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zeitlerusmc 02-23-2007 02:06 AM

<>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
OK so I have a 1968 327 with 1968 327 truck heads, can I put an 1987 throttle body injection system on it I.E intake manifold throttle body, all the censors, and then bolt in a inline electric fuel pump. or is there something special inside the t.b.i motors:confused: :confused: :confused: :fry: :fry:

PrerunnerRob 02-23-2007 02:27 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
I am no pro on this, but I was tol before that the acual "V" or degree of the sbc V8 was changed between your old motor, and new intake setup. Just my 2 cents, I may be waaaay off on this one.

Oh, and happiness IS a belt fed weapon, ever though I have not had the chance to try one out!

ChiefRocka 02-23-2007 09:39 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
The best thing to do would be to install the TBI onto an OG would need a 2-barrell intake though. You would have to fab up an adapter plate.

The MAP sensor and coolant sensor would be no bid deal. Your gonna need the O2 sensor in the exhaust somewhere.

Take some work, but it would work good


glennhuff 02-23-2007 12:55 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
If you can get the heads from the 87, then the TBI manifold should bolt on. Of course then your accesories won't bolt to the front of the head. John may have the best idea with a 2BBL manifold. Good luck.


zeitlerusmc 02-23-2007 12:58 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
I have the entire 87 motor but I think its locked up! the '68 heads on the 327motor are 64cc truck heads w/ no accesory holes so I would be in the same boat I'am now

Jonboy 02-23-2007 05:07 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
If you are wanting to go efi, you could probably put a Holley Pro-jection 2bbl unit on for about what you would spend to adapt the 87 system.

zeitlerusmc 02-23-2007 06:08 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
how is that holley efi set up is at the minimum 650, I have the entire 87 tbi motor???

project1971 02-23-2007 06:21 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
you don't need a 2bbl manifold they make adaptors for the 4 bbl so you can put it on any intake you want too, they are like $40 if i remember correctly.

Jonboy 02-23-2007 07:00 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>

Originally Posted by zeitlerusmc (Post 2044641)
I have the entire 87 motor but I think its locked up! the '68 heads on the 327motor are 64cc truck heads w/ no accesory holes so I would be in the same boat I'am now


Originally Posted by zeitlerusmc (Post 2044994)
how is that holley efi set up is at the minimum 650, I have the entire 87 tbi motor???

If it's locked up, do you suppose everything else will be pristine? If you are going to run the GM TBI, you will want to use the TBI intake (it will make things a lot easier, providing it is not corroded away under the thermostat housing), the distributor, knock sensor, coolant temp sensor (for the ECM, not the gauge), TBI with IAC and TPS, EGR and EGR sensor, and the oil pressure switch (it is usually together with the oil sender, and is above the oil filter. You wil also need a return line to the tank to use the factory TBI. You will also need the VSS and a corresponding speedo head to read the pulses from the VSS. Without a VSS, the system will not go into closed loop, and it will just dump fuel.

You can use the TBI intake by making the 4 center holes oblong to match up with the earlier heads. Only the 4 center holes are at a different angle, starting in '87 with the center bolt valve cover type heads.

ChiefRocka 02-24-2007 09:50 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>

Originally Posted by zeitlerusmc (Post 2044641)
I have the entire 87 motor but I think its locked up! the '68 heads on the 327motor are 64cc truck heads w/ no accesory holes so I would be in the same boat I'am now

Your old heads are by better than the 87's


Originally Posted by zeitlerusmc (Post 2044994)
how is that holley efi set up is at the minimum 650, I have the entire 87 tbi motor???

I would stick with what you got...You have everything you need already !!


Originally Posted by project1971 (Post 2045019)
you don't need a 2bbl manifold they make adaptors for the 4 bbl so you can put it on any intake you want too, they are like $40 if i remember correctly.

That would work all depends on what you have already. You could always make an adapter too. But if they are only $40......Then again, that $40 could also go into a nice 'switch box' for the "JUICE"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

zeitlerusmc 02-24-2007 03:59 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
dude you were suppose to give me a price on that complete setup man!!!!!

zeitlerusmc 02-24-2007 04:04 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
so lets recap the cheapest and easiest way to put this tbi on my 327 would be to use the tbi manifold and oblong the center holes and use all the censors off the tbi and run a ruturn line (which wont be hard since i'm going to do the blazer tank conversion). on a scale of 1-10 how hard is this conversion? am I going to be balls deep on this one?

chevy283 02-25-2007 12:12 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
I did it on my 65 it's not really hard about 7 on the scale. Just remember to hook the vss up.

zeitlerusmc 02-25-2007 12:34 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
and what does vss stand for again??

Jonboy 02-25-2007 12:21 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
Vehicle speed sensor. Before you dive into this, you might want to do a little reading on how the TBI works. Jaguars that run has a couple of really good books on fuel injection swaps, and I think most of the really good FI swap knowledge is on their website. The way it is written makes it very easy to understand. If you can swing it, I would suggest an aftermarket wiring harness. The factory harness will give you a bunch of extra crap you dont need, and it is a pain in the balls to get out of the dash.

zeitlerusmc 02-26-2007 03:02 AM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
already have it out and neatly coiled up I also have the ecu to match sitting by it. I have worked on tbi's before its just been a while. and wondering how common this is. does anyone know where i can have the milling work done to the manifold!?

chevy283 02-26-2007 12:11 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
Just take a drill after it that's what i did worked good. And what ecm number do u have?

zeitlerusmc 02-26-2007 12:19 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
not sure to be honest with you it all came out of a 1987 suburban! So the drill worked ok? just oblong the holes so they line up and did you get a good seal on your manifold?

chevy283 02-26-2007 07:57 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
It's running good so i guess its good and sealed. lol Look on the ecm there should be a sticker with some nummers like 1227747 on it.

zeitlerusmc 03-02-2007 04:44 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
hey which distributer did you use chevy283? the hei with the coil in the cap or the tbi dist. with the remote coil, and when you bore those manifold holes what did you do about the heads of the bolts sitting flush?

chevy283 03-03-2007 10:40 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
I use the tbi dist with the remote coil. And here's a good idea on the maniford holes

zeitlerusmc 03-03-2007 10:53 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
yup I have the site saved on my fav's just wondering if that was what you did too! thanks

chevy283 03-05-2007 08:23 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
No i havn't done anything to mine yet. that's just what im going to do someday.

zeitlerusmc 03-05-2007 10:51 PM

Re: <>AnoTheR MoTor QuEstIoN<>
ok well another move in housing has forced me too scrap the t.b.i idea. no room and to time to convert it must get it going quickly. so what do you think the harness, ecu, distr. throttle body, manifold, and most of the censors are worth. Lets say you were going to buy one how much would you pay?

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