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Old 11-27-2011, 02:03 PM   #51
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

I was born and raised around old c10's and have loved them ever since.
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1968 chevy lwb, getting ready to join forces with the 70 gmc
1970 gmc swb, getting ready to be a 68 chevy swb
1971 gmc lwb 2500 2wd Sierra Grande
1988 chevy 1-ton crew cab 2wd waiting for a 12v cummins
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Old 11-27-2011, 11:43 PM   #52
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

From my grandpa to my dad to me and hopefully to my kids. I first learned to drive my grandpa's 64 3 on the tree and my dad's 67 4 speed. Then I drove a 72 that my dad and I redid when I was in high school.

Been hooked ever since.
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Old 11-28-2011, 01:06 AM   #53
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

1. Growing up my dad had a 70 short fleet
2. I was always tought 4 letter words are bad "f o r d"
3. I just love GM
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__________________ LWB Fleet
1994 Buick Roadmaster
1994 GMC Sonoma
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Old 11-28-2011, 01:10 AM   #54
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

I was looking for a 54 5 Window Cab Chevy and stumbled on the BB 70 CST...the rest is history.
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67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.

1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc

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Old 11-28-2011, 01:52 AM   #55
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Growing up my friends dad had a 60-66. Then after that it was the guy down the street with two 67-72 swbs. Now I'm on my third tri-5, 1st square and I am on the hunt for a 67-72. I've said goodbye to to my last ford, and for different i've got a binder.
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:51 AM   #56
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Ive owned a few of both. (Not dodge, never owned a dodge). Work on a ford and then work on a closed. Plus, show me a ford that looks as good as the the 67-72's...aint gonna happen. Now, (and heres the kicker) tell me how many fords u see around from the same era? Not even close, its 10 to 1 from what I've seen.

1971 GMC Sierra Grande 2WD 1/2 ton, 350/400 auto
2008 Chevy Silverado 2WD 1/2 ton LT1 5.3L auto
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Old 11-28-2011, 12:45 PM   #57
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

I've always been partial to Fords. 25 years ago I was on the hunt for a nice F-100 but the only ones I could find were priced higher than Chevys of the same era. Reluctantly, I bought a 1970 C-20 with a 350 and four speed manual.
The Ocher paint made me crazy. I mean, what kinda color is that to put on a truck? It turned out that it was the best truck I had ever owned.
Years later I was on the hunt again. My instinct told me to get a Ford but I ended up with a 1971 Ocher Cheyenne. I guess I'm just destined to own Ocher.
Today, I wouldn't trade my Cheyenne for any two new trucks out there. I also wouldn't have any other color than Ocher.
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Old 11-28-2011, 01:00 PM   #58
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

My dad is what really got me started. He had a 70 swb 4x4 in high-school and loved it, then rolled it. He rebuilt it and rolled it again 6 months later fracturing two vertebrea in his spine. The truck was stripped to the frame after the second accident and parted out. The only two parts I have from the oringinal truck are the frame and VIN plate and I'm rebuilding it from there the way that he always wanted to. He was a diehard Chevy guy but also drove a 1983 Toyota 4x4 for 20 years which I now drive. I love the lines of the 67-72's and thats why I prefer them but I also like the looks of the 73-87 and later models and love the parts interchangability.
Furds are alot harder to work on due to all the different parts combos but the 78-79 crew cabs were some really nice looking trucks.
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Old 11-28-2011, 01:11 PM   #59
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
They picked me.
I grew up with the family Suburban, and still have it to this day.

Owned other Chevy's, particularly 4x4's and IMO Chevy 4x4 trucks of this time period are just plain better than Ford or Dodge.

(Though I have always liked the 1st gen Ford Bronco's).
1968 K20 Suburban
1972 K10 LWB PU
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Old 11-28-2011, 01:32 PM   #60
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My main reason would have to be is all summed up to when i was 14 years old.

