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bad_turbo 10-16-2006 10:31 AM

wheel identity help please
1 Attachment(s)
These wheels are off my '69 dually. I need to get rid of them, so if anyone has any info about them, it would help.

Huskerboy2 10-16-2006 11:14 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
Those look like split rims to me. Take them to the dump. I just took a couple of mine there. They aren't worth anything.

slomotion 10-16-2006 01:23 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
I have six of them myself. I stripped the tires and tubes, and put the wheels in the back of my storage shed. The only people I know that would be the slightest bit interested in them would be a die-hard restorer. The shops in my area won't even work on them without a cage to protect the mech. It seemed a shame to trash them to me, but they're surely not very useful in today's market.

What are you going to replace them with?

cdowns 10-16-2006 02:03 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
if you put them in the garden you can grow 9 tomatoe plants in the sping thats the most you'll get out of them:)

basketcase 10-16-2006 02:13 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
You can also bury them in the ground and use them for a fire pit. Split rims aren't safe to inflate unless you have a cage. I'd be affraid to sell them because of the liability involved. If one blew off the ring and killed or injured the person you sold it to or someone else, just think of the law suit that would follow. They'd claim that you knowingly sold them a defective and unsafe rim. Scrap them.


RSRXION 10-16-2006 05:50 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
The idiot that invented split rims should be exhumed and beaten with the ring. These things have caused more injuries and deaths than all other tire/wheel accidents combined. They are worth something though. Scrap in my area is bringing 65.00 a ton. Based on that statistic, they should be worth about 85 cents each. JMHO, Dean

Longhorn Man 10-16-2006 05:59 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
wow... scrap here is over 100 a ton for sheet and short, and like 135 for hubs and rotors.
I guess they are worth more to me than they are to RSRXION. :haha:

These are pretty much wothless... They are a liability, they are dangerouse to those who don't know how to use them, and they are even illegal in a couple states for use on public roads on light duty (one ton and less) trucks.

Werewolf 10-16-2006 06:57 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
And here I was thinking about seeing if any diehard restorer was looking for a set of 6 lug split rims.

I remember my dad used to work on these things, he's one of the only people around that would do it, and he wasn't even a mechanic.

Maybe he was just suicidal... :P

CPNEJR 10-16-2006 07:16 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
we had one blow apart while we were going down the road in our 1 ton in the spring and it basically ripped the rest of the rim to peices. get rid of them

longhorn70gmc 10-16-2006 08:55 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
My old Longhorn bed just went for $3.40 out here to the recycle people because they went by weight, 340 pounds. I bought a beer with the money and just enjoyed it. Good thing is it is out of my yard.
I got rid of my rims. My Longhorn had a full set and no one would touch them. I was told they are illegal out here in Cali.
This is my 600th post!!!!!!! Ya hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bad_turbo 10-19-2006 01:39 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
1 Attachment(s)
Yep, everyone that has actually looked at them, in person, has told me they are split rims and how dangerous they are. I was hoping I could find somebody that had some 16 inch dually wheels to trade for them. I don't care to try and get any money for them. Just want some rear 16's to match the front ones on this truck. The split rims are 18's. Heres a pic of the truck.

bad_turbo 10-19-2006 02:45 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
1 Attachment(s)
another pic

truckdude239 10-19-2006 06:23 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
they widow makers that what we call them at work they showed us a video of what happens then they not mounted right we aren't even alllow to touch them at my work. anyway goo luck getting rid of them

Werewolf 10-19-2006 06:36 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
It's kind of a pity. Those things would look nice on that truck if you got 'em chromed.

Blue85 10-19-2006 03:30 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
These rims can be dangerous if you dont treat them right, making sure the rings are clean and not rusty, and above all tapping the ring with a hammer while slowly inflating them. I have changed hundreds of tires with these rims and never had a problem,i guess allit takes is one to blow up, then i might change my mind, most heavy equipment, graders and loaders etc. still come with split wheels from factory. Just my 2cents

alblogg 10-19-2006 07:57 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
I found a good use for some we had instead of hauling them to the scrap yard get some round stock the same size as the hole in the middle take the tire off first, weld the stock in. I have my grinder on one I made four for jack stands to put under frames they are higher than regular stands and have a wider foot print. Then I made up a few more and made deals to hang doors or fenders or other parts up to be shot in the paint booth.

RSRXION 10-19-2006 10:42 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
The salvage yards around here get 35.00 each for used 16" dually wheels. You should be able to get a set of 4 for about 125.00 and a set of stainless simulators go for about 100.00. I'm going to use simulators on mine unless I find a cheap set of Alcoas......... :)

Hey Longhorn ......... Are you calling me cheap ? Or tight ? or just thrifty ? :lol:

Longhorn Man 10-20-2006 09:21 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
if anyone here is cheap... it would be me.

RSRXION 10-20-2006 11:19 PM

Re: wheel identity help please
I prefer the term... " smart shopper ".

lukecp 10-21-2006 12:46 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
Since I don't know, what exactly happens when a split rim fails and causes injury? Why are they called a "split" rim? Is the rim made of two ring-shaped halves? I've heard of them refrenced on this board many, many times, but never really known why they are so bad.

RSRXION 10-21-2006 08:06 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
The wheel itself has no outer lip on it and makes putting the tire on east since it just slips over the wheel. BUT then you have to put the exterior ring , which has a split in it , around the wheel and the ring acts as the outer bead for the tire to press against. Unfortunately they are prone to come off of the wheel during inflation and yield some catastrophic damage to anything OR ANYONE nearby. They are the worst idea ever and should have been banned shortly after they were introduced. JMHO, Dean

Look closely at the top photo and you can see the locking split ring and the outer shell. The split is at the 11:00 position.

lukecp 10-21-2006 10:21 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
Thanks, I can see why they are such a bad idea.

PanelDeland 10-21-2006 11:13 AM

Re: wheel identity help please
alblogg had the same idea as I did.I think he came up with the best use unless you need a boat anchor(for a very small boat.)

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