Originally Posted by RustyPile
I'm not absolutely positive how the factory dome light is wired in on a '59.. But here's how the AAW dome light circuit works..
From the fuse box, the orange wire carries current to the dome light bulb. The dome light housing is plastic, the bulb socket is not grounded through the housing.. The current passes through the bulb filament, through the white wire to the door switch.. The white wire is the ground path and if it touches a ground source anywhere, the dome light will come on.. Don't be confused when you check voltages.. When the door is closed or the door switch is deactivated, voltage will appear on both the orange wire and white wire, that's normal.. The voltage on the white wire has "passed through" the bulb and is "seeking" a ground path in order to complete the circuit..
Theres the problem. My dome light it metal as is the socket. It works as it should until I screw the domelight to the cab. The paint keeps the current from flowing but the screws go thru the paint into the metal cab. The dome light works as long as I dont screw it in. I need an insulated socket