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Old 07-21-2002, 11:14 AM   #1
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Trucks show

I'm watching it now. Can't believe they didn't plan ahead enough to have the gas filler hole in the cab filled.

Front brakes are way over kill IMO but nice

No paint on the rear axel? The dude sprayed thread cutting lube with out covering up the already painted suspension.

That late model truck was really nice.

Last edited by ebfabman; 07-21-2002 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 07-21-2002, 11:35 AM   #2
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i wish i had there budget,cost on problem
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Old 07-21-2002, 11:37 AM   #3
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no kiddin!
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Old 07-21-2002, 12:36 PM   #4
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Not very realistic. The average person would fix what ever is broken or in poor shape, not replace the whole thing. Also the average person makes several runs to the junk yard in search of needed parts. They never use junk yard parts or any parts that might be dirty. It is all mail ordered.
I think that everyone on the board should send them an email telling them that the average person does not have a unlimited amount of money as that show does and that they need to restore a truck more realistically with $5000 instead $500,000.
The show is a joke and a insult to the average american with limited funds.
Just my opinion.

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Old 07-21-2002, 12:42 PM   #5
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Originally posted by 67Fleetsidedream
It is all mail ordered.
I'm guessing they'll spend more on UPS than most of us will spend on our entire trucks

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Old 07-21-2002, 12:48 PM   #6
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What............ you mean you can't run over to the local junk yard and get a $3000 set of disc brakes with aluminum hubs and 4 piston calipers?

They make seem like that dude is building the truck by himself....LOL!

NOT realistic, sorta insulting, but hey its a TV show, guess its supposed to be entertaining............
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Old 07-21-2002, 02:01 PM   #7
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The big brake install was very interesting. I had been waiting to see one of those installations for a long time. I wouldn't watch the show if it was just taking an old truck, painting it up and showing it. I've been doing that for 15 years. They do get out there some, but i'd rather watch them do modifications like big brake installs, gas tank installs, ect.
'69 CST Short fleetside
Lowered, 400 small block, 700R4, 4 wheel disc brakes, front sway bar & rear camaro sway bar (in progress)
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Old 07-21-2002, 03:55 PM   #8
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I liked when he said you could have a frame like that for 1500. Maybee JUST the frame not all the suspension,maybee if you robbed it off another truck but then you would have to paint everything. CHACHING!!!!! Must be nice.

1965 Chevy Bagged,361 sbc,voodoo cam,1.5 full roller rockers,patriot 185cc vortec heads 2.02-1.60,vortec weiand polished intake,demon carb

my truck

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Old 07-21-2002, 04:10 PM   #9
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The show is a joke and a insult to the average american with limited funds.
I agree 100%
It's the same thing in the magizines too. Every single part they call budget, is about the budget for a normal guys whole project.
I got sick of all that and actually stopped reading the magizines...till I was told that Car Craft chainged there ways. They are awsome now. They love swap meats, the love junk yards, and list every single diome spent on a project. No one tries too follow there foot steps without knowing EXACTLY what to expect.
Too bad they don't have there own show huh?
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Old 07-21-2002, 04:18 PM   #10
yes i did post something
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although i am prolly on a more strict budget then any of u cause im 16 and have no job ha ha ha i'd still like to see this show when isit on?
you can want in one hand and s h i t in the other and see which fills first
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Old 07-21-2002, 06:57 PM   #11
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I dont see the big deal about getting some lube on the frame, but I couldnt believe it when he was grinding and cutting off the spindle while it was still attached. It seems like poor planning to me. Like if they were gonna put those brakes on why didnt they do the mods to the spindle b4 mounting it?????

The rotor is all aluminum??? That kinda surprised me, I wouldnt think that it would stand up to the wear and tear, but I guess the guys that designed it are smarter then me(i hope)

Anyone else notice the cross member for the tranny missing?

That Stacey dude laughs way too much, like whats so funny??

Well I guess its good that they are doing a 67-72, thats cool. Hey, it could be worse :P :P :P
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Old 07-21-2002, 07:20 PM   #12
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Stace, he's like........a real cool dude man.................

seems like there could be someone way better than cool stace to do the show, but I guess thats entertainment????
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Old 07-21-2002, 07:20 PM   #13
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There should be a wear plate, basically a thin aluminum shim, that goes between the wheel and rotor. The idea is your wheel wears the wear plate, then you can replace that ever so often. Atleast thats what Nascar does with their aluminum hubs.

Early classic is now selling new auto trans x-members, so i'm sure they are saving that for the motor/trans install. They always grind and weld against painted stuff. I guess they do it for show.
'69 CST Short fleetside
Lowered, 400 small block, 700R4, 4 wheel disc brakes, front sway bar & rear camaro sway bar (in progress)
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Old 07-21-2002, 11:21 PM   #14
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I do like to watch but it would be nice for them to acctually do it on a regular mans budget. I'm 23 and MARRIED so any dime I put in my truck I have to spend equal qmounts on "The Ol Lady" to keep her off my back. Some who are married know what I'm sayin but that show has NOTHING to do with budget like a NORMAL person unless you make 100000 a year on the short side. Weather your 16 or 60 it's almost hard for anyone to build a truck like that in the time frame aloted. Without going in debt!!! As far as I'm concerened KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!!

