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shawno72 01-14-2013 11:02 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5816877)
Haha you big cry baby! Just kidding bro, I believe I speak for everyone of us Mid TN guys that we've enjoyed working with you on your project!

That's what this board is all about.
Posted via Mobile Device

thelonerife 01-14-2013 09:12 PM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5816877)
Haha you big cry baby! Just kidding bro, I believe I speak for everyone of us Mid TN guys that we've enjoyed working with you on your project!


cubber 01-15-2013 12:11 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Driveshaft is on it's way to be made to work or replaced!! It's good to have friends. Started the truck again today, belt still squeals, lol. I had somebody tell me it may be because its too narrow for the new pulleys. I will check it out later. What do y'all think?

cubber 01-15-2013 12:14 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5816877)
Haha you big cry baby! Just kidding bro, I believe I speak for everyone of us Mid TN guys that we've enjoyed working with you on your project!

I'm ready to enjoy working on YOUR project!

Originally Posted by shawno72 (Post 5816886)
That's what this board is all about.
Posted via Mobile Device

You mean its not the hokey pokey?:lol:

Originally Posted by thelonerife (Post 5818172)

On the crybaby part, or the enjoyment part? Remember, I'm coming to your house Saturday!:sumo:

Rusbuilt 01-15-2013 12:32 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Here's a little more love for your truck! I'll have to get fitting reducers to attach the air lines to the gauges but I think its gonna turn out ok!

JRANGER 01-15-2013 12:35 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Holy magnificence....I cant wait to see all the progress on all ytour trucks sat....Makes me want to go out side and fish the bolts into the bed of my truck right now

cubber 01-15-2013 12:38 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5818775)
Here's a little more love for your truck! I'll have to get fitting reducers to attach the air lines to the gauges but I think its gonna turn out ok!

WOWEEE!! That looks INCREDIBLE!!!.
I knew there were some pieces in there that screwed onto the guages, but i never checked for fitment. Which part is too big?

Rusbuilt 01-15-2013 12:40 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Those pieces you're talking about. The inlet on the gauges are a smaller diameter. No worries though I think I have the right ones I just need to take a trip the old storage unit! lol

cubber 01-15-2013 12:47 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Cool. The ol' storage unit.

JRANGER 01-15-2013 12:49 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
I have a feeling my Storage unit it gonna get an upgrade here soon :)

cubber 01-17-2013 12:13 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
4 Attachment(s)
Got some stuff today, and yeseterday. Picked up all the stuff to do my exhaust, save a couple hangers I'll get tomorrow. Also got some stuff to mount my radiator and fan to my radiator. Also picked up the 3/8" airline I needed to supply my valves.

cubber 01-17-2013 12:14 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Also saw this in a magazine, and it cracked me up. True at times, though.

JRANGER 01-17-2013 12:19 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
sweet how close to drivable is it?

cubber 01-17-2013 12:20 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
An update on the LIST.....

Originally Posted by cubber (Post 5801198)
So.... In order to have my truck driveable on the 19th, I need to get some things done. I thought I would post a to do list for this week, and y'all can chime in, and help me not to forget anything. I think I'll try to list most important first, and go down to things I'd like to have done, and finish with pipe dreams, lol.

1)Install accesories on engine DONE
2)throttle and trans linkage to carb DONE
3)fenders, core support, radiator DONE, NEEDS FINAL TIGHTEN
4)wire harness w/hei, and internally regulated alternator DONE
5)battery in bedDONE
6)finish fuel tank installDONE
7)bolt headers on DONE

this is the bare minimum to be able to
8)start engine and set timing RUNS, NEEDS TUNING
9)finish plumbing air rideNEED AIR VALVES INSTALLED
10)wire air ride compressorsDONE, LEFT ONE WIRE OFF

which is the minimum needed to
11)get exhaust installed

then I would like to

12)set the bed on (wouldn't mind doing before exhaust, so I'll have lights)DONE
13)bolt seat in
14)rear shock relocators installedDONE

If, by some stroke of blessing I get all of that done, I'd like to
15)clean and paint new door panels
16)Install door panels, dash pad, seat cover
17)Install dash/filler radio
18)Install new tail lights
19) install new lenses on marker lights
20) install new mirrors
21) new tailgate chains

cubber 01-17-2013 12:25 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
To drive,
1-set timing
2-connect trans linkage
4-bolt seat in
5-install air valves
6-secure radiator/fan
7-put hood on

All of this is pretty minor, save the exhaust. I have a sneaky feeling that I might have a development on the exhaust front, though.

