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Old 09-22-2013, 04:06 PM   #1
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Question Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I have been going to Pigeon Forge TN every spring and fall for probly 25 years or so and I always have had this same problem but either i'm getting older and it bothers me more now ? or it's getting worse ? what i'm talking about is THE RUDE SMART A$$ SHOP OWNER'S IN PIGEON FORGE !
the shop owners in Pigeon Forge are without a doubt the most RUDE unhappy business owners I HAVE EVER SEEN ANYWHERE ! the thing is THEY HATE OLD VEHICLES ! when you pull up to most (NOT ALL OF THEM) they treat you LIKE YOU ARE A CRIMINAL ! they come out on you BEFORE YOU EVEN STEP OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE ! this has happened to me OVER AND OVER AND OVER ! a few of them stick in my memory and this year just two weeks ago I went down to Pigeon Forge on Thursday got up early drove 4 hrs to get there my girlfriend wanted to stop at this one shop which I had not ever stopped at before it was Thursday was not crowded yet soon as I got to Pigeon Forge stopped at this shop so my girlfriend could shop NEVER EVEN GOT MY DOOR SHUT ! here came the owner YOU CANT PARK HERE ! he said , having had this happen so many times I DID NOT HESITATE I JUMPED RIGHT IN HIS FACE AND TOLD HIM WE STOPPED TO LOOK IN HIS SHOP ! he did not want me there because I was in a classic vehicle if I had pulled up in 2013 Cadillac he would not have even came out , I continued to start wiping my vehicle off my girlfriend went in his shop (WE SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT) I was wiping my car off the owner of the place went back inside for a minute then came back out AND TOLD ME TO LEAVE ! he said I was encouraging other people having the classic vehicle sitting there ( AGAIN HE DID NOT WANT ME THERE BECAUSE I WAS DRIVING AN OLDER VEHICLE) I did not leave I sat there I did not say anything else to the guy my girlfriend came out actually bought something in the shop and we left ,, this type of thing happens A LOT in Pigeon Forge i'm going to think long and hard before I go back again , I mean I spend probly $3000 ? $3500 ? buck's per year in Pigeon Forge I know that's a drop in the bucket but I don't know if I want to spend money to go visit a place that I know will treat me like I am a criminal when I get there !
1967 C10 Shortbed Fleetside Small back glass
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Old 09-22-2013, 05:09 PM   #2
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I myself go to pigeon forge for almost every show for the last 15 years. Most shop owners seem ok but i have ran into some who come across as rude. I believe those who are rude are just worried that the classic truck and car owners won't spend money and are there just to let off steam and take up there parking lot space.They really should realize those shows bring in huge revenue. For example the shades of the past they just had at Dollywood brought in big bucks to all the buisness owners. On that friday i was at the show and at 4:30 they annouced the 50/50 drawing was already at 18,000 dollars and growing. The owners who are rude should think long and hard if being rude is better than being out of buisness. There reputation will catch up with them.
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Old 09-22-2013, 07:18 PM   #3
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

The biggest issue is that a lot of cruder people from the surrounding rural areas go up during the Rod Runs to raise hell. Unfortunely, this reflects badly on anyone with a classic or custom vehicle. I don't know how many times I have heard the story of someone going up to Peigon Forge or Sevierville and coming back with a ticket or being escorted out of town since I started working in Jefferson City. This is the exact reason I never take any of my rides up to the area.
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Old 09-22-2013, 08:03 PM   #4
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I quit going to PF.The traffic and attitude just turn me off.Everyone there acts like they want to take your money and turn you out.I can have a lot more fun in other places and it doesn't take over an hour to go 3-4 blocks to get to a restaurant for dinner.Ol what's'er name and I have both had our knees worked on and can't walk it.PF has become such a tourist trap even the locals hate it.
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Old 09-22-2013, 08:14 PM   #5
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I don't think im going to go back unless I have a change of heart , I love all the car's but I'm just tired of those people acting like im a criminal , I don't go there to raise hell I go to look at classic cars and trucks from the surrounding 5 states ,,
1967 C10 Shortbed Fleetside Small back glass
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Old 09-22-2013, 09:35 PM   #6
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I prefer to attend shows like the NSRA show they host at Chillhowe Park in Knoxville. I have never ran into someone that wasn't happy to be there. Plus there is more to do in Knoxville anyway.
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Old 09-22-2013, 09:57 PM   #7
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

We went last weekend for the wife's birthday and were treated rude at a couple places.We were in the Honda van.Some of the car people Wouldnt let us to a couple businesses where they were parked in front of.A lot of the car people are rude any ways.

