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Old 12-31-2015, 08:19 PM   #1
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Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Something i hear so often from so many that wonder in to this hobbie or way of life.

Most say they are not a Body man or Mechanic.I hear i want a cab with no cancer and i want a running truck that has no problems.It sounds simple.

Most of the veterans that bleed for this hobbie that have over 15-25 of of these truck Know what to look for when they go looking at trucks for sale.Some of the guys are flippers.Good money in there trucks.

Now here is the rear Question.When is it best to spend a little more then be cheap.Will explain.

Lets say you are looking at 2 trucks.The cost of one is a steal $900.00 they other one is 2500.00.

Ya you can pay 900.00 for a basket case Needs cancer work needs interior wire harness motor.

Now for a new comers what is the best advise you can give them.

A check list easy real easy.

first of all is now days a cab with AC That's first on my list.But what you really need is a cab with NO cancer or only 5% max is 15% for me.

so CAB with NO cancer and AC some times best to bring a flash light and a Creeper or a big peace of cardboard If there is a lot of Grease under the cab that's good cus road salt grease don't like each other very much a dry under carrage is not always a welcome site.

One thing i look for is abuse.Mostly on the frame look for the front shock holes most in the back east states with salt eats up Frames and the shocks get loose and you have a bigger hole Cancer like to east steal as much as tin just takes a little longer.

Making sure the frame is straight

But my main this is If you can spend a little more for a trucks that has has the body work done and the wiring down right and you have a good rolling chassis with no motor for 5000.00 BUY it if your not good with body or putting stuff together.

Motors and transmissions and rear ends are easy If you can wait and find some one that having a hardship and they spent the farm on there truck and need to sell it for dirt cheap Buy it you will like you and your pocket book later.

Most of the Flippers Call them scores Big money scores
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Old 12-31-2015, 09:38 PM   #2
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

In my opinion I wouldn't even fret over an ac cab anymore. Even with one is likely to upgrade to vintage air anyway.

So my priority would be structural condition of frame and body. Everything else one does with these anymore is so personal paint scheme stance wheels tires even powertrain
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Old 12-31-2015, 10:12 PM   #3
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

My favorite is listening to people gripe that a body panel made overseas on dies that are a copy of a copy of a copy of an original 45 year old die... don't just bolt right in with no problems. Heck the OE and NOS parts don't even bolt right in without a little finesse!

'cuz chicks dig scars...

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The Rebuild of Creeping Death after the wreck

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I would never rebuild a 305.
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I love using vacuum gauges as part of the carb tuning process. I hook the gauge to the inside of my garbage can and leave it there.
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Its cheaper to listen to advice given when you ask for help than it is to ignore everyone and wait for carnage.
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Old 12-31-2015, 10:22 PM   #4
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

When I started this, one of the old guys I knew told me that a project should be broken into three parts. Body, interior and mechanical. And in order for a project to be viable it must have 2 out of 3.

Nowadays things are a bit different. With the sky high body shop rates, body condition is all I care about. Obvious abuse not withstanding. I view cancer as an iceberg. You can only see 15% of what's there.

68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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Old 12-31-2015, 10:25 PM   #5
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by GASoline71 View Post
My favorite is listening to people gripe that a body panel made overseas on dies that are a copy of a copy of a copy of an original 45 year old die... don't just bolt right in with no problems. Heck the OE and NOS parts don't even bolt right in without a little finesse!

Truer words were never spoken. I wish more people would realize this. Hell, when these trucks were built the panels didn't fit that great.

Here is an all original, one owner truck that has never been hit or repainted. Look at the door fitment, it's definitely not up to today's standards 😬
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68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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Old 12-31-2015, 10:27 PM   #6
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

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Old 12-31-2015, 11:10 PM   #7
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I have never bought a truck, even got this one for just completing a "contract" of sorts. *Mafia hit, old mobster was low on cash so gave me this truck for a successful hit

People get what they pay for......and most people want to pay as little as possible!

If I was going to buy a truck, after finding LWB and manual transmission, I'd be checking out the body.
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Old 12-31-2015, 11:18 PM   #8
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Mechanical stuff is easy to fix and cheaper than bodywork.
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1992 K1500 GMC Suburban

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Old 12-31-2015, 11:24 PM   #9
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

if you have to pay someone else to build it for you your just better off buying one that's already finished and ready to drive down the road . you'll be cruising next week and for less money and time .
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Old 01-01-2016, 09:27 AM   #10
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Talking Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I bought my '71 as a "Basket Case" and I have done everything except paint, and with the initial cost of the truck (parts and more parts) rental truck/trailer, etc... having built the engine myself, totally rebuilt the entire chassis myself, powder coated everything that I could myself ( my Uncle has a big powder coating oven and powder gun setup) all I had to do was buy the powder. The transmission I had my brother-in - law build for me, because that was what he does for a living, I just bought the parts. the many trips to LMC/Classic parts, Randy's place (Teeitup) and Mike Castillo, I bet I am at least, $8500 into this project, not counting what the labor would have cost if I had to farm it out, I hate to even think what that would have run me.....

