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Old 08-26-2004, 02:08 AM   #1
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Thought I had found my blazer...


Im currently on leave down in GA from the Air Force and I have looked solidly for a 2wd 1st Gen Blazer for about 6 months. I am on military salary, so I have to be choosy about what I can buy...seeing as I don't have 18k to buy that yellow one that that guy in Washington can't get rid of that seemed to be on ebay and collectercartraderonline every other week...he he(lower the price turd burgler and I would buy it) anywho...

So, like I said, I have been looking everywhere...seems I look at every used car dealership I pass, on all the country roads, and every internet site I can possibly find...and the other day I am driving out of my dad's house, I used a different way than normal....5 houses down....BINGO....2 wheel drive blazer....cracked front back hatch...looked ruff enough to be cheap. I am thinking this is perfect, because I know this is how I am going to have to find it, to find one cheap enough to even get a friggin loan on it...
so, I walk down there today. The lady answers the door and I put on my best "I was raised right and have good manners" face, and asked her if the owner would be willing to part with it....
"NO! the owner is very attached to it, it is a 1972 2-wheel drive blazer...they are very rare"...

I guess she didnt realize that is why I want it

So, I hung my head, tucked my tail, and cried all the way back to my jeep.
Ready to try again...look at the boards everynight to see if somebody wants to part with their baby at a reasonable price...

Sorry for the rant....but there has to be some people out there that feels my pain. Please tell me there is luck o'er the hill and through the woods at grandmother's house or something...

Always looking for a 2wd blazer
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Old 08-26-2004, 09:05 AM   #2
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I always dreamed of wanting any kind of Blazer, I would have been very pleased with a 4x4. They are pretty rare to be for sale around here, one day I noticed one in an ad so I called on it, the guy was describing it, he said it had a 250 engine, thats when the alarm bells went off, my next question was is it a 2wd? He said yes, I couldnt believe it, I went nuts. I went to see it an hour later and walked away thinking I wasn't gonna buy it. The next day I guess I had forgotten how bad the body was and decided to go look at it again and took it home. Point of the story is you will find one when you least expect it, just stop looking and hoping, it worked for me.
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Old 08-26-2004, 12:40 PM   #3
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I'm sure that the owner of that 2wd Blazer spent just as much time looking for it as you are. He probably has lofty plans for it, but keep an eye on it, you never know when some one will need $ or just plain get tired of the project.

About a week after I bought my '69, some idiot was kind enough to walk up and offer to take it off my hands for $50. I let him know that I just spent $4K on it and that they are worth a lot. What a knob!
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Old 08-26-2004, 01:12 PM   #4
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Keep looking, you will find one. I get offers all the time for mine, some for alot more then its probably worth. Just took to long to find. If you do find a 2WD that is reasonable buy it, don't hesitate because there will be ten guys right behind you ready to snap it up.
72 2wd 307/AT/AC/TILT WHEEL
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Old 08-26-2004, 02:16 PM   #5
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Thanks guys.

I don't know if I ever told this story...and if my stories get monotonous just say.

My parents help me purchase my first car 1968 all original mustang. Factory A/C...the works...but being 16, no money to fix it up like a kid wants, I put a for sale sign on it. Back home "McHenry" is the cruise strip...where "American Graffiti was based and the idea came from for the movie. Anyhow there was this Chevy Shop that sold parts and everything for '67-72 pickups and blazers and suburbans. Later I used that place a lot for my three pickups that I have had those years, but that is another story. Anywho, one day, before I knew anything about these year pickups or anything, I drove past and there was this yellow "Blazer" sitting out front for sale. He wants 5k. It was a 2wd 400 small block with a 400TH in it. I could not sell my Mustang fast enough. I went in, talked to the guy a few times, asked if he wanted to trade...blah, blah...I eventually sold the mustang for twice what we payed for it, and the blazer was gone. I would have had enough to buy it, and some money left over...So, I bought my first pickup....71 Short fleet, for 3500....and it was air, or any options, but that was my favorite pickup out of all three.
So, hear I am...almost 24...and still looking for a blazer....<sigh>

Funny how alomst 8 years later, I still want one...and I would have had one...
oh well...I know I'll get one...but I sure hate the "patience is a virtue" guy...

Anywho...thanks again for the words of encouragement....

I will keep my head up, and not look so hard


Always looking for a 2wd blazer
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Old 08-26-2004, 02:50 PM   #6
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I've seen that yellow one listed for sale in WA. It looks nice, but he started at $26K. There is a red one for sale in Bellevue, WA. I think he wants between $10-15K. I'll see if I can find the listing again and post it for ya. Not sure what your price range is...

If you're not going to make a stock rig, you could always convert a 4wd. I've thought about doing that with my '69, but then the reality of me not having any time sets in.
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Old 08-26-2004, 03:37 PM   #7
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Keep an eye on this website also, has different stuff on it from time to time,
I wish I'd known about it sooner, good stuff on here, scroll down to our years.

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Old 08-26-2004, 07:04 PM   #8
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[QUOTE=Trifelynn]Back home "McHenry" is the cruise strip...where "American Graffiti was based and the idea came from for the movie.

A fellow Modesto native I see.......was the shop you are talking about called "Fast Lanes " ? I dropped a fortune in there restoring my first 72 since at the time he was the only guy around I could find parts from. (pre-internet days)
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Old 08-27-2004, 06:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Trifelynn
Back home "McHenry" is the cruise strip...where "American Graffiti was based and the idea came from for the movie.

A fellow Modesto native I see.......was the shop you are talking about called "Fast Lanes " ? I dropped a fortune in there restoring my first 72 since at the time he was the only guy around I could find parts from. (pre-internet days)
As a matter of fact it was....haha...WAsn't the guy Indian or something?
That place was great...or it seemed. like you said, before Internet.

Thanks for the other website...and the help guys.

As far as converting the 4wd to 2wd...I have thought about it...
I don't want a bone stock rig....but, I would like it original in that department...<shrug>Maybe I shouldn't be picky....I also don't know the
process, and the pros and cons of doing that...
Always looking for a 2wd blazer
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Old 08-27-2004, 06:33 PM   #10
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Ive have spotted an early one on the road in my neighborhood the last couple days! I havent been able to catch up with him to see if he wants to sell it.. We will have to see???
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Old 08-27-2004, 07:05 PM   #11
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Here is a frame, at least its a start.
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Old 08-28-2004, 03:17 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Trifelynn
Thanks guys.

Back home "McHenry" is the cruise strip...where "American Graffiti was based and the idea came from for the movie.

Mooodesto! I lived there for a year and I kinda miss it sometimes!
Sad story too.
"If you choose not to decide . . . you still have made a choice."
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Old 08-31-2004, 01:27 PM   #13
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Hey guys, check mine out on 73+ site. LOBLAZER PICS. Aug 03/04. Took me 18 months to find a 2wd up here. It was a litle rough but one Best of Show recently and I get offers too.

Don't lose hope. I am still looking for more. Going to park them at my buddy's and watch the value go up. Have a son and grandson i have to build for when mine is done.
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Old 08-31-2004, 04:55 PM   #14
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How about a '68 2wd panel blazer

LUV2XCLR8 that is a great link...

I know this one is SOLD but it's unique (a K5 panel, hmm) and I like the seats! A lot of work done to this one and $8000 obo seemed a reasonable asking price. Good luck trifelynn in your search!
1971 Blazer CST SOLD!

Last edited by 71Blazer; 08-31-2004 at 04:57 PM.
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