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McMurphy 01-17-2012 05:16 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Wow sorry to hear about the P2.
Not sure how old you are or what rank, but I know I held off on getting a P2 for my knees as long as I could, in the end, it was holding me back from getting promoted because I could no longer max my PT test for the points.

Sharing a fifth of Jack Daniels with a buddy the night before Battalion 6 milers is a ton of fun, but that level of dehydration will wear out the cartilage in your knees pretty quick!

Hope you get good news on the reclass, I am sure you are looking at the BEAR program offerings too. Just keep in mind those can change on a week-month basis.

Glad to hear you got some stuff done with your rig. Too bad we are not closer, I could come help ya. Hang in there and post us some pics when you can!!

k1rodeoboater 01-22-2012 02:20 AM

Re: K1's build thread
Didn't do anything on the truck today....but I did get a lot accomplished today. Got a AAA membership again, got my girlfriend's car inspected, and found a new/better place to work on my truck than a storage unit. It's gonna be in a friends garage that I am going to be renting for $100, which has more room for me to work, a proper workbench, storage in an extra bedroom and the shed out back. I spent most of the day cleaning out the garage (that was part of the deal) and got a bunch of things from my small storage unit moved over. Tomorrow I will make a run or two back and forth to clear out the little unit completely and get some of the stuff from the big unit as well. I am hoping to be able to load up everything in the big unit into the truck and drive it less than 5mi to the new workspace during the week or next weekend.

Tomorrow I am gonna try to get the cab corner fitted up and welded it, and possibly the outer rocker too. I also want to finish up with the floorpan and seal up my welds too before I move the truck. Even if I have to drive the truck without the cab corner or outer rocker done that is fine. I have e a and b pillars back in and the cab supports are bolted to them, so I am not worried about flexing.
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 01-22-2012 03:23 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Right on!
Good to see your thread active again... congrats on the new work space!
Just be prepared to chip in on the electric bill at your friends place.
Ours jumped up $150 a month due to the 500w work lamps and all the welding.

I am doing my p-side floorpan, rocker, and cab corner this weekend, got it tore apart and the pan fitted yesterday.

k1rodeoboater 01-22-2012 08:45 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Thanks, and yeah I plan on chipping in a bit towards the electric. Luckily it's been in the 30's and 40's here so the heat from me working has been enough to keep it just comfortable enough to work in the storage unit, so I figure the house will be the same if not better.

Today I got more organizing done. Got the garage fully cleaned out and ready to accept the truck. I also cleaned up the storage shed out back to put my misc parts and junk into too. I figure my 2 extra wheels, extra seat, 3 inner fenders, original passenger fender, and some of my patch panels can go in there. I also got my cab corner fitted up and welded in. Took me about 4-5 hours to get it done, and I'll even admit it's not perfect. The panel I got just wasn't stamped right, but I made it work. I had to cut a relief cut just after the curve as it goes to the back of the cab to relieve some tension in the metal to fit it in correctly. No ammount of me flexing/bending it was getting it to the correct shape. I'm hoping that with some mud work it'll not be to noticeable. If it is...oh well, this ain't no show truck. So long as at 20ft away and 20MPH it looks good, that's all I care about.

allaboutchevelles 01-22-2012 09:47 PM

Re: K1's build thread
I had the same issue with my cab corner a few weeks ago. I got mine fitted pretty good but it took some effort and holding clamps. you can see it in my build thread. glad you got yours to fit also.

k1rodeoboater 01-22-2012 09:54 PM

Re: K1's build thread
LOL funny that you mention clamps....I forgot I had vice grips, clamps, and all my other welding tools right there. I don't know why I didn't think to use any of them to help. I ended up doing some sketchy pull with my left hand, press with my left shoulder, and weld with my right hand...which was above my arm. It was awkward as hell to say the least.

Hope your build's been going well chevelles. I'll have to drop by your build thread and get updated on your progress.

McMurphy 01-23-2012 03:56 PM

Re: K1's build thread

Originally Posted by k1rodeoboater (Post 5139441)
I also got my cab corner fitted up and welded in. Took me about 4-5 hours to get it done, and I'll even admit it's not perfect. The panel I got just wasn't stamped right, but I made it work.

That sounds exactly like my experience with my p-side floor pan this weekend!!
I still have to massage in my rocker panel because it is not a perfect fit, though that was to be expected, and then put the cab corner on that side as well.
I totally thought I would get all 3 done this weekend, but my timeline was an epic fail !!

