 PM   #1
bad 71 chevy
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posi or lockers

This is the deal i have a 373 geras but no posi all i want to do is to be able to lay down 2 tire marks insted of 1
all so what would you pay for a posi or lockers thanks
71 Chevy C/10 lwb 350
5 speed nv3500
3.73 rear end
2.5" Front Drop and 4" in the back
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Old 06-12-2002, 07:54 PM   #2
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For me......Locker

I used a powertrax lock-rite in my '69 "Farm Truck"
It's got 3.07 rear end, I put 4 speed saginaw from Nova SS.
380 Horse/450Ft/Lb. I drove the truck once after the motor was in, without posi or locker, and knew right away that it wouldn't cut it. I chose the lock-rite because it's easy to install, only took about 1 hour. You don't touch the ring & pinion, so you don't need to know how to set up a rearend properly.
Disadvantages after driving it for several months are:
It does make the "chunk chunk chunk" noise that critics mention. This only happens when you are turning fairly sharply. If this noise will bother you, stay away from any type of driven plate type locker. (By the way they cost $300.00 from Summit)
Now I see that Powertrax has a new style that supposedly eliminated the noises that the lock rite makes, costs about $400.00. Anyway, the other thing about driving with this is that it is not permanently locked, so unless you do a burnout everytime you start, only 1 wheel is engaged, so if you have a manual trans, when you shift and let off the gas, you will feel the rearend "move" one way or the other, depending on which tire is engaged. Basically, cornering is a bit wierd with it. The website, explains things better than I do. My truck is strictly for fun, so I don't mind these quirks. If it were a daily driver, or my wife were going to drive it, I would spend the bucks for a truue posi. My 2 cents worth..............
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1969 SWB Stepside. 350 w/Vortec heads, 380 H.P., 450 ft/lb dyno proven.
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Old 06-12-2002, 08:46 PM   #3
Mountain Man
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I just had an Auburn posi put in my truck.

It works very well, and disengages in corners, so is silent.

It is not a cheap set up at 1600 canadian for the auburn posi unit, new ring and pinion ( which you probably don't need), new bearings, seals, etc.

A good third member is critical to a good power train.
72 C10 Cheyenne Super
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Old 06-12-2002, 09:17 PM   #4
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i have also installed an auburn pro limited slip in my 68 swb and have been very pleased with it.... very quiet.... very responsive.... will certainly give you those 2 tire burnouts you seek.... so much better than a peg leg LOL one other thing.... i made the mistake of putting trans x limited slip in the differential when i was first breaking it in.... this is a big no no.... my brand new posi unit was locking up and not disengaging after a week.... i immediately drained it and put GM limited slip additive in there and have been a happy camper since
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Old 06-12-2002, 10:43 PM   #5
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Hi Bad,

Personally, I use the Powertrax "No-Slip " system that JR referred to earlier. It is a great improvement as it makes little to no noise/chattering when engaging/disengaging and it doesn't lock upm so tight that the tires chirp going around the corner unless you're near the steering lock.
What I really like about it is it lets the former "no-snow-go" become an artic cat, and yes it allows you to let down two strips of rubber. And to top it all off, all one has to do is remove the spider gears and follow the directions.
In other words, I highly recommend it, even at $400.
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Old 06-12-2002, 10:56 PM   #6
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Lockers are very rugged. Used mainly for rock crawling, racing and serious street situations. A locker is basically like having a spool in your truck, that disengages when you let off the gas. Anytime your foot is on the gas both rear tires are turning the exact same speed. Even if your in a turn each tire will turn the same speeds, meaning your truck will bind a little and your tires will squeel a little in turns. But also both tires will turn with full engine force.

With a posi, most are clutch driven. That means one tire will have 100% engine force, but the other one may be recieving as little as no power or as much as 100% power. So a posi rear end may not lay 2 strips of rubber every time you spin your tires.

I picked a locker because I'm sure i'm gonna have traction problems. 4.10 gears with 3.06 tranny 1st gear. Plus a 450lb/ft engine. I also drive pretty rough sometimes. My truck is also built pretty racy, so i t hought that would fit better than a posi. When it locks up it hits pretty loud, which I think is cool, my dad has other thoughts.

