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Old 12-18-2024, 11:13 PM   #101
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Originally Posted by 6DoF View Post
that primer left an awesome finish on the cast even with the brush. i bet the gallon can is WAY cheaper than the same qty in rattle cans!

are you sanding the primer off the 205 housing mating surfaces? i've always kept them bare, but never had anyone argue one way or the other. down in the bores however, i'd be worried things won't slip-fit with that heavy coat.
I only bought the pint(correction. It was a quart) can of the primer and barely used any of it with the brush. I agree that it left an okay finish. I did mark the mating surfaces today and quickly sanded to bare metal. Unfortunately I forgot the idler shoms and had to pull it apart today. Then, I did not check the alignment before I ramrodded the idler in there causing the shims to be destroyed. I paid a crapload of cash to have a shim kit next day shipped. I will get them tomorrow.

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Old 12-19-2024, 09:07 AM   #102
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

that is the worst feeling!
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Old 12-19-2024, 11:20 PM   #103
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Well, I am done rebuilding the NP205 and I can honestly say that I would rather have someone kick me in the nuts than to have to rebuild another one of these. I have sealant all over the place and it took a bazillion years for me to get the stupid shift pin thingies lined up correctly. My beautiful painting has become scuffed and I will probably just spray it a single color once I have it in the vehicle.

The worst part is that I rebuilt it in my basement because the garage is cold and does not have a suitable table. I have to carry this big F-ing thing up the stairs and into the garage. Not looking forward to that! At least I was finally able to use the speedo fitting thingy that I bought two years ago. I am definitely looking forward to not seeing that leak anymore. Oh!!!!! And apparently the ols freeze plugs do not fit the new case. I gotta get that figured out.
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Old 12-20-2024, 09:45 AM   #104
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

carrying a 205 up stairs ... you and the 2 other ppl better wear steel toe boots!

good thing about the 205 is it'll never need rebuild again. i shaved my shift rails so i could run a true twin-stick in my '93 Ram tow rig. ground too much and had to weld it back, got pretty good at getting those rails in and out.
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Old 12-21-2024, 10:04 PM   #105
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Good news is, My motor is in and has clearance all around. I have space to move the motor up to two and a half inches forward if I want or need to. In the snow and at temps around 20 degrees F I managed to"embrace the suck" and dealt with the cold to get this thing in here. I will be going with 1.5 to 2 degree down tilt on the motor to clear my oil dipstick on the back of the motor. it is in a weird location but works. It is the one that came with the motor. The motor sits about a quarter inch more toward the passenger side. That is less than my LS swap Regal had so I am good with it. I still have to take the mounts back out and paint them. Other than that, the motor is mounted.

Now the bad news-

The factory dual alternator setup will not work out. There is not enough space between the drivers side frame rail and the second alternator. I can deal with that though.

I am going to warm up a bit and then head out to my icebox of a garage to test fit the down pipes and start planning the pipe path. I can't really make it official until the trans and transfer case are installed. I I am dreading carrying the 140 pound transfer case out of the basement. I was supposed to do it today but I just could not. I will soon but for now I am not touching that thing.

I will upload pics in a minute. Right after a hot coffee or cup of tea. I am very pleased today!!!

Last edited by NDM; 12-21-2024 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 12-31-2024, 11:48 AM   #106
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Looks awesome in place. Great work
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Old 01-02-2025, 12:50 AM   #107
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

This forum is much harder to post pictures. I have been working diligently, posting on my car audio forum with easy pic uploads and want to get this forum up to speed on my progress so there will be a bunch of info coming. Here I go.

In a stunning reversal of my post about the dual alternators, I am pleased to announce that I am 95% sure that bu trimming the fender liner, the second alternator should fit after all!

Damn..... now I have decisions to make. I did say that I was 95% sure. That 5% is a real pain. Notch the frame slightly or forget having dual alternators? To make matters worse, the factory VIN stamp is right where the notch would be. I could cut right up to the vin stamp to avoid it. Is it really worth it though? I could modify the alternator and just solder directly to the pins (delete the connector). That would not be too bad.

I am going to cut into the connector on the alternator and solder directly to the pins. Technically I only need one of the two pins but since it is a pwm alternator I will just do both pins. That should give me over a half inch or so for engine movement.

audionow said:
What about taking the alternator apart and turning the rear half 90 degrees?
Omg! I never even thought of that! I will investigate that in the morning! Thank you!