I bet working in a garage with access to a bathroom is nicer than a storage unit!
Congrats on your progress, cannot wait till you add pics !

k1rodeoboater 01-23-2012 10:47 PM

Re: K1's build thread
I took another look at my work...and I am not entirely happy with it. I can tell it isn't smooth by running my hand over it. I may try cutting it again to relieve more tension....but I doubt it. This is my first go at welding and rust repair so I would rather keep an eyesore as a reminder to see how I, hopefully, improve and get better. That and it is on the passenger side so it isn't like I have to look at it every time I drive the truck =P

Moved more stuff today. I am fairly certain that if I do one more trip with my car that I can get everything to the house in one shot in the bed of the truck. I know it has been a while since I posted pics, but as soon as I get the truck out of the storage unit, and when I get it to the house I will take some.
Posted via Mobile Device

C@rnut001 01-24-2012 04:42 AM

Re: K1's build thread
I just wanted to say that I like your truck and how you are trying to build it cheaper and as a driver. Keep up your work and good luck with your reenlistment efforts. (Also like to say thanks for serving!)

Keep us updated, I really enjoy reading about your work on your truck.

k1rodeoboater 01-27-2012 06:31 PM

Re: K1's build thread
The move is happening tonight....hope everything goes according to plan and without incident....

I got pretty much everything out of my storage unit. I just need to throw the last of the stuff into the bed, bolt the seat in, bolt the fender on, and pray she drives fine and isn't pissed at me for taking so long.

....worst case I am exactly 3 mi from where the truck is going so AAA can give me a tow lol
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 01-27-2012 11:37 PM

Re: K1's build thread

Originally Posted by k1rodeoboater (Post 5149791)
The move is happening tonight....hope everything goes according to plan and without incident....

I got pretty much everything out of my storage unit. I just need to throw the last of the stuff into the bed, bolt the seat in, bolt the fender on, and pray she drives fine and isn't pissed at me for taking so long.

....worst case I am exactly 3 mi from where the truck is going so AAA can give me a tow lol
Posted via Mobile Device

Only 3 miles?
You could push it that far, and have a heck of a story to tell too LOL

k1rodeoboater 01-28-2012 03:35 AM

Re: K1's build thread
I've pushed, carried, and dragged equipment much much much farther than 3 mi while carrying a ruck and rifle. If you know what I mean. Tough I will truck is a bit heavier than an old jeep...

Btw, the truck is in it's new home. She was a bit perturbed that she hadn't been fired up in some time and she gave me some difficulty getting started....but once gas go to the carb she fired up and ran like a charm. I also found out my tail lights indeed do work...go figure. Probably have been working this entire time. Oh well. workspace is going to need to be'll see why tomorrow....
Posted via Mobile Device

k1rodeoboater 01-28-2012 11:49 AM

Re: K1's build thread promised.

From the hallway to the garage....

Bumper to workbench...less than an inch

Looking down the wall

a bed old worksurface is one of those pallets. I'm gonna try to make some shelves, furniture, or something out of them. The price was hundred.

Rear bumper to garage door. I have a feeling the truck rolled back slightly during the night. surprisingly it will still clear to roll up.

As you can see....I have a LOT more organizing to do. Right now I'm thinking...

-Move workbench to where bike is
-put hooks in ceiling for bike
-shelving unit is going inside
-re-organize parts/tools between inside, bed of truck, hanging on walls, ect.

Right now the only garage specific purchase I have had to make was to get a new shop light. The old one's transformer died and it was cheaper to get a new light than fix it.

I also know that I broke a bunch of my picture links. I needed to reorganize my Photobucket account. I had crap strewn all over it so I will need to go back and fix all the links.

k1rodeoboater 02-15-2012 11:39 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Haven't updated in a while because I've been busy with work stuff. Gonna get some time to work on the truck this weekend hopefully. Got some more parts on order to be coming my way, scouting out a few parts trucks for things, and maybe making some sparks fly.

