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RED72blazer 07-02-2007 09:07 PM

****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
5 Attachment(s)
Well the time has come to save this old girl. I've owned her about seven years and used her well. She's been a daily driver, used her for many a road trip to Eastern Washington. I've done a lot of repair to her mechanicals, but she has slowly deteriorated over the last 7 years. Something must be done...

I guess I'm just looking for encouragement, me out of it.

RED72blazer 07-02-2007 09:11 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
4 Attachment(s)
at least the rocker boxes are okay.

Chevyman63 07-02-2007 09:11 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
You can do it!!!

And you know all of us will help as much as we can! :metal: :cool:

RED72blazer 07-02-2007 09:12 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
1 Attachment(s)
So where can I get the highest quality replacement panels? Where should I start? I have access to welding equipment, I can Kinda weld, I took metal shop in highschool. My Boss is a trained welder/bodyman But he's only ever worked on Land Rovers. I want to start cutting this weekend

bouncytruck 07-03-2007 12:29 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Call Wes about replacement panels. He'll know which ones are best. Don't buy from LMC or The Truck Shop for quality panels. He might have at least some of the parts in stock so you can get started this weekend. If I had any clue how to do the those repairs, I'd help ya but that is way, way beyond my knowledge base.

swyfor5 07-03-2007 12:46 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Dude, just go for it! In my opinion the 1st. gen blazer/jimmy's are as good as it gets! Getting ready to take on my 1970 blazer rebuild soon, just doing research now and stocking up on parts as money allows. I have had this k5 since 1981, and will never consider getting rid of it! Am looking at rust issues also, but where theres a will theres a way! Mine has gone from stock, to 4" lift, w/35", to 8" lift, w/39.5 swampers. Never say never bro!

70gmcjimmy 07-03-2007 12:58 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Hey Red72Blazer,
All these vendors here probably have the panels you need, but you should have your new panels before you hack out the problem areas. The little experience I have at that stuff, it seemed easier to be able to find a dimension to cut the new panel to lay it over the bad surface,mark it then cut the bad stuff out. That is an extremely simplified way to look at it tho. The sheetmetal Guru's here in the Blazer Jimmy forum will be most informative.


jaros44sr 07-03-2007 06:02 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
I was wondering when you were going to get started on it!! Are the 'A' and 'B' posts in good shape? That is where I had problems...

Post up lots of pics. of your progress. Have fun, enjoy the ride. We're here to help. J.

PS, don't forget the zinc primer.

Huck 07-03-2007 07:07 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
RUST~~~~~~RUST~~~~~Son, that ain't rust!!! Obviously you've never been east of the Mississippi. Around here we call that light surface oxidation!!!!
Before you start cutting, you might want to have the panels in hand to see what is available and what isn't. Blazers have some unique sections like the B pillars that don't have aftermarket sections available. If you pull the hardtop and start cutting~~~you could wind up with two major problems~~the front and the back falling to the ground! hehehehe
Anything in front of the firewall is common to trucks. Windshield frame is a PITA so be aware of that. The cab (where the bucket seats go) is pretty much common to trucks and complete large sections are available there. The rear floor, rear quarters, are unique but can be "created" using truck stuff.
You are fortunate in that there are 2 Board Vendors right near by who are excellent in their knowledge, experience and carry most STUFF you will need. I would start by visiting them for advice---if possible DRIVE it over and let them go through it with you. Take notes. Use a magic marker to outline areas for cutting. Buy the best quality you can---it always pays in the long run. Just keep in mind that a BLazer is not a tri-five chevy----you can easily put way too much money and time into one and never recover the investment. So decide what you want the end result to be, have a budget and keep to it, then let-er-rip~~~. Huck

bouncytruck 07-03-2007 11:22 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Good call on taking the truck with you to buy the parts!

Yukon Jack 07-03-2007 11:50 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Huck has great advice. It looks like a daunting task so take your time and do the project in stages so you're focusing in on one small area at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. Good luck!

jaros44sr 07-03-2007 05:19 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Gotta agree with Huck on his thoughts. All the areas look strait forward and aren't that bad but.......
The 'B' post, lower forward rear quarter, rear of rocker box mount, rear floor panel and step up area, have alot of layers in that one area. To quote Rusty Parts, " it's like peeling an onion, gotta get rid of a whole lotta bad layers before you get to the good stuff " and that area is tuff

Your going to have to fab up some stuff yourself, but I think I just heard of the step up being made, so that could save you some time.... J.

