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jugernot 02-17-2006 04:00 AM

Where do YOU find the time?????????
I work 40-50 hours a week and have a hour commute each way. My wife is going to school part time and my two year old is, well being a two year old.....So for about six months now my project has sat in the garage and other house hold things have taken up alot of my attention. I lack the hands on skill that many of you have, so I have to pay someone to do the work for me (ie body and paint) and well thats not cheap either. I have been working on my project since 2001 and had a few major costly set backs. I refuse to pack it in. I have spent to much $$ and time on it. I just want to hear the motor run and go for a drive.

So if anyone has an extra 20 hours at week they can throw my way I would really appreciate it.

krue 02-17-2006 04:23 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Good luck. Sometimes it's hard to find the time, just do what you can when you can I guess. If you figure it out let me know the secret.

68Stepbed 02-17-2006 05:32 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Lots of late nights and cold dinners. A patient wife helps alot too. I helped my dad restore his 53 when I was a teenager. He worked between 50 an 60 hours a week, but he worked at home. My mom has always been very patient about my dad's hobby. I'm not as fortunate. My wife would rather me be home with her instead of with my truck. :m3: When my wife was in school last year, the only time I had to work on my truck was after they went to bed. It is hard to work on a truck with a two year old running around.

Yeah, it's tough and aggravating, but stay patient and stick with it. It'll work out eventually. It doesn't help much when you watch Overhaulin' where they build a car in a week.:banghead:

Palf70Step 02-17-2006 06:29 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Uhhhh....I don't. That is why mine is still in pieces. It has been over a month since I even looked in on mine. Sometimes you just squeeze and hour or so when you can. Other times you just wait. At the moment I am waiting for my wife to become a super successful overly paid executive, so I can stay at home and live off her earnings. So far, that is moving about as fast as my truck's rebirth :rolleyes:

special-K 02-17-2006 07:26 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
I have a lifetime,thank God.

Luvlegs 02-17-2006 08:20 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
BEEN THERE! and now I'm doing it over AGAIN! Have one due any minute. With my first two, at about 2, I had them in the shop in those roll around walkers, kept them close, did things I could (no welding, grinding, etc) but always had something to work on. Instead of sitting in front of the TV and having them roll around, we did it in the shop. That was 20 years ago but even today, if they are around, they want to hang in the garage with me! Never use the kids as a reason to stay inside - they like being out just as much as we do and it exposes them to more stuff (good exposures) hahahah I'm off the soapbox now!

mrein3 02-17-2006 08:40 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????

Originally Posted by jugernot
I work 40-50 hours a week and have a hour commute each way.

Ditto. Only my commute is only 40 minutes.


Originally Posted by jugernot
My wife is going to school part time and my two year old is, well being a two year old.....

No wife in school but wait until your kid is 4.


Originally Posted by jugernot
So for about six months now my project has sat in the garage and other house hold things have taken up alot of my attention. I lack the hands on skill that many of you have, so I have to pay someone to do the work for me (ie body and paint) and well thats not cheap either. I have been working on my project since 2001 and had a few major costly set backs. I refuse to pack it in. I have spent to much $$ and time on it. I just want to hear the motor run and go for a drive.

So if anyone has an extra 20 hours at week they can throw my way I would really appreciate it.

I bought my truck in 1994. Since then there is always a "next project" for it. Right now my next project is the rocker, kick panel, and part of the floor on the driver's side. I did the other side over a year ago now.

I like to look at it this way...
When I was in grade school I wanted to be in middle school. Then when I got to middle school I remembered how easy grade school was.
Later on I couldn't wait to get out of middle school and get to high school. Then when I first got to high school I remembered how easy middle school was.
By my senior year I couldn't wait to get to college. Once I got there I remembered how easy high school was.
Towards the end of college I couldn't wait to get out and get a job and earn some real money. Once I got out I realized how easy I had it in college.

Now I'm married, have a 4 year old, work too much, and have retirement to look forward to...
But wait a second. After I retire the next thing is death. I'll take the mortgage, kid, wife, no time to work on "fun" stuff. Because some day I'll be wishing I can go back to NOW.

vtblazer 02-17-2006 08:51 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
My projects took a back seat when the kids were tiny as well, just the way it is.
Bide your time, help your wife, take care of the children cause it all comes back around at some point.

