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4tiresngas 09-29-2005 11:45 PM

The Never Ending Ram Horn Saga
Okay, I still do not have my ram horn manifolds on my truck. Not so urgent since the exhaust pipes have not arrived yet.

here's my issue. I thought I would use all new hardware. that being the case, I only brought two bolts for the manifolds back with me from the salvage yard. One short one that goes on th e ends...need 8, and one long one for the center..need four.

Unfortunately, Kragens nor a local part store had the bolts. I went to a hardware store and looked at Grade 8 bolts, but the ones closest to each were like a 1/4" longer...I'm not sure that will work.

Anybody know where to get the right bolts....I know..go back to the salvage yard and look on the ground where I left

magooster 09-29-2005 11:47 PM

ARP maybe?

4tiresngas 09-29-2005 11:48 PM

That's what I thought. I just perused their on-line catalog. It seems all their exhaust stuff is studs or bolts for headers.

magooster 09-29-2005 11:58 PM

What size are they? If they're an oddball size the only other solution I can think of is to cut new grade 8 bolts down to the size your looking for. LMC doesn't even carry them.

4x4Poet 09-30-2005 03:56 AM has locking bolt kits for Rams Horn manifolds. Part # 8920. Plated with locking retainers that keep them from ever loosening due to bolt movement. My last purchase was $57.82 shipped.

uncle 09-30-2005 09:58 AM

Try a hardware store and you might have to use a washer also. Some hardware stores can also order the oddball lengths.

sdmahr 09-30-2005 10:10 AM

I used a couple of extra washers PLUS used a tap to go up into the hole and "clean-up" the extra threads that are up high in the hole. It worked fine in all but a couple of holes. With those, I cut the bolt and carefully shaped the end with a file to get them to start real nice. Its somewhat of a pain in the a$$ but it'll save you some bucks over buying a custom fit set.

truckdude239 09-30-2005 10:20 AM

i guess u don't have a place like i do here in winston-salem nc i got a store called salem fasters thye have every bolt nut screw u can think of if i can find their number i'l post it i don't know if the ship or not.

1-PU70 09-30-2005 10:58 AM

Part # 1256623 from Classic Industrise. But I would go back to the yard and get the old ones. Here is the link

tomatocity 09-30-2005 01:16 PM

Look in the Yellow Pages for a Fastener business. If they don't have them you need to go back to the wrecking yard.

What sizes do you need. I can get graded bolts at a place called Blue Collar and I like going there. If I have the correct bolts I will send them to you.

EDIT: I just remembered that BB intake manifold bolts also work.

Redaddiction 09-30-2005 03:12 PM

Do you just need soem stock header bolts ? I just pulled my 327 out and it has the stock ramhorn's on it I can pull the bolts off for you if you'd like pm me if you want to work something out.

BubbaGreen 09-30-2005 06:33 PM

If you need/want stock manifold bolts...go to your local GM dealer and get 'em.
The correct exhaust bolts will have a circle in the center. Other than that, might try a Tractor Supply Company and get Allen Head/Hex Head GR8 bolts. I ended up purchasing the 1/8" thick washers from ARP.

4tiresngas 09-30-2005 08:36 PM

Hey Guys..went back to the wrecking yard 'em.

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