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Old 12-06-2015, 06:55 PM   #26
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Originally Posted by 1project2many View Post
I work with a guy who prefers the three window trucks and I agree with him. To me the "extra" windows look like an afterthought stuffed into the corners on a whim. Vertical lines down the cab corner get broken by glare and reflection while the horizontal lines are all mismatched... the bottom of the corner glass matches the door but not the rear glass while the top line of the door just ends without wrapping around to the back. I always appreciate a well done truck and it's certainly not the fault of someone today for GM's design, but to build one??

If I thought I wanted something unique, though, I might consider finding a good artist to paint something on the back of the cab resembling a window that you can "see through." With the truck looking so original it might be neat if people looking from the back saw a glimpse of a driver or passenger in period correct clothes and several vintage cars parked on the street in front.
That's a really interesting idea! The more input I get the more I realize the 2 extra Windows do look like an afterthought. I still love a nice 5 window, but you all are helping me appreciate a 3 window even more.
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Old 12-06-2015, 07:46 PM   #27
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Re: 5 window conversion question

I have to say, the visibility out of a five window is REALLLLLLY nice to have. But the the three window has a much older feel.

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Old 12-06-2015, 09:58 PM   #28
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Re: 5 window conversion question

I always find it interesting that two people can look at the same truck and one will love it and the other hate it. Both car guys and both looking at the exact same truck but have diametrically opposing opinions of what they see. I like 5 windows, not real struck on 3 windows while others, like posted by 1project2many like 3 windows and don't like 5 windows. I also like BBW in the later models. My '57 is BBW as is my '64. The guy that did the out of provence inspection on my '57 has a REAL sweet '56. I LOVE everything about it except the small back window (never have and never will tell him that). He HATES BBW trucks and told me if he had his way, he would close in the back window all together on his '56. There are a LOT of hot rods out there that I dislike the way they are done (and I keep that opinion to myself unless asked) but what i would hate worse would be for them all to look the same. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with.
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Old 12-06-2015, 10:31 PM   #29
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Originally Posted by 49 CHEVY View Post
I'm pretty particular with my stuff and that method wouldn't suit me well. I just think your stance from the get go has been to "school" me or tell me I'm not making sense. Get past it, just looking for technical help. The terms you have used have been in a **** talking manor, which is not necessary. Let's squash it now,I'm really not interested what you have to say.
yeah, mr48chevy came off as quite the opinionated prick from the get go. I bet the azzhole doesn't even have the fortitude to check his attitude and dole out the apology he owes you. This forum is to help people with their questions, not to be douche.

Glad others responded to you with constructive thought!

Good luck with your build sir!
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Old 12-06-2015, 11:11 PM   #30
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Hahaha thanks bud. Yeah this is a place to share a common interest in old trucks, and offer advice, tips, and tricks to others....not argue with people about meaningless garbage. I appreciate the response man, and everyone else's HELPFUL opinions
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Old 12-06-2015, 11:22 PM   #31
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Re: 5 window conversion question

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This is the 49' we have been discussing for those interested. Follow the build progress on Instagram @stonerspeedshop , this guy is amazing!
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Old 12-06-2015, 11:40 PM   #32
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Nice Patina!
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Old 12-06-2015, 11:59 PM   #33
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Re: 5 window conversion question

"It's not patina, it's just dead worn out flaking off paint. What, are you part of the patina is cool brigade???" Lol. Thanks chopit, I have to agree with you. I think it's pretty nice looking, whatever you call the condition of the paint! I can't wait to see it done, and I'm sure I'll get over the lack of 5 Windows easily once it's all done up
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Old 12-07-2015, 12:00 AM   #34
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Sounds like you've decided to stick with the three window and I'll offer a few more words of encouragement on that. Cant go wrong either way on these trucks, but I'm also a three window fan. I agree with the above comment that the corner windows, while definitely functional in a big way, do kinda start to look a bit sloppy when you really stand back and consider the body lines of the cab. In my build, I considered doing a five window conversion but ultimately decided to stick with three window and I'm really happy with the decision. I think the end result is going to have a cleaner appearance.