JRANGER 01-17-2013 12:30 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
well sounds like u can have it ready by sat to me :)

cubber 01-17-2013 12:45 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5823224)
well sounds like u can have it ready by sat to me :)

I hope so, I will have to take a test drive before I head all the way up to Clarksville. I am excited to be going anyway, but to be in my truck, what a HUGE payoff, and I would owe a lot of it to the guys there.:metal:

Rusbuilt 01-17-2013 09:28 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
I think it will be close... but it can be done!;)

cubber 01-17-2013 09:47 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5823579)
I think it will be close... but it can be done!;)

I plan to hit the ground runnin as soon as I get home today! J-Man is gonna help me set the hood on!
Posted via Mobile Device

Rusbuilt 01-17-2013 10:31 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
lol the word is some goofy hot rod fella is gonna come buy and help you with your exhaust and stuff!!

JRANGER 01-17-2013 10:39 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
You still have those Chevelle headers??????

cubber 01-17-2013 10:50 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5823652)
lol the word is some goofy hot rod fella is gonna come buy and help you with your exhaust and stuff!!

Boy, wouldn't that be something. lol

Jeff, I have the headers, a guy at church said something about them, but I don't think he needs em for anything specific. Did you need em?
Posted via Mobile Device

JRANGER 01-17-2013 10:55 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
If they fit, they would be nice...Especially since I plan to upgrade mine...How much $$$$$$$ SHoot me a pm or txt

Rusbuilt 01-18-2013 12:27 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Well I went down to Matt's today and started building his exhaust. I got the pass side built and in except for a hanger in the back.. (ran out of time) I plan to travel back down that way tomorrow and finish the exhaust system. I did take a few pics however they didn't turn out so great (new phone case messing with the flash). So I will be sure and take some good pics tomorrow after its all done. I know Matt is out there right now trying to get as much done as possible, when I left he was painting his hood hinges and about to mount the seat! He's getting really close!!!

shawno72 01-18-2013 12:31 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
That is such a good feeling when you know you are almost there :metal: can't wait to see this thing outside with it aired out and running.
Posted via Mobile Device

thelonerife 01-18-2013 12:44 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Progress is great! I wish I was closer.

JRANGER 01-18-2013 12:55 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Rusbuilt (Post 5825216)
Well I went down to Matt's today and started building his exhaust. I got the pass side built and in except for a hanger in the back.. (ran out of time) I plan to travel back down that way tomorrow and finish the exhaust system. I did take a few pics however they didn't turn out so great (new phone case messing with the flash). So I will be sure and take some good pics tomorrow after its all done. I know Matt is out there right now trying to get as much done as possible, when I left he was painting his hood hinges and about to mount the seat! He's getting really close!!!

You are the MAN!!!

You guys have been working hard.....

MATT!!! Cant wait to see your truck!

cubber 01-18-2013 02:47 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys, I know it's late, and I am beat. I wanted to say, though, that I realized something really cool as I was cleaning up after I came in tonight. Yesterday, which is only 30 mins ago, marked exactly two months since we had our first workday out here at my place. I can't believe it! I feel like we've been friends forever (in a good way, lol). Also, I can't believe how far everyone's project has come. I know I get a little worked up when I'm in my shop sometimes, but part of the reason is because I had given up on classic vehicles a few years ago, because I couldn't ever seem to put something back together after I took it apart. Some of this was due to lack of knowledge, a lot was due to lack of confidence, and even more was due to lack of help. There are some things that you just plain need help for, especially when you are still learning. I just get nervous sometimes that I am going to somehow fail to finish. With all of your help, (and I mean everyone that comes to the house, posts in my thread, or even just looks at it), I have been able to get really close to accomplishing this. What really blows me away is that its only been two months since we started!! I think I'm forming a habit, :lol:, and I am ready to get this thing on the road, and look forward to devoting more time to other people's projects! THANK YOU ALL!!!:metal::metal:

