Thiele |
07-31-2005 12:31 PM |
Need axles for 1962 half-ton C-10 Chevrolet truck
I have been trying for a week to find the right and left axles for my 1962 Chevrolet C-10 half-ton pickup. All 1962 half-ton C-10 engine sizes have the same axles. Current set has been damaged by worn axle bearings which wore a shallow, somewhat pitted groove into the shaft causing unaceptable noise. I have new bearings and seals, so all I need is a couple of good axles. The axles have 17 splines and are 30 1/8 inch long, button end to surface of flange, for the left axle, and 31 1/8 inch for the right axle. The flange has six tire studs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.