Me and my father and grand father went out on a call.To fix a D 90 dozier and off in the weeds was a 1969--72 chevy truck.I ask the foreman whats up with the truck He told me it was in a old wood barn that they just got don tearing down and it was inside I asked what they where going to do with it.The guy told me if the D90 did not quit on them they where going to do a little monster truck action on it and make it flat and haul it to the scrap yard.I asked if it ran they said they did not care the plates on it with tags that went back to 1975 so he told me it probable has not run sence.I asked the guy if i could try to get it started he told me if you can make it run you can have it.

it had a 250 inline 6 with a auto in it borrowed some gas and a battery had a make shift starter switch.then one of the guys that was sitting on his old chevy chimed in and said wait a min.He brought some oil and some deisole gas and poured it into the engine crank Case.

At that time i though the guy was just messing with me and did not want to see the truck start we had another gas can with gas in it poured some gas down the carb and lite a fire it cranked for 1 turns and nothing looked under the truck to see wires hanging down the guy crawled under the truck with some wire and nippers He came out and told me he fixed that problem tryed it one more time and it fired up and blow black smoke for 10 mins. the guy had a thirmis and he poured something into the carb I ask him what he put in the carb he said Water.

Now i'm 40 years old now and I know now why people put Dello motor oil Deisole fuel into the crank case of a old engine it re-lubricates the bearings seals and hydraulic lifters and dose not peal the bearing coating off the bearings on the cam or crank bearings.

the water brakes up the carbon on top of the pistons and makes them all shinny it ran good and strong the foreman looked at the old man and said Dad why did you help him.

He said Cus i see a sparkal in this kids eye and and i wanted to see this old lady run again.Ben told me later there was no way they where going to drive that dozier over that truck Not his Dozier of 80K dollars.Ben told me where did i live i told him i live 2 hours away.My father walked over to me and told Ben that he could not take the truck.Ben told my father They made a deal if i started it it was mine But Ben understood.

I like chevys cus you can put them in a field to rot and rust away But you give them some love they will run again
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Old 11-28-2011, 02:50 PM   #61
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Maybe I've just worked on a lot of Chevy's, but they seem easier to work on and parts are a lot less expensive. Also, they look a whole lot better than a Ford.
68 short fleet cst
71 custom deluxe lwb RIP (parts truck now)
71 Datsun 510
49 GMC 150 (waiting for me for the past 15 years)
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Old 11-28-2011, 09:24 PM   #62
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

I've had 11 of the 67-72 chevy trucks and only 1 72 ford truck, the ford was o.k. but the chevys are great. Every time I sell one; a year later I buy and fix up another one. Just easy and affordable to work on yourself.
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Old 11-28-2011, 10:12 PM   #63
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

i like products from all 3, but i'm a chevy fan when it comes to trucks. my second favorite gen after the 67-72 is the 47-54. i'd like to restore a 50 1 ton panel truck, but dodge and ford panel trucks get my attention also (56 ford front end has a nice look to it). my favorite ford product is the 1st gen T-bird. Mustang's just aren't my thing!

my dad sold his father in law's 64 ford pickup when he went to running suburbans:

(1983-91) 72 Chevy Suburban c10 350/350 custom deluxe "highlander"
(1981-93) 81 Dodge Aries wagon base model 4spd
(1988-now) 86 Dodge Aries wagon LE 2.5/auto
(1990-98) 84 Chevy Suburban c10 350/700r4 (406sbc swap in 1995)
(1991-02) 88 Dodge Aries sedan LE 2.2/auto
(1998-now) 1997 Merc Sable wagon base 3.0
(1999-10) 87 GMC Suburban c10 350/700r4 (3.08 to 3.73 gears from '84)
(2007-now) 2001 Ford Taurus wagon base 3.0 on top trim
(2010-now) 1999 Chevy Suburban c1500 base, 3.42 gears