My ADHD was never going to let me wait until tomorrow to try this. It took an hour to figure out how to do it but my 2nd alternator is successfully installed because of your suggestion. I have about 3/4 inch clearance to the frame too! Thank you so much for that suggestion. I never would have seen the solution without your comment.

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Old 01-02-2025, 12:58 AM   #108
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Motor is in. I decided to move it rearward about 1.25 inches. This allows me to clear the front driveshaft betterand I will be less likely to hit the hood with this tall a$$ hi ram intake. Trans is sitting on the spacer that I fabricated allowing me to use the factory trans crossmember. I am pleased with the 4.1 degree angle that I have as result (pic shows 94.1 degrees on the transfer case flat). I had to cut and weld my transfercase shifter to clear the hole after moving everything. I will need to move my amps to get it to shift into 4wd lo. I may just move them forward about a half inch.

I still need to add spacers and drill new holes for the transfercase support bracket.

I am definitely ready to get this project moving. The great weather that I have enjoyed will not be around forever. The garage has been very comfortable as I lay for hours on the cold floor. I am making steady progress though.

I finally made my decision on the Holley wiring entry location. I drilled a big ole 3.25 inch hole and placed two thirds of my aluminum grommet to allow the gasket maker to cure. The ecu will go either under the console or under the drivers seat. Both locations will protect from the elements when the top is off.

Oh, and a random picture of the sexy beast getting ready for exhaust fabrication!

Wiring has been run and I am now fitting the exhaust. The path over the transfer case was worrying me alot but ended up fitting perfect with a single square cut and one of the S bends that came in the kit with no modifications. The driver side did not fit without removing the trans shifter bracketry. I may modify it to match the passenger side and put the mufflers in the exact same spot and position on both sides. For now I am done for the night. Tired from New Year with family.

And now this forum is up to speed.
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Old 01-05-2025, 06:49 PM   #109
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Core support is back in with the radiator and fan. It fits extremely well. I installed the fuel line to the e85 sensor thingy and installed the refreshed heater box. I also started fitting the air intake and figured out how I will be running the power steering lines. I need to hurry up and get the drivers side fender back on because my wife is tired of it being in our dining room. I moved as much of my parts indoors as possible because of the cold and snow dusting that we got.

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Old 01-05-2025, 06:52 PM   #110
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Spent the better part of another day under the Blazer. Got the H-pipe mostly worked out. I may clamp the actual cross pipe because it could contact the driveshaft should I ever decide to lower it. I might want to retain the ability to remake that part. For now there is plenty of clearance.
I threw the mufflers on to test fit them. So far so good!

Tomorrow I would like to finalize the exhaust and move on to the next thing.

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Old 01-06-2025, 01:29 AM   #111
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Another good bunch of accomplishments today.

Radiator hoses are done!!! I was able to use adapters to adapt the hoses from the donor motor to the larger sized pipes on the radiator. A trim here and a trim there and they worked like a charm. That is a huge win because hunting for correct hoses can eat some serious time on a motor swap.

Exhaust is 90% complete. It is complete enough that once I get some hangers in there and the clamps that will be coming tomorrow, I could throw on some turn downs and call it a day. I will likely do that just to expedite the process. My Regal has been in this state since 2020! LOL!

I am officially on the v-band bandwagon. These things are so easy to install and weld. They are way more secure than band clamps and simply look great! I have learned that it is better and easier to weld the inside seam vs welding the outer lip. I also do not have to back purge or use solar flux when welding the inner seam. I did two of them on the outside seam and quickly decided to do all other ones in the inside. As an added benefit, if they failed, it would be at the heat affected zone. in the unlikely event that the weld failed, they are still held with about a quarter inch lip.

I also kind of decided how I want the intake to be and unfortunately I have to deal with either weld seam which will destroy the powder coating or I will have to have a coupler. I am going to go with a coupler for now and maybe refinish it with a weld in the summer so I can cera-koat the pipes in the summer heat.

It is definitely getting closer to that glorious moment where I can drive for the first time!!

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Old 01-11-2025, 08:53 PM   #112
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

The last mile in always the hardest!

A few things have taken me forever. One is being that I am back to work after the holidays.