67ChevyRedneck 02-17-2006 09:06 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
At least you don't have to plan a weekend to do it and drive two hours there and two hours back.:(

shelby987 02-17-2006 09:25 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time????????? make a good point.....makes me feel a little better about it all.

I too am working 45-55hrs a week.....and when i get home to freezing weather and a house in a steady state of repair.....its hard to justify working on a second vehicle.....let alone brave the temps in the basically unsealable garage to try to replace basic parts (been down for a couple of months thanks to a bad wheel bearing....but at least its keeping the truck out of the snow).

I try to just keep collecting the parts I need/want so when I do have time....I have nothing in my way to slow me down!
good luck to all.....

72MARIO 02-17-2006 09:34 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
My truck took me nearly 5 years to complete. That's driving to the wife to be's place every night. Going out and working 40hrs a week. I found time after I got home from 11pm or 12pm till 3-3:30 am up for work by 6 am. Heck thats what you have to do if you want it done fast.

Then again I am Young so I can go on 4 hours sleep.

Huck 02-17-2006 09:37 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Ya well---been there done that. Keep in mind that hobbies are just that--things we enjoy doing with our free time. Getting in over one's head is a learning process we all tend to go through. Talking from 60 years of experience--the key to finding the time is "making the time". You can't build or rebuild a truck non-stop like the butt holes do on TV with unlimited check book--perfect garage--tools--etc.
Next time you are sitting on the throne of thought--take along a note pad and start making a list of things needed done then priortize the list focusing on the easy things that will give you a degree of satisfaction and the feeling of accomplishment--then create an hour of time (6am Sat morning--9pm Sun night?) to actually do it. Prepare with the necessary stuff and then put it on your calendar. Discuss this frustration with your love muffin so that you can get some buy in. When you get organized like this, you will actually find the time and the project will move along.
Body work and paint is very difficult to learn and costly to do right. That is a tough one to jump into so avoid this. Make it driveable, comfortable and then use it. Cool looking can come with time.
One other thought, find another truck person locally so you can share thoughts, project work, etc. Having a buddy will make the whole experience a log more fun.
And finally, even when retired (I did 6 year ago) you will get into projects that just never seem to move along because you buy more then one--I have 2 blazers and a 70SWB all needing finishing--haven't spent more then an hour or two in the past month!! Think I need to go sit on that throne of thought with a pad and pen!!!!hehehehehe

72MARIO 02-17-2006 09:47 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
"take along a note pad and start making a list of things needed done"

That's exactly what I did and it made it easier to get work done on the truck. Good way to make sure when you get out to the shop work gets done.

67ChevyRedneck 02-17-2006 09:57 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????

Originally Posted by 72MARIO

Then again I am Young so I can go on 4 hours sleep.

I'm young too and I need at least 7:lol:

Through all the blood sweat and tears, all the money, all the time, and all the sacrifices it's all worth it when that little kid in the car that just pulled up next to you realizes that YOU have a cool truck and wants you to do a burnout for them, or when you get a thumbs up just driving down the road, or when you can look at that beaty in the driveway and say "I did that" that's when it's all worth it.

GruntyPants 02-17-2006 09:57 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
It's funny thing about 'finding time'. I went out to the shop last night, just to put some tools back after fixing something in the house... and before I knew it I had removed and replaced the rear flex brake line on the '67. I just sort of wandered by with a wrench and prying/pulling devices and it was done. Of course my wife wondered where I had disappeared to for 30 minutes, but she understands that if I don't get to monkey with stuff I get seriously unhappy. So it's mostly stealing time at this point, at least until the new boy can join me in the shop. He's only 10 days old right now, so I'm thinking maybe another week or so? :-)

shelby987 02-17-2006 10:32 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
lol, I have that list.....mine was made on the couch of thought while consuming the drink of its a decently long list....but it covers most of the 'major' purchases that need to be made to get my truck to where i want it.....the total is slightly higher than the purchase price of the truck and engine....but all told I will have slightly less into it than buying a 96 k1500 (which would have likely had an automatic) I am happy....while I probably won't make money on it if I had to sell a couple of years it will have at least held its value! mpg is a different issue :ol:

boundstaffpress 02-17-2006 10:56 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
luvlegs is right on. Bring the kids with you. I have pics of my first daughter gnawing on my 1/4" rachet in her walker while I worked on my nova wagon. Two days ago my 1 year old daughter chewed on that same rachet while I changed the weatherstripping on the passenger side of my truck. It goes slower when you have to stop every so often to pick up the rachet, but slow with my kids is better than fast by myself.