My Wife doesn't even want to hear the word "truck" in any conversation, although, when I get to work overtime, that seems to shut her right up....... Nickel and dime you say, I think I wrote the book on that!!! I also did a lot of trade work, traded parts, sold parts, you name it, I've done it. but, this is a passion I feel very strongly about, and resurrecting one of these "Ladies" is a form or therapy for me I guess, my only problem is finding the time to work on it, between my work and the "Honey Do List"

If I had it to do over again, you bet I would!!!
Have a Happy New year!!!
Ben Smith
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Old 01-01-2016, 10:53 AM   #11
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

After watching some of these car shows like "Phantom Works"I figure that the last complete frame off restoration that I did with my son, would have cost about $70,000 if I had been paying "restoration shop rates" for parts and labor. Fortunately, I was able to do 90% of the work myself. My advice to anyone who lacks the time, skills, or tools to do the work, and still wants to own a classic truck, is to find something that is already finished,( as long as it has been done right) and buy it. You will be money ahead, even though you pay a lot more up front.
"Negative people always seem to have a problem for every solution"
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Old 01-01-2016, 12:41 PM   #12
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Or as I have told people who want to get involved in the old car/truck hobby, if you don't like the prices of parts, etc., don't get involved. If you have no experience with the hobby, have no resources, tools, extra parts, contacts, just enjoy looking at the car/trucks and leave it at that. This isn't a cheap hobby any more.
1971 Cheyenne Super C-20 402 4 speed
1970 El Camino L-48 350
1999 Chevy Z-71 Extended Cab 4x4
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Old 01-01-2016, 01:21 PM   #13
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I would like to just Quote all of you. Well said guy's

Happy New Year.
64 C-10, 406 sbc
th350, ford 9" floater
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Old 01-01-2016, 01:28 PM   #14
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Talking Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Amen! I'm a Camaro nut, having owned 9 of them over the years. I restored a 1969 plain sport coupe, and that alone was $8500.00 after adding up all the receipts. You would be lucky to find a rusted out hulk needing virtually every panel replaced, for under $'s crazy the prices these cars/projects are going for. In hindsight, I probably would have been better off buying one that someone else started, or had mostly completed. But, I wanted to build one and here I am. I totally agree that it's not a task for the person without major resources (or the building to put it all together in for that matter)
I was all set to purchase a Shelby Cobra kit car, had put away most every piece I needed to build it (Factory Five replica) but when the wife and I sat down and added up the projected cost to build it the way I wanted (Conservatively priced)
It came out to $35K well, you could have heard a pin drop, and then it was hell no.......the rest is history.....
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Old 01-01-2016, 01:59 PM   #15
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie


I did that with a Cobra Replica (classic Roadsters). I bought one that someone had completely taken apart. They were going to build a full race car and lost interest in that one.

Anyway, I bought it for a real good $$, less motor and trans figuring as long as all of the parts were there I could just pop it right back together. When I did not like some of the parts that were there I bought new aftermarket parts. By the time that I was done with it (not finished as these cars are never finished) I had over 45K in it and I did not even have to paint it.

My truck (70 GMC SB fender side) was in good to great shape when I found it. Changed a couple of things on it and still only have less than 9K in it.
Soon to be retired and moving to Bristol, TN.
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Old 01-01-2016, 02:36 PM   #16
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Ive been doing this for 30yrs. Its a hobby for those of us that bring home worn out cars and have the vision of what it could be when were done. Setting some low price on what it will cost is unrealistic. This is time consuming. A typical project could easily take 5yrs before something is driving down the driveway.

What ive told my coworkers when they see my toys and they want to get a old car/truck. This is not a hobby to get into with entry level skills, entry level budget, single car garage, a spouse that expects a certain amount of your attention, or if you have kids that demand alot of your time.

Advice I also give. For 15-20k you can buy a really nice car/truck within reason. No big block camaros ect. but a nice small block car. So lets say you have 3500.00 laying around, you borrow another 15k from the credit union, and have a 315.00 payment for 5yrs. You buy a nice 72c10 that is done, or any 1978-82 corvette ect. Your driving the day you buy it and your enjoying it while your buddy is spending 300.00 a month fixing a junker for the next 5yrs. Ok whos the winner.
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Old 01-01-2016, 03:12 PM   #17
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by Myoldtruck View Post
Ive been doing this for 30yrs. Its a hobby for those of us that bring home worn out cars and have the vision of what it could be when were done. Setting some low price on what it will cost is unrealistic. This is time consuming. A typical project could easily take 5yrs before something is driving down the driveway.

