Originally Posted by jayoldschool
Yes, my 65 C10 was 1/4 to the fronts, then 3/16 to the rear from the T. So, I ran 1/4 from the master to the fronts, and 3/16 all the way to the back
Can't wait to drive it again! I'm doing a bathroom reno, and I need my truck!
Front Hook up
Hello Jay i'm a new guy i was a member 10 years ago just got lured back into the Chevy truck Bug I have a quick question.
Man there are so many version of the same questions and answer yours was close to what i wanted hear.
So in the end its 1/4 to each front .Then a 1/4 line across front to a Union . Then 3/16 the rest of the way to the rears ??????