I tried to tell a couple guys about the board and they said they wouldnt come here either. OH well. Thats there loss, not ours.
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:00 AM   #8
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Well, guys, I live here. The rod runs have been increasingly bothersome in the past few years. Locals have complained about the rod runs for years. They complain about the crowds, the traffic, and how it's only the motels that make money. They couldn't be more wrong. The rod runs bring a lot of money here, and if they stopped, then all the locals would be crying about how low their overall figures were. I try not to support most of the "T-shirt shops" as most of them are run by foreigners. That may make me sound like a bigot, but I really don't care. I have my reasons for feeling this way that I don't need to explain. The shop owners do take things wrong in so many ways. They need to learn that there is a proper way to deal with this.

As for attitudes, yes, peoples attitudes seem to be getting worse every year. From both sides(car guys, and locals), at that. Parking has been an issue for a long time. The coveted "front spots" facing the parkway are always prime, and lots are willing to fight(literally) for them. Since the popularity of easily carried folding chairs, people have saved their spots with them, but this year, the PFPD decided that is not a good idea, so every night, they drive by and collect all the chairs in empty spots giving more available spots. I can only imagine how many fist fights and arguements this may have caused.

On the subject of the PFPD, it seems they don't want the shows here either the way they seem to harass show goers. Now I have the utmost respect for LE for what kind of scum they have to deal with on a daily basis. I also understand there has to be some sort of crowd control or things can get out of hand, but it seems to me like they push a little too hard. But I also know this is a source of revenue for the city of PF.

I was happy to hear that they were cracking down on the diesel trucks. If they caught you "black smoking" they would write an $87 ticket for the first offense and the second offense warranted seizing the vehicle for emissions testing, which the peckerhead owner also had to pay for. Don't get me wrong, diesel trucks are great for towing cattle, but I find nothing "cool" about them and certainly don't think they should be invading a "rod run".

To the OP, I understand your frustration, and I certainly wouldn't be upset or blame you for not coming back. I had no interest in going at all this time, but we had friends that wanted to go hang out, so we went anyway.

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Old 09-23-2013, 10:10 AM   #9
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Pigeon Forge is a tourist trap that would be making money off of outsiders that week whether it was a rod run or not. I think that's why many shop owners don't seem to appreciate the run. They are jaded. But,the run brings a huge abundance of people compared to the norm. If it was held at some nowhere town with a somewhat weak economy,they would likely be welcoming with open arms for the boost in economy a run would bring. I've seen the same thing happen with bike rallys,such s the one in Myrtle Beach,SC. That one is a bit more complex,due to there being "two consecutive" (second falling on Memorial Day) bike weeks because a certain group of people decided they needed to have their own version...even though the original one welcomes "all". Two weeks in a row of any such thing is too much. Many shop owners closed up that week. It's like Ocean City,MD or any other "senior week" location around the country. You don't book a vacation there for your family vacation that week unless you want to here commotion all night long and you don't go to Pigeon Forge the week if the rod run if you don't dig the cars. The "other" people who would normally need the parking in front of the shop will most likely not even be in town that week.
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Old 09-23-2013, 11:42 AM   #10
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Are you parking on public roads or in their private lots. Cause... if Im on a public street...
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Old 09-23-2013, 02:34 PM   #11
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

We have a place up in Gatlinburg, so we go pretty often. In my experience, most of the locals are pretty tourist friendly- HOWEVER..

During both of the Grand Runs and at Shades Of The Past, parking is at a premium- to the point of stores and hotels charging up to $50 a day for "display" parking. It's probably a pretty reasonable fee for private parking due to the amount of traffic your car will see. I've bought and sold several cars at these shows.