The exhaust routing has hurt my brain. I finally got hangers in a good spot. I re did the H pipe to add more driveshaft clearance. I plan to drop the Blazer about 4 inches to get a more trackhawk/trophy truck look. The driveshaft would never have made it.

I re-did the harness wiring and ecu location. The plan is to elevate the console up front sub enclosure and add a cover over the ecu. This will keep any elements off of the Ecu. I abosolutely hate the grommet that I chose to use so I rebuilt it with my own silicone gasket. I cut it out of some super stretchy silicone rubber that is made for kitchen counter protection. Silicone Mat

I installed the OBD2 port under the dash but I think it is going to be relocated to near the driver door under the dash near my wideband gauge.

I also installed my brand new heater controls. That sucked to do with my amps still installed. The new stuff looks way better!

I am getting there but sincerely want to be done with this and get to the enjoyment phase.

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Old 01-16-2025, 07:02 PM   #113
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

This article is more supporting documentation of why I chose this motor. I think I may just keep it naturally aspirated after all. 723 hp with only a few mods and no turbo or supercharger. Wow that makes me happy. I am glad that testing is finally getting going on GEN V gm motors!

For the record, a trackhawk weighs about 5356 pounds with 707 hp. My K5 blazer weighs about 4300 pounds. A 700hp K5 would be the same power to weight ratio as a 871 hp trackhawk. (Yes, a trackhawk has more magic to it than that)

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Old 01-21-2025, 09:50 PM   #114
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Wiring is about 90% complete. I have to connect a couple grounds to the chassis and wire the fuel pump once installed. I use 12 chord (waxy twine) secure everything vs cable ties. I learned how to lace cable in 1998. I used to do it for entire workdays plus overtime. I am not a cable lacing artist anymore but I find it to be a great alternative to cable ties and the twine rolls last forever it seems. Although I call it 12 chord it is actually 9-ply lacing chord.

I ran out of argon for my tig welder on friday. I will replace my two small bottles with fresh stuff and get back on my 304 stainless fuel tank today. That is the biggest remaining project. It was going to be a 31 gallon tank but I am going to give up a gallon in order to make 4 inch channels for exhaust pipes to clear the axle. It should be pretty slick. I may wrap the pipes or just do an aluminum heat shield between the exhaust and tank. I am not quite decided on the final exhaust layout yet though.

Fabricated a quick adapter bracket for the drive by wire pedal. Just needs paint.

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Old 01-21-2025, 09:51 PM   #115
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Hell yeah. I had a rough day at work but came home to two packages. The first was the fitting for my power steering return line. This makes only one more part that I am waiting for to finish the power steering setup.

The other part was a Lokar ACA-1809. I finally found a part that just fits! It fit, and works exactly as it should with no modifications. I was worried that it would be a BS part like some others but it is worth the $$. There is JUST ENOUGH space in park to the trans cooler fitting.

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Old 01-23-2025, 12:19 PM   #116
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

What is the obd2 port for?
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Old 01-23-2025, 12:20 PM   #117
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Originally Posted by litebulblsc View Post
What is the obd2 port for?
Holley terminator x max trans programmer for the 6l90E.
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Old 01-23-2025, 03:26 PM   #118
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Originally Posted by NDM View Post
Holley terminator x max trans programmer for the 6l90E.
Oh, so on the 6 speed, you have to use a factory style tcm. I have a 4l80e and the x max controls it all.
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Old 01-23-2025, 04:37 PM   #119
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Originally Posted by litebulblsc View Post
Oh, so on the 6 speed, you have to use a factory style tcm. I have a 4l80e and the x max controls it all.
The Tcm is inside the trans. The trans controller talks to the holley and the trans like a translator. You can also change trans parameters and tuning from the device. Its just like a diablo or superchips type of device.
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Old 01-26-2025, 09:43 PM   #120
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Small but big updates.

Power steering reservoir is fabricated our of a cheap Amazon tank.

I also got on the plasma cutter and cut the two top sections of my 304 stainless tank. The official size should be 28.328 gallon. This should get me plenty for a good road trip. I am estimating about 20 mpg if I drive like a normal human being. The tank is built out of water tight outdoor enclosures. They used to house tower lighting components. The tank will be pressure tested prior to use. It is 304 stainless steel. The primary reason for using this is that it only cost me time, argon for the tig welder and some 308 tig rods. This tank should survive E85 fuel better than steel.