1965 Chevy Bagged,361 sbc,voodoo cam,1.5 full roller rockers,patriot 185cc vortec heads 2.02-1.60,vortec weiand polished intake,demon carb

my truck

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Old 07-21-2002, 11:49 PM   #15
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I noticed the tranny crossmember too. I didn't like how that other guy kept saying how he was a f**d guy, or was that on the Horsepower Chevelle show? Anyway, the guy doing the building kept saying how the truck was going to be driven hard, yeah right! So they are going to spend 30K on a daily driver for some guy? Did you guys see the Horsepower show? Two sweet Chevelles, the wagon got an Edelbrock 400 HP crate put in, sweet!
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Old 07-22-2002, 12:47 AM   #16
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I'm probably going to get runover by the bandwagon for this but oh well, that's life... I'm actually going to praise the Trucks!! show with this project. While it would still be neat to see a project built like the "common man", I'm interested to see them do what they set out to do in the first episode of this series, and that was to build a '67 Chev starting with only the frame and cab and using aftermarket parts to build the rest - make it new again. I'll never be able to do it, but at least it's fun to see what options are available, other than scrounging the countryside for half-used parts. Don't get me wrong, I love scrounging and making old things live again, but I can see that everyday in my garage and every other garage down my street. I'm havin' fun watch these sponsors blow big bucks to build a cool pickup, that in my mind is every bit as cool as the frame-offs and survivor trucks from the members of this board. REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION, so please don't hate mail me

P.S. If anybody want to see a "budget" truck being built, come on over...I only manage to work on it about every 3 days and that's when I can scrounge the cheap parts I need...
'99 Chevy 3/4 Burb 4x4
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Wanted: 1972 10 or 20 4X4, V8 4spd
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Old 07-22-2002, 03:30 AM   #17
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i missed the program. i was out chasing parts for my current project. but judging from your comments it is just another commercial for aftermarket. i plan on watching the program when i can. it is still neat to watch and dream. however being on the back side of 30 and my love of cars started in 56 i realize that things have changed drastically over the years. in todays world sponsers are needed for programming or creating magazines. therefore sponsers products are donated for projects for free advertizing. they call this marketing. it is not all bad. in years past aftermarket products were minimal. you had no choice but to do it yourself. and it was neat. the magazines did the footwork and had lots of tech articles projects that anyone could do on a budget. the growth of enthusiast and the love of cars has created the industry that thrives today. these high dollar cars that are built in magazines are outstanding pieces of art, and many novices with money are moved by them. they have the cash but not the talent or knowhow to create so they buy. that is why it is so important for sights like this to exist. so share your knowledge and help each other or we will all have to be yuppies.
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Old 07-22-2002, 03:50 AM   #18
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I'm with 72lester on this one.

Yeah...what about the budget buildup, everyone's got them in their garage!!! I mean...when are you going to see someone put together those cool disc brakes on a budget buildup. I enjoy seeing what products are out there. Alot is advertising but then again, what isn't. Like longhorn said, it's in the magazines, shows etc. I know someone on another thread wanted to know where they got the rear end from....well...if it wasnt for the show, I, for one, would never have known about that company. (still forgot the name...oh well, it's on tape). Anyway my .02 has grown to .05

mumbling on but enjoying the discussion,
New deadline...when my son can drive.

Aloha from Honolulu, HI
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Old 07-22-2002, 08:06 AM   #19
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TRUCKS is kind of like "this old house" with Norm Abram's making every conceiveable thing in his carpenter shop with every tool known to man. Would love to see that butthead work in my garage with my tools ---to satisfy my old lady~~~he would be humble pie in a minute.
Back to TRUCKS~~~ they probably get most of their big $$ upgrades for nothing as part of the sponsorship arrangement. Keep in mind that their sponsors pay for the show so they got to sell the product. Now there is some criticism here about "sequence" of alterations--come on guys---lighten up--if you've ever done one of our trucks--I mean part one out and/or build one up~~~we ALL get things out of sequence occasionally. Sometimes watching these shows do give me a tip on how to do something a little better then I was doing it before and that is nice (just wish I could remember it long enough to not repeat my dumb process!!)
Now to join in the critical fun---last week the dude was pushing a guitar amplifier system (he did play pretty well)HELLO!!. Don't you just love the painted floor in the shop!!! No oil, grease, rags or absorbent lying around--how real is that!!!! All new tools clean and shined!! I guess in a perfect world--we could all have that, but we live in the real world. This is kind of like hoping for Pamela Anderson to drop by to borrow a cup of sugar---this is what dreams are made of!!! Wait, I hear a knock at the door~~~~HUCK (:>)
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