I would guess that the merchant that was rude probably figured you for somebody looking to park and walk around awhile. Normally not a problem, but considering the volume of people there during these shows, he wrongly assumed you were not just going in his store. I can see his point that his store wouldn't be accessible if folks just dropped their cars off for hours at a time. He obviously didn't take time to find out...

There is plenty of public/pay to park places one block off of the strip, it's usually 5 bucks for all day. There's a couple different churches I try to use, and the folks are friendly.

One of the main problems, especially at the Grand Run is all the doofusses that come out just to party and throw down like a buncha teenagers. These are the guys who leave beer cans everywhere, do burnouts on the public roads (too near large crowds of people) and generally disrespect private property and common sense. I don't have any problem with folks having fun, but this is why the attitude of some of the locals. A few goofballs can spoil it for everybody.

This is why we can't have nice things..
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Old 09-23-2013, 03:49 PM   #12
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Originally Posted by Tom Vogel View Post
Are you parking on public roads or in their private lots. Cause... if Im on a public street...
It's a state right of way vs private parking issue. As long as one is parked(legally) between the sidewalk and a light pole, which is the state's right of way, there's not a problem. Once you're behind the line of light poles, you're on the business' property. They have the right to have your vehicle towed or booted.
Originally Posted by DGulliver View Post
We have a place up in Gatlinburg, so we go pretty often. In my experience, most of the locals are pretty tourist friendly- HOWEVER..

During both of the Grand Runs and at Shades Of The Past, parking is at a premium- to the point of stores and hotels charging up to $50 a day for "display" parking. It's probably a pretty reasonable fee for private parking due to the amount of traffic your car will see. I've bought and sold several cars at these shows.

If you have a need for a spot that is well displayed, this is the best way to deal with it.

I would guess that the merchant that was rude probably figured you for somebody looking to park and walk around awhile. Normally not a problem, but considering the volume of people there during these shows, he wrongly assumed you were not just going in his store. I can see his point that his store wouldn't be accessible if folks just dropped their cars off for hours at a time. He obviously didn't take time to find out...

Exactly. The problem is, he went about things the wrong way. He automatically assumed that he was parking to leave it before even asking. Because he has the right, he should be able to time how long a vehicle sits there before calling a tow vehicle. That's what most businesses do. I know the book store next to the big BP station hires an armed guard to watch what people do. As long as you're shopping, he leaves you alone, but watches how long you're there. If he sees you parking just to park, then he will ask you to leave.

There is plenty of public/pay to park places one block off of the strip, it's usually 5 bucks for all day. There's a couple different churches I try to use, and the folks are friendly.

There's a free public parking lot right off Teaster lane, which is not far from the strip. The only issue, though, is it's ok for regular cars, but most aren't willing to park their prized possessions in a lot too far to be able to watch. I know I'm not willing to park my 68 back there.

One of the main problems, especially at the Grand Run is all the doofusses that come out just to party and throw down like a buncha teenagers. These are the guys who leave beer cans everywhere, do burnouts on the public roads (too near large crowds of people) and generally disrespect private property and common sense. I don't have any problem with folks having fun, but this is why the attitude of some of the locals. A few goofballs can spoil it for everybody.
This pretty much hits the nail on the head. Most real "car guys" are respectful and know how to behave. It's the "let's get drunk and party" crowd that could care less about the cars that tend to make a mess of things.
This is why we can't have nice things..