What ive told my coworkers when they see my toys and they want to get a old car/truck. This is not a hobby to get into with entry level skills, entry level budget, single car garage, a spouse that expects a certain amount of your attention, or if you have kids that demand alot of your time.

Advice I also give. For 15-20k you can buy a really nice car/truck within reason. No big block camaros ect. but a nice small block car. So lets say you have 3500.00 laying around, you borrow another 15k from the credit union, and have a 315.00 payment for 5yrs. You buy a nice 72c10 that is done, or any 1978-82 corvette ect. Your driving the day you buy it and your enjoying it while your buddy is spending 300.00 a month fixing a junker for the next 5yrs. Ok whos the winner.
Exactly! Very true. I am on both sides of this. Having bought a blazer in very good shape and just customized it to my liking and being in the process of doing a full custom build on my Shortbox.

The only problem with buying one finished or almost finished is dealing with the enthusiast who think that because YOU didn't build it from scratch like they say THEY did, you are somehow less of an enthusiast. I ignore them but it does get old very quickly.

68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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Old 01-01-2016, 03:19 PM   #18
Redline novdog
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I don't know why I get sucked into these opinionated threads, must be fun LOL. There are situations for everyone. I myself just keep mine running, yeah I could sink $30 g's in it but why? It hauls I'm not taking it across country,etc...
For those that don't/can't work/build a vehicle then they have to buy. Unless you are independently wealthy you look for the best you can afford.
I personally like the challenge of repair,fab,weld paint,machine!!! Am I good at any of these,No but it sure is fun!
It builds on my intelligence when I make a mistake, Boy am I building on it!
'67 C-10,'70 Nova SS
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Old 01-01-2016, 04:00 PM   #19
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I'm trying..... not to.................get ...sucked......................into thi................................................................................

Nah, it's already been said. If you have to pay for the labor you are better off paying for a nice turn key truck.

If you do it all yourself it costs what it costs and you did it because you wanted to.
"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

GMC '67 C1500 Wideside Super Custom SWB: 327/M22/3.42 posi.........."The '67" (project)
GMC '72 K2500 Wideside Sierra Custom Camper: 350/TH350/4.10 Power-Lok..."The '72" (rolling)

"Don't call me a redneck. I'm a rough cut country gentleman"

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Old 01-01-2016, 04:34 PM   #20
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by Redline novdog View Post
I don't know why I get sucked into these opinionated threads, must be fun LOL. There are situations for everyone. I myself just keep mine running, yeah I could sink $30 g's in it but why? It hauls I'm not taking it across country,etc...
For those that don't/can't work/build a vehicle then they have to buy. Unless you are independently wealthy you look for the best you can afford.
I personally like the challenge of repair,fab,weld paint,machine!!! Am I good at any of these,No but it sure is fun!
That is what these vehicles are about, Every time I fix one thing I find another thing to fix. 45 years old what do you expect. I still drive mine daily and without it I would lose a ton of function-ability in life.

They haul, move, transfer me and my property everywhere. Most repairs are done less expensive that almost every other vehicle out there. The technology during the day had been around for half a century when these were produced is my guess.

I am thinking of adding a sacrificial anode to deal with the rust like on a boat!
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Old 01-01-2016, 04:49 PM   #21
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by Myoldtruck View Post
Ive been doing this for 30yrs. Its a hobby for those of us that bring home worn out cars and have the vision of what it could be when were done. Setting some low price on what it will cost is unrealistic. This is time consuming. A typical project could easily take 5yrs before something is driving down the driveway.

What ive told my coworkers when they see my toys and they want to get a old car/truck. This is not a hobby to get into with entry level skills, entry level budget, single car garage, a spouse that expects a certain amount of your attention, or if you have kids that demand alot of your time.

Advice I also give. For 15-20k you can buy a really nice car/truck within reason. No big block camaros ect. but a nice small block car. So lets say you have 3500.00 laying around, you borrow another 15k from the credit union, and have a 315.00 payment for 5yrs. You buy a nice 72c10 that is done, or any 1978-82 corvette ect. Your driving the day you buy it and your enjoying it while your buddy is spending 300.00 a month fixing a junker for the next 5yrs. Ok whos the winner.