Angelse68cal 07-03-2007 05:58 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
i bought my rockers from brothers are they ok?

RED72blazer 07-03-2007 07:51 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Thanks for the encouragement guy's. I was hoping to start cutting on the 4th. Probably not gonna happen;) . Looks like I got a little ahead of myself. I called Wes, gonna go down there this weekend. Hopefully, I'll start cutting this weekend. I

Couple questions.

1. I am planing on leaving the top on so the body won't flex as much. But I am wondering if I should reinforce the door openings too before cutting?

Also, I want to replace the body mounts and get all the door measurements correct. Should this be done before or after the rust repair?


Originally Posted by Huck (Post 2248363)
----you can easily put way too much money and time into one and never recover the investment. So decide what you want the end result to be, have a budget and keep to it, then let-er-rip~~~. Huck

I've already got to much into it...but she will never be for sale so it doesn't matter. Thanks for the advice Huck. You got me on the right track.

bouncytruck 07-04-2007 01:16 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread

Originally Posted by Angelse68cal (Post 2248965)
i bought my rockers from brothers are they ok?

Yes, they have quality parts and service. They are also a board vendor/member.

LUV2XCLR8 07-04-2007 07:43 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
That chit will buff right out, that ain't rusty :lol:

Chevyman63 07-04-2007 07:49 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread

Originally Posted by Huck (Post 2248363)
RUST~~~~~~RUST~~~~~Son, that ain't rust!!! Obviously you've never been east of the Mississippi. Around here we call that light surface oxidation!!!!

That's a fact!!!!!:lol: :lol:

krue 07-04-2007 08:08 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread

RED72blazer 07-16-2007 08:50 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Made a little progress. stripped some paint, Decided to install new body mounts before fixing the rust. Hopefully I will be doing that this weekend. I discovered some more rust in the rear bed area. Big surprise, looks like I'll need some patches. Can i remove the bed floor without removing the bed sides? I'll have some pictures soon of the new rust.

Thealien 07-16-2007 09:32 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Looking forward to your pics/progress. I have similar rust issues on my 72 Jimmy. I was planning on having someone else repair mine but I might attempt mine with the right pics (hint hint).

Classic Heartbeat 07-16-2007 09:36 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
You will have to remove the bed sides before you can remove the bed floor. The sides are both welded and bolted to the bed bottom.
We also have probably everything you need to fix the floors, rockers, rocker boxes, rocker box end caps, rocker box supports, rear floor supports, rocker back plates, floor sections, "A" pillar patches, "B" pillar patches.. and Etc. We are here in Olympia, WA. Let me know if we can help you. WES

RED72blazer 03-20-2009 07:30 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
My oh my where does the time go? It's been a year and a half and I have accomplished nothing on this project. guess two moves, starting a business, and other projects have gotten in the way.Also on 7/16/2007 One of the brake lines rusted through and started leaking. So basically I parked it and put it on the back burner. In the mean time I built this

and my grandfather gave me this

and now I have a new 600sqft garage that I think I can squeeze the blazer in for some long over due repair

so hopefully you guys can expect some progress and pictures coming soon of the tear down this weekend.

RED69K5 03-25-2009 07:19 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Don't worry, when the weather gets nice, you'll start itching to be driving around in a topless Blazer. Then, you'll start working on it again ;). BTW are you in the Rover business? I noticed all the old school Rovers in one of your pics.

Twisted78SS 03-27-2009 11:55 AM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread

For even more encouragement, and maybe even a few parts you need, be sure to make the Monroe swap meet next month.. Lot's of us will be hanging out there, and we can chat about all the work (no no fun..) we are going to have working on our Blazers. I am right there with you on mine, just got some goodies from Wes and just getting started on my restoration.

Best of luck!


bouncytruck 03-27-2009 12:55 PM

Re: ****Red72Blazer**** rust repair thread
Ah, the Monroe Swap Meet. I've gotta get that on my calendar!

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