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shifty 03-29-2006 10:55 PM

RANT and a plea to vendors
Ok, I just spent 2 hours trying to find any information on how to install my cab mounts because the vendor I bought them from (no need to name names) decided it is not in my best interest to print out a 2¢ sheet of paper showing how they mount.

VENDORS: if you sell body and/or radiator mounts, AT LEAST have the common courtesy to either:

A) give people a sheet of paper showing how to install your body mounts. It costs you almost nothing to print out and will save your customer a buttloand of hassles (Everyone has a different kit).


B) print a website address where a person can find help on the invoice, on a sticker attached to the hardware bag or somewhere - not to mention a link to install instructions at your freakin' website on the product description page!

I know two major well-known sellers who have this issue with not giving out instructions on cab/radiator mounts and I hope all vendors will understand just how frustrating it is for your customers to receive poor instructions or even worse NO instructions. Are we supposed to be mind readers here? Are we supposed to magically know what this mess of rubber pucks is and how it fits together? Mine were so rusted up I wouldn't have been able to tell what was a thick washer and what was thin.

I regularly see threads like this one:

I got screwed by this one just now and unfortunately, my cab mount kit doesn't use the same setup of mounts as you see in the picture there. Mine has additional large washers (two thick, two thin) and ... I couldn't figure it out. I'm going to need to call the vendor tomorrow.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm pissed. I could have gotten in a good 3 hours work today but I can't even figure out how to properly install my mounts. I feel like an idiot and I don't believe it's my fault!

TRUCKGUY 03-29-2006 10:58 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
havent read all of it but i agree!!

jrb71c20 03-29-2006 11:11 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, get em.....hit em with da jab.....GET EM......GRRRRRR

Longhorn Man 03-29-2006 11:12 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I agree, although, personally haven't had the problem yet.
It's kinda like when you buy an aftermarket intake...then you have to spend another 20 bucks in pipe plugs, nipples and gaskets. Real PITA.

rauto13 03-29-2006 11:15 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I'm with ya Shifty, I have put cab & radiator support mounts in mine and it was all guesswork, I really am not sure if I did it right or not.

Nothing fell off though

Rollie396 03-29-2006 11:22 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I just took a picture of the originals before I removed them.Sounds like your's were in pretty bad shape though so mebbe it wouldn't have helped in your case,who knows.

weasel29gm 03-29-2006 11:26 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
Put mine in like they came out. One of the easiest things I've done.

Tim Christian 03-29-2006 11:29 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
Shifty, The digram you have shown in the other post is correct for your truck if you are doing the 68 I don't beleive I sold them to you who knows??? Ours does not include instructions. I have never gave it much thought some people will ask but if I am not there I doubt if the wife or other guy that works for me could answer that question. What is a small bussiness to do? Could sell you a Assembly Manual Just Kidding. If you don't figure it out PM me and I will try to help you

rage'nrat638 03-29-2006 11:30 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
i old ones were not to bad of i could compare them...
but..i found i had a couple extra parts there...i guess this is so they would fit other models...
and no there was not any instructions

72armyswbtruck 03-29-2006 11:32 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
Do you mind if I ask who they came from?
Which mount do you need help with and what year?
I like brothers because the pics are pretty good.
I do agree that good vendors should include pics with the mounts and brackets. It just makes good business sense.

boundstaffpress 03-29-2006 11:43 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I had the same thing happen, but with a carrier bearing. Kit included two "spacers" ??? But did not include a diagram or written instructions. Neither did my service manual or assembly manual. I didn't have any spacers when I took the old one off, so didn't include them when I reassembled. Now I have a squeak because my carrier housing rubs on my drive shaft. 2¢ worth of paper would have saved me a lot of future hassle.

Preach on Shifty.

JAKES 68GMC 03-29-2006 11:50 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors

Originally Posted by rauto13
I'm with ya Shifty, I have put cab & radiator support mounts in mine and it was all guesswork, I really am not sure if I did it right or not.

Nothing fell off though

Thats how I do stuff. Pure guesswork and what little knolwedge I have. Instructions are OK though, I guess.

shifty 03-29-2006 11:54 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors

Originally Posted by Tim Christian
Could sell you a Assembly Manual Just Kidding. If you don't figure it out PM me and I will try to help you

I actually might take you up on that ;)

Nah, you didn't sell 'em to me. I'm a little over it at this point, feel kinda stupid for posting this, but ... it seems like such a simple gesture. I hope some of the vendors sit down and think about it, it seems like such simple customer service to me - you sell something, you should tell people how to use it. If nothing else, even if the person is Boyd Coddington, send the instructions. I'm guessing several more people will post in here and tell their horror stories.

Still not sure why it makes sense to make pretty plastic packages for a mount kit with multiple parts and not tell someone how to put em together :D Just a thought! This is not directed at you, Tim.

northcountry67 03-30-2006 12:09 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
What about those of us who took their truck apart, moved twice, let it sit in pieces for years then finished the body work and bought new mounts only to realize that we have had too many beers since dis-assembly to remember how they went together?
Oh yeah, someone should send Boyd Coddington instructions on how to register a hot rod legally.

PICKMUP 03-30-2006 12:45 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I understand your pain, but:but: there are hundreds of parts in most of our inventories, and we can't print up instructions for all of them. When you go to an auto parts store, most of the parts do not come with instructions. You are expected to use maintenance/assembly manuals and experience to do the replacement.
If the manufacturer doesn't print special instructions, there is probably no way a small dealer can handle that requirement for everything. Most of our smaller dealers are very knowledgeable and will gladly help you out, if you ask. The big dealers won't or can't.
Having said all that, incidently, I do print hand drawn diagrams of the body mounts. I have not done the core support, as the 67-8 CS kit I use does come with some...
and this is why I would rather sell to my customers face-to-face and not mail order. It saves a lot of confusion and hard feelings.
I recomend you do not give your supplier's name, as requested by someone else on here. It could cause some unnecessary negative reactions.