If I had known that Rus' camera was going to give trouble, I would have taken more, but y'all will get the idea from this one. BTW, the exhaust looks KILLER so far, I can't wait to hear it and show it off!!

cubber 01-18-2013 02:48 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Don't worry, Rus, it's all tight, too! It lined up pretty good after some snatchin'!

cubber 01-18-2013 02:53 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Another update on the LIST.....

So.... In order to have my truck driveable on the 19th, I need to get some things done. I thought I would post a to do list for this week, and y'all can chime in, and help me not to forget anything. I think I'll try to list most important first, and go down to things I'd like to have done, and finish with pipe dreams, lol.

1)Install accesories on engine DONE
2)throttle and trans linkage to carb DONE
3)fenders, core support, radiator DONE
4)wire harness w/hei, and internally regulated alternator DONE
5)battery in bed DONE
6)finish fuel tank install DONE
7)bolt headers on DONE

this is the bare minimum to be able to
8)start engine and set timing RUNS, NEEDS TUNING
9)finish plumbing air rideNEED AIR VALVES INSTALLED
10)wire air ride compressorsDONE, LEFT ONE WIRE OFF

which is the minimum needed to
11)get exhaust installed 1/2 DONE

then I would like to

12)set the bed on (wouldn't mind doing before exhaust, so I'll have lights)DONE
13)bolt seat in DONE
14)rear shock relocators installed DONE

If, by some stroke of blessing I get all of that done, I'd like to
15)clean and paint new door panels
16)Install door panels, dash pad, seat cover
17)Install dash/filler radio
18)Install new tail lights
19) install new lenses on marker lights
20) install new mirrors
21) new tailgate chains

cubber 01-18-2013 02:57 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
So it looks like if we can get the other half of the exhaust on, and get the timing set right, hook up the air lines (wiil take 5 min TOPS), and hook up like 3 wires, then as long as no problems are revealed during a test drive, we will be CLARKSVEGAS OR BUST!!!

Xeen 01-18-2013 05:49 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
It will take you 30 min tops instal new tail lights, marker lenses, tail gate chains, and mirrors, I would go ahead and plan on doing those reguardless.

cubber 01-18-2013 06:33 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by Xeen (Post 5825513)
It will take you 30 min tops instal new tail lights, marker lenses, tail gate chains, and mirrors, I would go ahead and plan on doing those reguardless.

The only thing I know I won't get done is the driver side mirror. It needs a new backing plate that won't be here till next week. As far as the other lights and stuff, they all work fine, I just have new stuff. I'm sure I'll prob wind up doing it, lol.
Posted via Mobile Device

5150 01-18-2013 08:52 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Looks like you're going to have to just turn your head to the left a lot Saturday while driving down I-24. :)
Posted via Mobile Device

cubber 01-18-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by 5150 (Post 5825614)
Looks like you're going to have to just turn your head to the left a lot Saturday while driving down I-24. :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Haha, or maybe when I change lanes I can pick a spot way up ahead and just drop the hammer:metal:

shawno72 01-18-2013 10:34 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
You are a lucky man to have friends to come help like that. Good times those are. :metal:
Posted via Mobile Device

JRANGER 01-18-2013 10:39 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
WOOOHOOOO! Loving the progress report...So Rus made your exhaust????? I definitely need to some pics of that

Rusbuilt 01-18-2013 11:12 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread

Originally Posted by cubber (Post 5825643)
Haha, or maybe when I change lanes I can pick a spot way up ahead and just drop the hammer:metal:

Haha I love it!!

Rusbuilt 01-18-2013 11:16 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
1 Attachment(s)
I have one half way decent pic of the exhaust.:mm:

JRANGER 01-18-2013 11:26 AM

Re: Cubber's Build Thread
Nice Mufflers :)

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