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Old 09-23-2013, 06:08 PM   #13
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Im not going to give the name of the shop that this happened to me this time but here is a little more info , I just had got there ! my girlfriend was looking for a couple pair of flip flops ! yes that is what we stopped for ! it was Thursday morning about 10AM it was NOT crowded , I backed into the first parking spot at the end of the shops parking lot and I have been to pigeon forge enough to know that it WAS THAT SHOPS PARKING SPACE but I was letting her go in to buy something which in my mind should be ok ? I swear guy's I stepped out and was going to shut my door AND THIS GUY THE OWNER WAS ALREADY IN FRONT OF MY CAR SAYING YOU CANT PARK HERE ! I rode my 67 C10 the week before and this time I was in my 67 Camaro , like I said above this has happened to me before so I told the guy WE ARE GOING INTO UR SHOP ! he did NOT want that Camaro on his lot AT ALL !!!! cant help but think if I was in a 2013 Cadillac he would not have even gave me a second look ! that's not the worst part ! my girlfriend went into his shop AND HE CAME BACK OUT AND TOLD ME TO LEAVE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND IN HIS SHOP !! now I will be honest this did NOT sit well with me ! I did the right thing and just let it go ,,, when she came back out with a purchase ! we left , now if anybody can tell me I did something wrong id like to know what ? I was in an old car he thought I was the bad guy sort of a shoot first ask questions later type attitude he had , THIS GUY WAS NO FOREIGNER EITHER ! he was an American , it just really was uncalled for we would have been there 15 minutes or so and none of this was needed , in my opinion
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Old 09-23-2013, 08:01 PM   #14
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I can't recall being treated any nicer than we were at Maggie Valley when the Chevy/GMC Nationals moved over there.The people there seem to know that that is how they will be able to continue to live in a small mountain town.Restuarants,hotels and even the city employees were very nice and welcomed all.I would imagine that PF has had so much of the good life that they are somewhat jaded.
I think it's a question of PF getting so much of it that they feel they are in charge.People will get tired of their attitude and the overcrowding and go elsewhere.
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Old 09-23-2013, 08:14 PM   #15
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Brad, you have every right to be upset over this. It was uncalled for. I'm a laid back and very passive person, but my wife isn't. She would have lit into the guy very quickly.

On another note, did you stay at Colonial House again? I drove by several times during the two weekends and never saw you or your truck/car.

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Old 09-23-2013, 09:20 PM   #16
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I did not stay at the coloniel house this time I do like that hotel not a bad thing to say about it , I saw you two or three times but I was always on one side of the road and you were on the other LOL , I went both weekends , I actually had fun I love all the cars and trucks , as you well know im just a hobbiest not there to sell anything or party I just love the classic cars and truck's ,,
1967 C10 Shortbed Fleetside Small back glass
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:23 PM   #17
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

20 years ago I can remember hand painted signs in some of the shops that said WELCOME HOT RODDERS !
1967 C10 Shortbed Fleetside Small back glass
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:45 PM   #18
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

I own a few places in Pigeon Forge, I have never had a problem with the shop owners. The only problems I have had are the Tourists. But I haven't ever participated in a show down there.

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Old 09-23-2013, 10:50 PM   #19
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Good experience or bad that is absolutely no way to treat prospective customers though. It reminds me of a similar occurance I had many years ago. Main street paralell parking infront of stores. I park, get out with a tv set to take into the repair shop and the owner of another store comes out and gets in my face practically screeming at me, telling me I cannot park in front of his store to go into someone else's store. They are side by side. I was a young man and minded my manners since he was an older man. Oh I went just where I intended to with the tv but I didn't say what I really wanted to. Just sitting here thinking about it still burns my hide. He accomplished only one thing with that encounter. His bad behavior only assured I would never set foot in his premise for anything. I wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

As far as your experience Brad how could anyone look at your restored Camaro and think you were bad people? I mean, really?
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Old 09-24-2013, 08:11 AM   #20
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Re: Pigeon Forge TN Id like 67 to 72 owners opinion's !

Sounds like that shop owner needs to sell his shop and head out if he's this stressed out. The rod runs are the "only" time I've gone to Pigeon Forge. The Smokey Mtn region has far too much to offer to waste time in a tourist trap full of the knuckleheads and crowds I'm trying to escape while on vacation...unless it's a rod run. Time was when it was all hot rod enthusiasts and we pretty much all had enough sense and class to know what it took to assure the event continued. Now you have all kinds making it a circus. It's not just the moaning cow diesel stackers and coffee can rice burners,but they have kicked the annoyance level up ten notches. There are also jerks who own the stuff that belongs who don't know it's cool to cruise easy in town and,if you have something truly badass,it doesn't take a burnout to show off. Just let that thing thump at idle through town. Anyone who knows what they see and hear know what's bad and what isn't.
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