72armyswbtruck 03-30-2006 01:00 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
Shifty, thanks for the PM, I apologize for asking, it is kinda rude, Hope this venting helped. Good luck

Ron 586 03-30-2006 01:01 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
My main concern in wanting instructions is we have a lot of first time truck owners who have never had a lot of time with a wrench in their hands. Dad is a suit and tie man that can't change the spark plug in his 3 1/2 horsepower lawnmower. In the thrill of the moment you yank off parts and don't lay it in order or mark and bag it. When you go back to put it together it's hard to remember thick on top or bottom. But to hear my wife tell it I don't ever read directions anyway. She's wrong I do on anything that I haven't did before.

CPNE 03-30-2006 10:23 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PICKMUP
I understand your pain, but:but: there are hundreds of parts in most of our inventories, and we can't print up instructions for all of them. When you go to an auto parts store, most of the parts do not come with instructions. You are expected to use maintenance/assembly manuals and experience to do the replacement.
If the manufacturer doesn't print special instructions, there is probably no way a small dealer can handle that requirement for everything. Most of our smaller dealers are very knowledgeable and will gladly help you out, if you ask. The big dealers won't or can't...

...I recomend you do not give your supplier's name, as requested by someone else on here. It could cause some unnecessary negative reactions.

Frank addresses this issue correctly IMO, and it is true most auto parts stores don't provide the granularity of detail you seek either. Rightly or wrongly, it is assumed you have the basic reference material in your possession. Guys like Frank don't "hand pick" the hardware and package it for you, they retail pre-packaged goods.

How long did you have these mounts in your possession before you realized you had no directions? If more than a few hours I would think you could have mitigated your aggravation by either A) Calling the vendor; B) Post the question here. I think rather than "rant", you could accept some culpability here and work within the system, rather than raising rancor. There is a polite way to address a shortcoming, this certainly was not it.;)


Originally Posted by shifty
...I feel like an idiot and I don't believe it's my fault!

Regarding the above quote: Yes, you should (because of you initial post), on point A; Not entirely, on point B

Maybe you should get one of these?:lol:

mblackburnjr 03-30-2006 11:03 AM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I heard once that companies stopped included the instructions w/ there parts because customers couldn't read japanese or

70rs/ss 03-30-2006 12:00 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I ordered a set of Urethane bushings from Summit and they had instructions, as well as picts. I didn't read the directions, but WOW the picts were a great help!! That being said, they were not energy suspension, they were an off brand but cheaper than energy. Either way it is good to let it out!

67ChevyRedneck 03-30-2006 12:00 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
The kit I ordered came with instructions for the core support, but not the cab supports. AND it only came with enough washers for the top of the "hockey pucks" and my washers were actually rotted out, so I'm assuming the "hockey pucks" didn't need the lower washers because they had a ring that fit down inside the mount bolt hole. It did kinda suck not having them. I could have gone by my original mounts, but I didn't have all of the parts to make it the same, and without instructions, how are you supposed to install a "non-stock" set of parts made for your stock truck?

CPNE 03-30-2006 12:10 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck
The kit I ordered came with instructions for the core support, but not the cab supports. AND it only came with enough washers for the top of the "hockey pucks" and my washers were actually rotted out, so I'm assuming the "hockey pucks" didn't need the lower washers because they had a ring that fit down inside the mount bolt hole. It did kinda suck not having them. I could have gone by my original mounts, but I didn't have all of the parts to make it the same, and without instructions, how are you supposed to install a "non-stock" set of parts made for your stock truck?

Yes, been there done that. But neither of us came on the board throwing a tantrum. My family runs a couple of service oriented businesses and I can tell you that when a customer blows things out of proportion before we are given a chance to rectify or diffuse the situation, that customer is given the :josh: . That is why I say there is a right way and a wrong way to approach a problem and there are very few situations where the blame cannot be shared.

John @ BROTHERS 03-30-2006 03:03 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I have to agree with Frank. We have a ton of parts and maybe a few more could use instructions. Personly I have installed plenty of cab & core mounts and never thought that they would require instructions. We do realize that there are first time truck owners out there that could use a little extra help. We also know that there are trucks out there may be either missing a crutial part or one part is so bad you don't know what it is or does. Below is a picture of the instructions we will be including in our cab mount sets from here on out. On the other hand, having either a Factory Assembly Manual or Shop Manual for your truck would also be a great asset to your rebuild.

el curioso 03-30-2006 03:34 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
I personaly dont think he whent the wrong way about it cuz he didn't mention any names and he was just making a suggestion for vendors. I'm not the type to say that the customer is allways right cuz sadly but truely we are not always right. It's just that when a vendor see's hear's and or read's a comment like this an says "Below is a picture of the instructions we will be including in our cab mount sets from here on out." I think they have a new customer like BROTHERS now has.

shifty 03-30-2006 07:14 PM

Re: RANT and a plea to vendors

Originally Posted by PICKMUP
When you go to an auto parts store, most of the parts do not come with instructions. You are expected to use maintenance/assembly manuals and experience to do the replacement.

So, if it's OK for a major auto parts chain to do it, that makes it acceptable practice for everyone? If you operated your business in other ways like they do (which I know you don't), you'd lose all your business ;)


Originally Posted by PICKMUP
I recomend you do not give your supplier's name, as requested by someone else on here. It could cause some unnecessary negative reactions.

I will not and have made that clear in above posts. No worries on that there - while some think otherwise after a recent vendor post, I *do* respect all vendors out there and this is intended to be a positive thread in the hopes of seeing some change, not a chance to tar and feather anyone.

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