One other comment that I think is pretty important. You mentioned a $40k budget. That's a real good chunk of change, but I think anyone could be surprised how fast a number like that can get eaten up when doing an in-depth build. The five window conversion would have been a labor-intensive item on your to-do list and because you're paying for that labor (nothing wrong with that!) it would have been a costly item. By saving those dollars, I think you'll be able to get a lot more value out of them for your build somewhere else on the truck.

Good luck and have fun with your build!
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Old 12-07-2015, 05:46 AM   #35
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Re: 5 window conversion question

thats a good looking truck! I will look for a big window 55.2-66 chevy if buying but I feel like the 5 window doesnt look correct on the 47-55, which has already been said.

dont worry about mr48, he will bandy about with anything he personally feels as a slight to his hobby, but that is exactly in line with the definition and spirit of a forum. you dont have to agree, but he should be able to say whatever he likes, no matter how provoking.
I only wish he would spend as much time building as he does talking about other peoples projects, but pobodies nerfect.
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Old 12-07-2015, 08:51 AM   #36
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Re: 5 window conversion question

I always find it interesting that two people can look at the same truck and one will love it and the other hate it. Both car guys and both looking at the exact same truck but have diametrically opposing opinions of what they see.
What's really interesting to me is how my tastes have changed over time. When I was young I couldn't stand the rounded Chevrolet cars of the late '40s and early '50s. They reminded me of WWII vintage helmets worn by German soldiers. Now they look good. Some day I'd love to build a 49-50 Olds fastback But the 55-56 Chevy cars that I loved back then look plain and uninspired today. I started with a BBW '55 pickup. It was the first vehicle I ever registered and I loved that style truck. Now it seems like there's not enough steel on the side of the cab in a BBW truck. It's definitely me as the trucks haven't changed.

yeah, mr48chevy came off as quite the opinionated prick from the get go. I bet the azzhole doesn't even have the fortitude to check his attitude and dole out the apology he owes you. This forum is to help people with their questions, not to be douche.
I find bashing other members distasteful all around. mr48chevy is a long time member, very knowledgeable and generally very helpful. I dunno about you but I grew up in a time when dragging a rusty truck out of the field or the woods and parading it around like a trophy was bound to get you laughed at. Some people that do it today are making a statement but there are quite a few that have jumped on the wagon 'cause it seems like the thing to do. What's worse is that people spend big time and money trying to acquire that look... Why? Does it give 'em street cred? I dunno, but it seems silly.

To the OP, I agree with the folks who said "Nice looking truck." It looks good. Leave the corner windows out, drive it, and enjoy what it is.
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Old 12-07-2015, 09:38 AM   #37
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Re: 5 window conversion question

I think for me, it's less about jumping on the band wagon, and more about a nice break from shiny cars I see every day. I work at a Lexus dealership, and see pristine paint jobs all day. I'm also a little ocd in my life and like things to be just so. Not only do I appreciate what weather does to metal over time, but it's a nice little mental break for me to be able to have something that's a little beat up, and not worry about sitting on a fender, or having bird crap on the hood. I'm definitely not the first guy to want a weathered looking truck, but I find real beauty in it and would much prefer any older vehicle to have that distressed look instead of a beautiful paint job that I'd hate to get out and drive in fear of getting a rock chip on my hood. However, I can not stand when people try to paint patina onto a truck to make it look natural...I feel like that is a complete waste of time in my eyes.
On another note, I'm very interested to see how many people prefer the 3 window trucks. I will always like the 5 Windows, but I always saw the 5 window option along the same lines as having a v6 or v8 option when buying a new car. V8 obviously right? I thought the 5 window was a no brainier. I see both sides of the argument, and now can appreciate both equally instead of wishing my 3 was a 5. Since I'm having the 49' 3 window built for me, and in working on a 5 window...I guess I'll have a choice which to drive so I don't have to wish I had one or the other
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Old 12-07-2015, 10:18 AM   #38
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Re: 5 window conversion question

Visually I like the 3 window better, but I could definitely see how a 5 window would be way more functional! The only way I would do a 5 window though was if I enlarged the big middle window to the same height of the corner windows. I think that would make it look alot less like an after thought, wont be original though

As for the patina thing, I can understand and appreciate their beauty. Mine will be a patina truck for a while until I can afford a nice paint job on it.

This is my version of "patina"
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Old 12-07-2015, 10:28 AM   #39
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Re: 5 window conversion question

That's a great looking truck! I love the dark red
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