I couldn't have said it better myself and I've met a few people that went the 1500. rough truck that they were going to fix up route and 5 years and 10k later it still isn't roadworthy.
1972 C10 Custom/Deluxe 613 Highlander 406/700R4
1999 White Tahoe LS 4x2 with Z56 Police Package
1992 K1500 GMC Suburban

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Old 01-01-2016, 05:10 PM   #22
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by Myoldtruck View Post
What ive told my coworkers when they see my toys and they want to get a old car/truck. This is not a hobby to get into with entry level skills, entry level budget, single car garage,
30 years or not, that's a BS attitude to spew to newcomers to the hobby.
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Old 01-01-2016, 05:12 PM   #23
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

I posted this reply earlier in the paint section in response to finding a cheaper price on paint work :

I used to have this printed on the back of my business cards ...

Quality work

Fast time frame

Low price

Pick two !

You can't get a fast time frame and quality work for a low price

You cant get a fast time frame and low price and expect quality work

You can't get a low price and quality and expect it to be fast .

Searching for low cost paint work leads to the never ending body shop prison , lost parts and neither you nor the shop owner will be happy when it finally leaves .Inside storage is expensive no matter where your located and quality takes time .
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Old 01-01-2016, 05:13 PM   #24
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Originally Posted by Myoldtruck View Post
Ive been doing this for 30yrs. Its a hobby for those of us that bring home worn out cars and have the vision of what it could be when were done. Setting some low price on what it will cost is unrealistic. This is time consuming. A typical project could easily take 5yrs before something is driving down the driveway.

What ive told my coworkers when they see my toys and they want to get a old car/truck. This is not a hobby to get into with entry level skills, entry level budget, single car garage, a spouse that expects a certain amount of your attention, or if you have kids that demand alot of your time.

Advice I also give. For 15-20k you can buy a really nice car/truck within reason. No big block camaros ect. but a nice small block car. So lets say you have 3500.00 laying around, you borrow another 15k from the credit union, and have a 315.00 payment for 5yrs. You buy a nice 72c10 that is done, or any 1978-82 corvette ect. Your driving the day you buy it and your enjoying it while your buddy is spending 300.00 a month fixing a junker for the next 5yrs. Ok whos the winner.
Pretty good take!

I built my C10. Hated it. It was expensive and exhaustive, and I wasn't satisfied with how my work (paint job) came out. It was much better than most, but still didn't feel happy with it with all the time and effort.

I "bought" my 65 Mustang. I bought the cleanest, most original, most rust free car with the best paint job I could afford. I then added PDB and rebuilt the suspension. Redid the interior and stereo and added lots of sound deadener. Added a 5 speed manual OD trans. All stuff that never really took the car off the road for more than a couple weekends, or a couple months at the most, at a time, and it was all work I knew I could do and was proud of the results. I now have a pretty sweet car that I enjoy the heck out of and drive just about anywhere (made the 3,500 mile round trip for the entire 2015 Power Tour.)

I'll also throw this out there too... I didn't want a 65 mustang, I wanted a 67/68 Camaro. Couldn't afford 20-25K for a "good one" that might need a little work. I paid half that for the 65 Mustang Coupe, and with all my improvements still way under any Camaro I looked at. Which is also why you're starting to see more and more trucks, wagons, and 4 doors show up at shows and cruise nights. Guys that love this stuff will buy what they can afford.

The C10 is getting another makeover (been 10 years now) but this one will be more of a functional makeover and "make it cool." So yeah, I'm going to do a patina shop truck. Why? Because I don't have the time or money for one of those $ paint jobs, nor do I wish to have a "show truck" that might get a rock chip.. it's hard enough keeping the Mustang looking good.
Jesse James
1967 C10 SWB Stepside: 350/700R4/3.73
1965 Ford Mustang: 289/T5-5spd/3.25 Trac-Loc
1968 Pontiac Firebird: Project Fire Chicken!
2015 Silverado Double Cab 5.3L Z71
2001 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4.0L 5spd
2020 Chevrolet Equinox Premium 2.0L Turbo
2011 Mustang V6 ~ Wife's ride
American Born, Country by the Grace of God
1967 CST Shop Truck Rebuild!
My 1967 C-10 Build Thread
My Vintage Air A/C Install
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Old 01-01-2016, 05:39 PM   #25
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Re: Why do people Nickle and dime this hobbie

Some of us also are just getting to darn old and wore out to be able to do much anymore. Mostly because we did it for so darn long (without asking for help "because I'm a man", that I/we can hardly hold a wrench anymore because it just hurts too bad.

But in that case, I don't complain on the cost if I can't do it myself.
Soon to be retired and moving to Bristol, TN.
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