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Old 04-21-2003, 02:22 AM   #1
Phillip Johnson
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Angry Anyone else feel like I do????

Im watching the news with the lap top on my lap, and here we are again hearing about the jerk that killed his wife and unborn baby. IT makes me want to PUKE. I for one, have lost a child and I cant see how any human could do such a thing. I will NEVER get over the loss of my ONLY daughter. I know this is a truck website but IM REALLY PI$$ED that anyone could think this guy didnt do it! Excuse me while I clean the barf off my key board.
Ok, now Ive vented. I will calm down now and go back to looking for parts to buy..

Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 04-21-2003 at 02:59 AM.
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Old 04-21-2003, 02:36 AM   #2
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I here yeh man
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Old 04-21-2003, 03:05 AM   #3
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my buddy

just lost his son today to a motorcycle accident. He laid the bike down and his helmut came off. So, he was a vegetable, and they let him go this afternoon. I was so shook, I spent the afternoon crappie fishing on a lake just to "enjoy life". I believe Lacys husband is a lying sack of crap, and she had a smile that just radiated. I to am choked.
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Old 04-21-2003, 03:29 AM   #4
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there is no excuse for what that freak done to his family
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Old 04-21-2003, 07:59 AM   #5
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Yeah, Lacy was very pretty and the baby never had a chance. They sould give him the chair.
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Old 04-21-2003, 08:05 AM   #6
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it should be a long slow painful death the chair is to quick
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Old 04-21-2003, 09:57 AM   #7
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I'm torn up. I want his sorry yellow @ss killed, but that lets him off too easy. I want him locked up for life, but why should the tax payers support his @ss for 60 years?
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Old 04-21-2003, 10:08 AM   #8
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I couldn't believe it when i saw that on the news. It just makes a person sick to think that a person could do thas to their spouse and their unborn baby. I hope he gets what is coming to him in the end. Unfortunately, this can't bring back the 2 innocent people that were taken from this world. I know if my wife and I lost either of our 2 kids, our world would come to an end.
This guy should FRY!!!!
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Old 04-21-2003, 10:17 AM   #9
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It's a tragic and terrible thing. Personally, I'm fed up with all this network news frenzy around the asshole, I don't want to hear anything more about him untill they flip the switch to fry his ass! The news media has no conscience, they make me want to puke! Her poor family, if things aren't already bad enough for them, the media just intensifies it!
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Old 04-21-2003, 10:24 AM   #10
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Talking about the media. The today show interviewed HIS parents, and the mom says it's like some nazi witch hunt, and the dad says the police messed up the investigation.

Now that has gone too far. Lacy's family are suffering too much, then they have to hear from these @ssholes.
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Old 04-21-2003, 11:31 AM   #11
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Doesn't anyone remember the basic premise that one is innocent until proven guilty?

The mere fact that her body has been found is not proof that he killed her.

If someone killed your wife, odds are you would be the prime suspect. The police are sometimes blinded by the easy route and do not look beyond the first and most obvious choice.

I'd like to wait for a bit more evidence before I convict and execute him for the crime.
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Old 04-21-2003, 12:17 PM   #12
Getting cabin fever?!?!?!
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if he is guilty i say kill him. then shock him back to life, and nurse him back to health. then do it again, and again, and again. no drugs to kill the pain and a different way each time. just like those two snipers. once convicted they should be set free with the knowledge that some one has a gun on them at all times and they will die, someday. not going to happen but it would be poetic. enuf rambling, how bout those leafs?
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Old 04-21-2003, 12:28 PM   #13
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who would ever want to believe their kid could do such a heinous thing thats why the parents took that tack on the arrest of their son and ya know what i believe every good parent out there would do the same at first especially with the initial shock of the arrest. Once there is a trial and it is proven beyond a shred of doubt that this guy killed his very prety wife and unborn daughter, then they should make him serve his sentence prior to that its all premature all the anger and all by the way police do mess up investigations all the time it looks like this guy did it, but trials sort it all out our system stinks but it still sorta works

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Old 04-21-2003, 02:04 PM   #14
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Yes, He is a sick individual that rightly deserves to die a slow painful death...but i dont know if you can kill someone slowly enough to get your worth out of that scumbag.
Hopefully he will get his in prison.
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Old 04-21-2003, 04:42 PM   #15
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I can't say I know he did it and either can any of you.
But it sure does look like it (I think he did do it).
I couldnt believe the bodies were found right were he claimed to be fishing that day, how stupid is he?
I heard that he concreted them or tied them to concrete or something and it came loose and thats how the bodies washed up on shore. I think that if he is found guilty he should be put to death.
Why do they wait so long to execute these people who or found guilty?
I like our system, but all these appeals and other tricks they have to delay an execution is not right. You have 24 hours to see a judge after arrest, you should have 24 hours to live after being found guilty, unless there is a reasonable appeal.
I watched something on TV about how long they estimated it to take before he was put to death after conviction. I cant rmember the time, but it was wayyyyy to long.
Why cant all the states be like Texas and get rid of these worthless low lifes?