Either can be good or bad, like i've said a million times, it all depends on what you want out of your truck.
'69 CST Short fleetside
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Old 06-12-2002, 10:59 PM   #7
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Lock Rite part 2

D.P. that makes me jealous. I wish I had sprung for the extra $100.00 when I bought mine. So it actually does what they say as far as being quiet & smooth? That is sweet, and I really don't see a reason for someone to spend $800.00 for a posi & setup any more.
1969 SWB Stepside. 350 w/Vortec heads, 380 H.P., 450 ft/lb dyno proven.
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Old 06-12-2002, 11:52 PM   #8
Mike C
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Guys who have put lots of power into the powertrax find they unlock right when you need them the most. The Auburn has cone type clutches that "bite" into the case, wearing both out. Lockers belong in the dirt IMO and limited slips on the street, but for my money I'd run an Eaton rebuildable positraction unit. I've been looking for a used limited slip from an 87-89 300ZX turbo for over 2 years for my Z. They run over $500 used. A new one is $550 IF they'll ever get them in stock. So consider all of your options a blessing!
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Old 06-13-2002, 07:50 AM   #9
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I put a powertrax unit into my rear with new richmond 3:73 gears... I haven't run the unit to know if I like it yet, but it was easy to install and didn't gouge into my pocket book too deep. Summit Racing only had good things to say about it, and I had confidence in their feedback, after all.... they are the racing people. I noticed a definate clicking sound when cornering, but if my girlfriend were in the truck with me, I probably wouldn't hear a thing at all..............
1971 Shortbed 350/350 w/ Posi-traction 3:73's
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Old 06-13-2002, 08:09 AM   #10
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I have the powertrax locker also and I am very happy with it. It always locks when you want it to and as Low69CST said, it always locks under power, which could mean in a turn. The only time I can hear mine making the clicking noise is if my window is down and my head is hanging out, other than that, its quiet in the cab.

It does take a little time to get used to its characteristics but I do like it a lot and you cant beat the ease of install or price, mine also is from Summit.
1970 C10 LWB
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Old 06-13-2002, 08:28 AM   #11
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I have 1 new powertrax unit left in my display case 350.00 + shipping if anybody is interested e-mail me.
Rest in Peace Ed. Thanks for all the good times.
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Old 06-13-2002, 11:00 AM   #12
Suburbans RULE!
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I have an Auburn limited-slip in my Suburban. I would not recommend them to anyone. Mine works as it should, it is just extremely noisy after the rearend gets warm. It pops and grinds and is very unnerving. I have been religious about changing fluid and adding additive. If I were to do it all over again, I would install an Eaton.

71 GMC Suburban 4X4
The "Beast"
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Old 06-13-2002, 04:01 PM   #13
Mike C
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Hey Beast, Weren't you a guinea pig on the Powertrax also? I wish everyone could be persuaded the Eaton was the Shtuff. That's why GM ran them to begin with...
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Old 06-13-2002, 04:12 PM   #14
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same thing w/ my auburn posi it is very loud when cornering slow, it makes the real loud popping noise but i was told it would and it doesnt really bother me, i like to know its there.
Lutz, Fl
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Old 06-13-2002, 04:27 PM   #15
Suburbans RULE!
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Nope.....I've never tried a Powertrax. I don't think I ever will. They just don't inspire alot of confidence in my book.
In the Dana 60 rear that I am building I will be installing a Powr-Lok.

71 GMC Suburban 4X4
The "Beast"
388 CID Stroker, TH350, NP205, 8-lug D44, 14BFF w/ Detroit, 4.10:1 gears, 4-Wheel Disks 4" Lift, 35" MT/R's.
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Old 06-13-2002, 07:35 PM   #16
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Thumbs up

I had an Eaton Posi installed last September, and that was probably one of my best investments. You don't even know it's there until you look in the mirror. No noise at all, even around corners, except for the squall of both tires. The Eaton is really smooth and effective, especially with the new carbon friction discs, not to mention rebuildable. It'll run you about $400 plus installation, but also leave you grinnin' ear-to-ear!
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