Figured out my drop in fuel module. It will have two -8AN supply locations and a vent location. The return port will be welded into the bottom edge of the tank to serve as the return port and a way to drain the tank. I would simply remove the -8AN return fitting to drain the tank. As an added benefit, by removing the hose at the filter/regulator, I will be ably to drop the line into a fuel can.

I created the 304 stainless plate out of scrap metal that I had. I created a couple wooden templates that will allow me to quickly hand cut the holes with my plasma cutter vs trying to do everything with drill bits and saws. Plasma torch saves a ton of time. I wish I had a cnc plasma table. I would use the absolute hell out of it!

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Old 02-09-2025, 04:43 PM   #121
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Trans cooler pretty much complete.

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Old 02-09-2025, 04:44 PM   #122
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Originally Posted by ndm, post: 6338817, member: 3745

I think I may have a potentially aggravating issue brewing up for this swap. When I keyed on to test that everything would fire once I get fuel lines complete, I went to test the 6l90E trans and got an error message. No communication. After researching for a while, many people have had the same issue. I went through some of the troubleshooting steps that folks recommended and still I get no comms to the trans. I have a feeling that this will be a long process to figure out and fix the problem. I think the motor is going to fire right up again but I have a feeling that driving it may take some effort because of the tranny. Eventually I will get it. Hopefully it will not be as bad as I expect.
Replying to my own post. I found the issue with the no communication issue. When I posted the last post, I was on my way to a week long cruise. During the cruise, I concluded that there had to be something that I did during assembly when I converted from 2wd to 4wd. Well that was it. The barrel/ seal that inserts between the 6l90e tcm and the harness was not locked in properly. When you install the TEHCM controller (tcm) you have to seat the seal from the outside the trans into the controller and lock the lock inside the controller. It appears that I locked the lock before I seated the seal. It took me 5 min to fix.

1.Dropped the pan

2.Removed the harness connector

3.Unlocked the lock

4.Removed the seal

5.Reseated the seal

6.Locked the lock

7.Plugged the harness connector back in properly

8.Plugged the Holley 6l90e controller and verified that there was communication.

9.Said "F^ck Yeah"!

This means that the truck should in fact be able to drive once I finish the tank fab and running the remainder of the fuel lines. This is very good!

The seal that I am talking about is shown being unlocked at 4:49 and removed at 5:02 in this video

Last edited by NDM; 02-09-2025 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 02-19-2025, 08:12 PM   #123
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Placeholder..... Definitely going to need this video in the future. For now I am good but 100% need to save this video!!

Last edited by NDM; 02-19-2025 at 08:27 PM.
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Old 02-22-2025, 11:26 PM   #124
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

I am pleased that I have finally sorted out my fuel pump module and sending unit setup. as of tonight, they are both installed on the upper quarter of the stainless fuel tank. Everything except the sending unit is made with 304 stainless and bolted with stainless hardware. of course the fittings are aluminum but I have made this thing E85 worthy. Tomorrow, I plan to remove these parts and finish welding the tank together. I had to make sure that the holes for everything were cut before I could weld it together completely.

Once the tank is done it should go pretty quick as I have the rest of the swap tasks already 95% complete. I have a couple wires to complete for the fueling and I just need to connect the old and ignition wire to the new Holley ignition wire.

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Old 03-04-2025, 11:11 AM   #125
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Re: Bucketlist Blazer -Restomod build 6.6liter L8T

Every time something works out on this build, I get so happy. Tonight, I realized that all the planning that I have done was successful. I fitted the stainless tank in place and it fit as expected. I did have to trim about an inch out of my factory rear crossmember but the plan was to just not have to move it completely. That would have caused so much more work and planning. The tank fit about level with the top of the rails and now I have the precise locations where I need to put the fuel filler neck and tank vents. This is very good. This is the last big piece of the puzzle. It will not be too long now!
I will have to make some beauty panels for the tank but as of now I have 18.5 inches of ground clearance to the tank. It also fits within the departure angle of the rear. That means that I will drag the rear bumper before I hit the tank. This thing will likely never see hard offroad duty. I am turning it into more of a street machine. If by chance I ever damage the tank though, I could drop my custom fuel module into a 21 gallon factory replacement as they are within a quarter inch of the same depth.

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