Originally Posted by bmur66
Whatever you do.....Do not buy a radiator from this outfit that I will link below'
They also sell their junk on Ebay. The radiator looks nice and appears to be well made but mine was defective and had a pinhole where a tube joins the lower tank. This can't be repaired. I didn't know it was bad for months because I wasn't ready to fill it and bring it up to temp until then. I have made multiple attempts to get this joker to honor his 2 year warranty. Will not return messages. Now I have a $200 junk radiator and need to buy a new one. STAY AWAY FROM ENGINEERED COOLING PRODUCTS. They are only cheaper the first time you buy them.
Also my experience with anything made in China is that if you need 3, you better buy 5. Obviously the radiator wasn't pressure tested. It's probably cheaper to replace the bad ones then to test them all.
I've been using one of these for around 3 years now. Fits well and still works great. I found them to be helpful too.