you could say my family likes wagons! i now use the (very rusty) 97 merc as my daily driver. it runs great at 215k and would get 30+mpg if i did any highway driving. both ford wagons will fit 8 people in a pinch so saves on using the burb all the time. but it is nice to have a burb when you need more cargo room or pulling a big trailer. i got my 72 burb c20 partly because my dad was planning to downsize. but his 99 burb gets awesome mileage and cost only $2500. more truck for less money when compared to a trailblazer extended. i borrow his rig because it has a tow dolly and the trailer lighting is all hooked up. and the 86 K wagon, it was my first car. now it's my resto-mod project. something kinda vintage that is cheap to own but can beat up on imports!
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Old 11-28-2011, 11:41 PM   #64
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Dad had a 1965 chevy truck..Grandpa had a 71-72 chevy truck and now Grandpa has his 64 chevy truck. MAN I LOVE CHEVY TRUCKS 60-72 best years ever.
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Old 04-06-2014, 08:17 AM   #65
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Sold my Harley because of neck problems. Had to have a project and have loved the bow tie since I was 16 and that was ..............uh...............well a long damn time ago.
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Old 04-06-2014, 09:04 AM   #66
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Because the Chevy trucks are superior. A stock 50,s straight axle chev & GMC truck will drive better and haul more than a ford. The fords had the 272 or 292 boat anchor Y block and darting straight axle up until 1964. The ford twin I beam suspension that replaced the straight axle wasn't too great, It wore out the right front tire before all the rest where even half gone. drive through a ditch and the ford would bounce a half dozen times. The 60 and up chevy truck would out drive ,out run, and out perform the ford counterpart. In good shape nothing out drives or out rides a LWB coil spring GM truck.
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Old 04-06-2014, 09:09 AM   #67
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

My dad owned Bowites all my life, had to cut my teeth on a pair of... Dare I say Chevy Citations(fail). But the old man knew how to fix'em. Now I have his old 72' C-10 and there is just something about the sound of the old 250 cranking over that makes me feel like a kid again. Now I'm preserving what the old man spent of a life time driving every day. Plus I'm d@mn old to learn how Ford or Dodge did business.

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Old 04-06-2014, 09:13 AM   #68
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

I've been around both all my life. The Furd is a great truck.

Personally I am a GM guy, the ergonomics just "fit me" even back then stuff just seems to be in the correct position/location and feel right. The engineering is logical to me and the f@&D just seems backwards.
I like the look of Chevrolet truck much more then F@*D. The C/10 rides better and has a far better resale value. Parts are significantly less expensive and widely available.
Then, lets talk engines. The F&%D is fine for performance and reliability, no real issue there. But the SBC or LS will always out perform the others. And interchangeability is king on Chevy. A 1955 265 SBC for the most part is identical to a 1997 350. There are some differences between the years and CID, but an SBC is an SBC is an SBC. A GM tranny is a GM Tranny is a GM tranny, for the most part. F#$D NO! A 302W tranny will not fit a 302B. A 302/351W tranny will not fit a 351C/400M Engine. Hard parts from a 1969 302W might not fit a 1990 302W engine.
Jesus is the Way!
2003 2500HD CCLB Duramax/Ali (Clifford)
2014 2SS/RS black on black Camaro (Betty)
2006 Pontiac SOLSTICE silver/black (Lula-Bell)
1970 C/10 Short Wide (Peggy)
1964 C/10 Short Step (Hambone)
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Old 04-06-2014, 09:41 AM   #69
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Although my pappaw drove a Ford truck for years, he always tended to go for chevys more. My daddy owned a couple of camaros over the years and a beautiful 68 C/10. My uncle owned a Nova that he loved more than life itself...
All were/are lifelong shadetree mechanics..

As a teenager, I thought that it was just an arbitrary choice until I owned a '74 F100... hot rod 302 with a C4 tranny...after seeing the interchangeability problems and the difference in how Fords are built... Ford became one of those 4 letter words that you don't use in polite company
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."~ Thomas Jefferson

1967 GMC C1500 LWB 250/3 on the tree-
1969 Chevy C/10 SWB 350/TH350
1996 Chevy Silverado LWB 350/4L60E
1997 Chevy K2500 350/4L80E
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Old 04-06-2014, 10:09 AM   #70
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Here's my take. I used to be a Ford guy until I grew up and realized that the whole argument is silly. Ford, Chevy and Chrysler all made great, cool, crap and ugly cars. To use anecdotal evidence of owning one out of the thousands built of any of these vehicles from the past to judge all of another brand is being a bit dishonest.