Anyone hear about the guy who was killing those hookers in the downtown Phoenix area? I guess he possibly killed some people in OK and TX, were he previously lived. He should also be put to death asap. Anyone in the OK and TX area hear about this guy?
Check this out:

Ohh yeah I forgot about him getting caught with $10k and his brothers ID.

Last edited by PHOENIX; 04-21-2003 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 04-21-2003, 05:01 PM   #16
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I Would say he did it for the simple fact he changed his looks and
was caught with all that money on him and the day she came up missing he was on the water fishing yea right. i say hang him
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Old 04-21-2003, 09:25 PM   #17
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Send him my way. I am really REALLY bored.
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Old 04-22-2003, 02:57 AM   #18
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am i twisted

for saying that I would like to be the one to put the bullets in his knees, arms, crotch, and maybe later his head? Yellow gmc has the right idea. bring him back, put him out. bring him back. He is not worth a drop of piss and killing a kid makes me want to sit behind the grassy knoll.
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Old 04-22-2003, 03:23 AM   #19
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Just my .02,
He is not quilty yet and just becasue the police arrested him doesn't mean a thing to me.
The police mess up quite a bit.
You know the "thin blue line"?
They are across it and to me that means they think they are always right no matter what.

Any moran that kills his kid should be sent to a medium security prison for a "short" life.
In a max security prison, other inmates have very limited access to a person so there is very little chance of "prison justice".
From what I have heard.....a person that does anything to a kid would not last five minutes in general population.

Another motive I see is that the killer did not seem to care (or even know) that the lady was pregnant.
This would suggest someone else as the killer 'cause as you know, fathers don't often do this kind of thing.
Too late now 'cause the police are "always" right and they have their man.
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Old 04-22-2003, 05:20 AM   #20
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Yea, he may be inocent until proven guilty, but his actions are doing just that. 1st, who would go fishing on christmas eve by themselves with their wife at home pregnant? Now I could see if it was friends or family getting togeather for a day of fishing, but alone, in the bay. I dont think so. 2nd, I live in modesto and I'll tell you there are a lot of verygood fishing lakes and rivers near here, also the ca. delta is close. Why would you drive all the way to berkly marina to fish. That is an hour and a half drive, and the fishing aint so great there. No I think he did it the night before and did some very poor planning to get rid of the body. The dumb a$$ probly thought the sharks would take care of the bodys. 3rd, my wife opens the curtains first thing every morning like a religon. Laci's sister said Laci did the same thing. But the neibors say they were closed all day. Scott says she took the dog for a walk. Lie! Even Laci's sister says she would have opened the curtains first. I dont think she woke up in that house that morning. 4th, he was having an affair, and lied about it to the cops. 5th, he made the cops get a search warrent for his house. If my wife was missing, I would let them do what ever they wanted to try and help find her. What was he trying to hide. 6th he tried to sell the house less than 2 months after she was missing, and did sell her SUV. Why, cause he new she was not ever coming home. 7th, is an easyone. who the hell dont think that dumba$$ was changing his looks and getting cash so he could make a run for the border. Everything he's done screams GUILTY.
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Old 04-24-2003, 12:48 AM   #21
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Old 04-24-2003, 03:47 AM   #22
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this guy is going to be i the courts for years. 5 days ago, 19 Apirl 2003, was the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Terry Nickels is still in the court system. justice doesn't work fast enough. if you ever pass thru Oklahoma, visit the Memorial. if not to see what kind of devastation was caused, then see what they made from that devastation. off topic but i thought it had something to do with this ongoing horror.
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Old 04-24-2003, 12:56 PM   #23
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well I'll wait until he's convicted in a court of law before i suggest any tortorous punishments
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Old 04-24-2003, 03:43 PM   #24
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I think that he is totally GUILTY !! As far as the punishment. Well let me just say this, the USA is way to easy on KILLERS. Granted there are millions of reasons for why we are so easy on them. But what the fuk, a person who takes another persons life should face the same punishment. If Lacy was my daughter, I would want to see Scott tied to a post in the middle of town. I would post a sign explaining what he has done to my family, and ask the town to figure out what to do to him. How do you think that would turn out......

I think they need to take him apart little bit at a time, make the fuc*er suffer, for a few weeks. Then let him heal and start over.
Or evenbetter sting him up over a large bucket of acid and slowly dip him in, one inch at a time. I would love to get a hold of that man. He is a peice of sh*t. I have been following this case really close and as Ron's68 stated he has done everything wrong, and he is totally GUILTY !!

I have only been a father for 2 3/4 years and I would never do anything to hurt my son or my wife. They are the greatest things that have ever happened to me. The day my wife told me that she was pregnant, I fainted, I was so scared. It was the happiest day of my life. How someone could be so brutial, to take there wife's life and the life of there unborn child, is beond me. I have raddled on long enough. I feel better now getting that out.
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Old 04-25-2003, 01:40 AM   #25
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i say we chain him b etween 2 trucks and play tug of war with him for what he has done i know that souinds a little sick but that is what he deserves for what he has done.
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