My Dad used to give me a hammer an some nails to work with while he did framing and repair work. That is why I can do some of the things I can. He took time to teach me.

Be patient and love the kids.

Yukon Jack 02-17-2006 11:08 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Like alot of people on the board, family and work have to come first. I pretty much only work on my trucks after I get the kids off to bed. When I'm heavy in a project I might get out to the shop 3-4 nights a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at the most. Every once in a while I will take a day off and try to get alot accomplished. It is frustating with this approach cause it takes forever to get anywhere but you do what you have to do. My 69 took me just under three years to get back on the road, sounds like a long time but when you consider how few hours I get to put in at one time, it is a little bit easier to understand how it could take that long.

Main thing to remember, your truck can wait and not complain, but your family will grow up and you can't miss that!

Canadian694x4 02-17-2006 11:13 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
I only work 40 hours a week commute maybe 30 mins a day, don't have kids or a wife and I still can't find the "time" to work on my truck.

I blame it mostly on my lack of motivation and the fact that I can't give up driving it long enough to work on it (I need another truck so I can work on the other one :lol: )...that and I still need to find me a suitible place to work on it...No Garage :(

Some day I will find the "time" tho!

67ChevyRedneck 02-17-2006 11:14 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????

Originally Posted by boundstaffpress
luvlegs is right on. Bring the kids with you. I have pics of my first daughter gnawing on my 1/4" rachet in her walker while I worked on my nova wagon. Two days ago my 1 year old daughter chewed on that same rachet while I changed the weatherstripping on the passenger side of my truck. It goes slower when you have to stop every so often to pick up the rachet, but slow with my kids is better than fast by myself.

My Dad used to give me a hammer an some nails to work with while he did framing and repair work. That is why I can do some of the things I can. He took time to teach me.

Be patient and love the kids.

Great idea. When I was 4 my dad did a "home" restoration on a 67 Firebird. I loved that car. He still has it along with two 68 ragtops. I'm actually responsible for him owning a 67 longbed, 69 longbed, and 69 4x4 longbed (he loved my 67). I am no expert on how to do things, but I know my way around a car and a garage. I can even work on "the new stuff" as long as I have my trusty haynes manual! He also taught me how to build a house from the ground up. I wouldn't trade the time my dad and I spent in the garage together for all the hot rods in the world.

biglou55 02-17-2006 11:21 AM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
I get that frustrated feeling a lot. I work a 40-50 hr. a week job also plus i run my part time business repairing lawn mowers-snowblowers-etc-etc. And don.t forget the money pit we call a house. Good thing i do carpentry for a living. but who wants to go home and do the same thing for free that you get paid for. But persaverance does pay off . I have my list and have been slowly when money allows over the last three years collecting the parts i need. I think i have enough parts for my 68 and 71 and enough stuff to build a 72. When my four kids were small it was impossible. thankfully they are all grown up and mostly gone (one left at home) All i tell my better half is all i want to do is build a toy. remember patience- patience- patience.

taylorde 02-17-2006 12:39 PM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
well I know the feeling. I'm in the oil field and time is not a pleasent thing to say or do around my wife. I work on an average 100 hours a week 28on 3 off every month. So TIME would be nice!!!!!

birdie 02-17-2006 12:56 PM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Time is always at a premium but it is just what you make of it. I have a two year old and I take her out to the garage with me. I am lucky she still has a nap in the afternoon so that gives me 2 hours uninteruped work. The bonus is she knows the diference between a wrench, screwdriver and pliers and which to use on what. If only I had more money!

davidh 02-26-2006 03:14 PM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
Hopefully, I mean hopefully my job is getting ready to change to 3 full days, 2 half days. but have no shop so it will be a while before I get one. I dont play golf so maybe in a few years I'll get the time. My gf's son is getting bigger is actually help now. I always showed him things, Ie righty-tighty, lefty-loosey, and can switch the ratchet. My baby brother in his 20's cant even do that.
My dream is to be able to have a 30X40 shop close to my house, have a few afternoons off for me time in it so I can get some things done in the next five years.

Stocker 02-26-2006 04:53 PM

Re: Where do YOU find the time?????????
I don't get much overtime... it's less than a mile to work... the kids are all grown & out of the house... so time is not the issue. My problem is (lack of) ambition :) and only a carport, plus just enough knowledge to tackle basic maintenance.

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