Today one of my buddies came over and helped me remove the seat from the truck so I can try to patch up some more floorboard rust over the next couple of weeks. I am undecided if I want to try to do the drivers side repairs now or wait. Part of me wants to do it, but the other part is saying hold off and see how things unfold. Regardless I gotta find where I'm leaking gas and fix it. Pretty sure I know where it is coming from but damn if it isn't annoying. I have tightened the line several times now.
Posted via Mobile Device

Chad215 02-16-2012 12:17 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Dang, I thought I was short on space. I've got at least 8 inches from the door to the bumper.
The truck looks great- good for you for having a better hobby than I did when I was at Bragg. I spent all my time at the bars chasing women or nursing sore knees from jumping out of planes. Never did like the bar scene too much out there...something about being in a town where the male to female ratio is like 75 to 1 made me a little bitter.:lol:

Nice write up on the gas tank install. :metal:

k1rodeoboater 02-16-2012 10:40 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Chad I'm sure when you were here the 82nd still had their auto shop open. Since then all we got is the COSCOM auto shop, and all they let you do there is mechanical stuff.

I think I fixed the gas line leak. One of the fittings needed to be tightened up. Though the garage and house still really smell strongly of gas. Hopefully it is just residual, I would like to do some welding this weekend but I am not gonna try if it is smelling strongly of gas. I really want to patch the floor where the gas pedal is so I can actually have a gas pedal again instead of a rod lol. Makes driving a little difficult

Tomorrow I want to try to get a set of control arms from a local guy. He pulled them off a 2nd gen. I figure I will rebuild them off the truck and put them on my truck before going for an alignment.
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 02-17-2012 02:55 PM

Re: K1's build thread

Originally Posted by k1rodeoboater (Post 5193067)
I think I fixed the gas line leak. One of the fittings needed to be tightened up.

As a matter of habit, I teflon tape anything threaded dealing with fluids.

chad64chevy 03-11-2012 01:40 PM

Re: K1's build thread
1 Attachment(s)
hey mike, heres a picture of lt1 burb floor, its close to mine i just outlined where mine its! it's a 5"x5" square so maybe 8"-10" square would be great!! but i can make that piece, if its to much trouble! if the radio section is not hecked up in the wrecked truck, i would take that section too!! thanks for the heads up!! glad you got your patches, and glad to help!!

1963c-10 03-15-2012 12:48 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Trucks looking good Mike.

k1rodeoboater 03-15-2012 04:19 PM

Re: K1's build thread
...heh you should see the hole in the drivers side I made...Gonna try to weld it in next week sometime.

1963c-10 03-16-2012 04:49 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Yeah, Ill haev to do that. Havent seen you in awhile...haha

ozzyman 04-10-2012 11:47 AM

Re: K1's build thread
Curious on your Rusto paint job, Have you been wet sanding every few coats? and what mix did you thin it to (40/50, 50/50?)

I'm on a extreme budget and really need to simply lay out some form of rust control, my trucks body is straight with minor surface rust only so a quick rattle can prime + rustoleum seems like a good deal to keep the body from rotting away. A nice prof paint job may be in the trucks future in a decade or so, so obviously stripping it back down that far down the road is no biggie.

k1rodeoboater 04-20-2012 11:34 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Honestly I gave up on rolling it. I just started using spray cans for the quick and easy factor. Will likely finish the truck by rolling it, but to get the base down spray paint has won out due to unfroseen circumstances.

Since my last post I have cut all the rust out of the drivers side. That means my a pillar, b pillar, kick panel, cab corner, front and rear cab supports, and part of the toe board have been removed. So far my outer floor pan patch is in; I finished welding it in tonight. This weekend is going to be a bust, so during the course of this next week I am going to get the front and rear cab supports welded in, the a pillar, and the b pillar. By the weekend I will be welding in the cab corner, sealing the seams, and on Monday next week I will be mounting the drivers door back up come hell or high water.

At that point I will have only rockets to mount and door repairs to make. I am going to try to patch the damage on the skins as they sit now. Worst case I have 2 new repo skins ready to go. Once all of this is done I will officiall be done with ALL of my rust repair on the cab, and that will be a GREAT feeling. My goal is that in 3-4 weeks I will be driving my truck. In the next 6 weeks I will have no more ghetto flat black visable on the truck (back of the cab being the exception as I am not willing to pull the bed right now due to time constraints.)
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 04-22-2012 02:39 PM

Re: K1's build thread
Good to see you updating again!
Hope to see some pics of your progress this week, sounds like you have quite the agenda!

Good luck!

1963c-10 04-24-2012 08:22 AM

Re: K1's build thread
Damn Mike....been busy? Whatcha gonna do once all the work is done? Have to find you another project.

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