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Old 02-05-2003, 02:08 PM   #1
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Need plug wire/exhaust manifold advice....

I need to figure out how to keep my plug wires away from my exhaust manifolds. I don't have any clips or anything, so I've been strategically using zip-ties to keep them well situated, and it looks like hell. The plug wires I'm running now are stock wires (to go under the manifolds) for a SB Chevy from NAPA.

Here are my questions:

1. Since I need to do a tune-up anyway what set of new wires should I get (so I can give myself some extra length)? I need them long because of the manifolds, and I have stock heads, but I'd like to make sure my ignition is rock solid. I'm running single points (no, I'm not going to HEI any time soon).

2. What set of clips can I get to either take the wires above near the intake manifold or simply away from the exhaust manifold so they don't melt AND the engine compartment looks good? (not like the dope smokin' old man tinkered with my engine on a camping trip gone bad)?
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Old 02-05-2003, 02:35 PM   #2
crazy longhorn
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I prefer a 90 boot , & run under the manifolds on the rams horns. Moroso has wire loom kits that will go under the manifold like Gm routed them. here is a link....
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Old 02-05-2003, 02:46 PM   #3
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I think "Under Header Loom Kit" would be the only one I could use here if I went with Moroso. Those manifolds I have wipe out any chance to run the plug wires straight up from the plugs to the distributor. I'll have to run them below, and loop the wires around the back of the engine like they have in the pic.

...which leads me to the next question. What plug wires should I use? Crazy: you use 90 degree plug wires you said. So you have 90 degree boots on both ends of the wires??? The reason I ask is that's the only way to get enough slack to run them from the distributor around the back of the motor like in the pic...
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Old 02-05-2003, 02:59 PM   #4
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Did GM run them between the motor mount and frame.......then up to plugs?

Would this work or would there be problems this way?
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Old 02-05-2003, 03:03 PM   #5
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Those would have to be pretty long plug wires...
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Old 02-05-2003, 03:13 PM   #6
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I saw a truck that used the "universal loom kit" shown on the Moroso page, one set per side. The guy said they were ~$8 per kit. He had a small block with an HEI and used plug wires from a '75 one ton with a 454. That got him the HEI 90 degree boot at the distributor, straight ends at the plugs and long wires. The univeresal loom held the wire so that it would loop around the manifold and route straight into the plug. It looked very organized and he said the wires were less than $20 also. You might look into a pre-HEI big block wire set.

Good Luck,
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Old 02-05-2003, 03:28 PM   #7
crazy longhorn
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Cobalt, do a little search in MSD....I think they offer cap adaptors(pop in) that will let you use the HEI wires on the points dist. when you do the swap to HEI later, you wont have to buy a 2nd set of wires. I have run MSD, & Accel spiral core wires, & get them as a universal set.....add the ends after you make them the lenght that you like. I prefer the MSD wires, altho they will be a little more expensive than the Accels. Good luck....crazyL
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Old 02-05-2003, 03:59 PM   #8
crazy longhorn
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i couldnt find the adaptors, but here is a cap that will fit the HEI wires on the points dist...
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Old 02-05-2003, 04:27 PM   #9
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fatfords: I can't use the Universal kit. Like I said, the wires can't go straight up. They have to go down and around back to the distributor.

Crazy: Thanks for the info. I'm going to give the HEI cap a look-over, and I noticed that you mentioned "add the ends after you make them the lenght that you like", which I didn't realize you could make your wires custom lengths! That's exactly what I need to do. These stock lengths cause nothing but problems.
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Old 02-05-2003, 04:36 PM   #10
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the universal wire kits come extra long, & have a crimping tool with them. IMHO, they are the best way to get the wires laced to suit your app....a little more work, but the end result is much better. Good luck....crazyL
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Old 02-05-2003, 04:43 PM   #11
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Cool. Well, here's the list 'o' things to buy for the day:

1. Moroso Under Header Wire Loom kit
2. MSD or points-style GM distributor, HEI-style cap
3. MSD Universal, V8, 8mm, HEI style cap, 90 degree boots, wire set

...and just like that I'm out of $ again.

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Old 02-05-2003, 04:45 PM   #12
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A couple years ago I asked the same question and the answer(from MikeC I think) was to use wires for a 1975 Corvette. I have them running exactly where you want yours and they work great. I guess you just need that points to HEI plug conversion.

Last edited by Alex Hayley; 02-05-2003 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 02-05-2003, 04:56 PM   #13
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You can just run them straight up over the valve covers. I got two 4-wire looms with a set of valve covers, they hook onto the upper-left (as you are looking straight at the valve cover) bolt of the valve cover. I got Accel straight plugs for the side by the manifold and 90 degree at the distr. cap. I can post a pic if you would like, but it sounds like maybe you already bought yours? Good luck
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Old 02-05-2003, 05:19 PM   #14
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Hey greasemonkey: post the pic anyway.
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Old 02-05-2003, 05:39 PM   #15
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I have a 350 with ram's horns manifolds and an HEI in an 84 pickup. I didn't want to run the wires the long way around. So, I got big-block, straight boot wires and ran them over the top using tall wire stand-offs that bolt to the valve cover bolt. The stand-offs separate the wires well and position them over and around the manifolds a safe distance. And the wires are about the right length. The look pretty good.
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Old 02-05-2003, 06:17 PM   #16
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Taylor SpiroPro premade for 72 SBC in truck. The pre-made wires have 90deg boots on the plugs, but straight boots on the distributor. I HATE 90deg distributor boots. Much easier to route the straight ones away from each other without a mumbo jumbo mess. Made For You vertical looms that are supposed to be for the valve cover, attach them to the oil pan. Did this on my Camaro and Jimmy, works great. They also come with 2, 3, and 4 wire separators for the wires. About $45 for the wires, but the only thing I will buy. The looms aren't cheap either at $25 or so, but I liked it enough to do it again. I run the 72 truck wires on my camaro with MSD 8561 distributor as well.
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Old 02-05-2003, 06:36 PM   #17
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Here's a before and after shot of the engine... I got the chrome stuff to put on it when I rebuild the engine, I know it doesn't really go with the rest of the compartment now. lol

The wires actually don't run as close to the manifolds as it looks in the picture, and they haven't melted yet or anything.
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Old 02-05-2003, 07:02 PM   #18
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Greasemonkey, mine look about like yours. I think they were for 396 Chevelle. If you run them below, you can't see them melt and short out WHEN they get against the manifold or pipe.
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Old 02-05-2003, 11:14 PM   #19
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It's somewhat hard to tell whats been done here.. but these are MSD wires, 90 boots and Moroso wire loom holders. I ran the front 2 wires on each side through the mount then useing the looms, bent to the right angle, gathered all the wires and ran them up to the dist. In this pic I dont have the holders attached to the block so the wires are kinda going all over the place.... but it really cleans up the engine bay when you dont see wires all over the place.
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Old 02-06-2003, 03:09 AM   #20
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One thing I have to tell youguys, the universal MSD wires are barely long enough either. They will fit, but 2 of them are streched pretty tight.
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