I would think that going to a C-10 site and asking people what truck they like better is a little like shooting fish in a barrel? What answer did you really think you would get? Did you go to a Ford truck message board and ask the same question?

That said, I chose a C-10 purely because I liked the way they look. I own a 69 Mustang fastback because I think it is the best looking car of that era. Yes I do like Chevy's interchangeability but to say Ford doesn't have any of that is just wrong.

I hope I haven't offended anyone here since that isn't my goal I guess I'm just over the Ford vs. Chevy vs Chrysler thing. Plus, I don't know about any of you guys but I've still never gotten a check from any of these companies after endorsing one being better than the other.


Jim - 69 Short Step CST 350 AC/PB/PS
- 69 Short Step 307 Man Column/PS
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Old 04-06-2014, 10:18 AM   #71
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

What else is there than Chevy .
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Old 04-06-2014, 11:37 AM   #72
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

My dad bought new 72dark green with white top custom deluxe 10 lwb fleetside with a 307/ auto ps pb no ac. Traded it for a 73 or 74 black/ red interior cheyenne 10 with a 454 in 76 or 77. It ran like hell but drank gas like it was going out of style. My uncle bought new a black/ black 72 cheyenne 10 lwb fleet 400/400 ps pb ac tilt wheel bedside tool box. My brother now owns it and restored it. He added a tach during resto that i found for $50 (!) the same brother had a 72 c10 swb step black with white top 250 6 cyl/ 3ott back in the late 80's. We swapped it for a mild 300 hp (or so) 350/ 2004r. With the stock 3.73 posi we would smoke monte ss and 5.0 irocs. It would give 5.0 mustangs and 5.7 irocs a run for their money.

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Old 04-06-2014, 11:45 AM   #73
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

Im the youngest of three boys. My "middle" brother had a 76 chevy heavy half that a previous owner had swapped in a 454 punched to 468 out of a monte carlo into it. Someone added rectangular port heads to it as well. It had a big high rise offenhuser intake 750 holley and headers. It had 3.08 gears and would do at least 130mph. It was scary at that speed, we only did it once! The floor board rusted out and doors were sagging badly so he was looking for a newer truck but lucked into a wrecked 72 c10 light blue / white top lwb fleet. 307/ 3ott. we pulled the engine out of the 76 and sold it without N engine. We swapped the 468 into my dad's 80 gmc c30 welding truck. He was the fastest rig wleder around edna/ victoria/ port lavaca!
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Old 04-06-2014, 11:49 AM   #74
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

The light blue 72 lwb only needed a front clip and we were able to find one complete i. A wrecking yard (this was late 80's!) he swapped a th350 into it even though my oldest brother tried to convince him to install an overdrive. He bought the truck in austin texas and it was stolen after he moved to dallas. They recovered it, all that was left was the cab and engine. They stripped everything without cutting any wires. He had added a tilt, tach and cheyenne super seat. All gone, even the bolts/ screws. I guess they didnt want anything with numbers to tie them to the crime. Luckily he had full coverage insurance!

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Old 04-06-2014, 12:08 PM   #75
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Re: What made you guys pick chevy trucks

To be honest, I'm a pickup man. I appreciate and like a lot of trucks. Saying that, I come from a Chevy/GM Family . Grandpa, Both my Gear-Head Uncles, My Dad, My Cousins, Closest Friends. I've liked the 67-72 Trucks my whole life. All mentioned above owned them or blazers/jimmy's. I own 2 myself. Once I get my 2wd and 4wd where they need to be, I'm getting a Blazer!
James B.
1967 Chevy Fleetside Shortbed 4X2 (Black & Beautiful)
1971 Chevy Fleetside Shortbed 4X4 (White & Rough)
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