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jbclassix 01-04-2013 12:04 PM

Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
Hey all, I have been saving to buy a home bead roller for some time now, and have been looking at the HarborFreight one and the Eastwood one. The HF is about 80 more than the Eastwood, but it comes with a shearing die also. Does anyone have experience with either?

pro-sheering die
pro-18" throat
con-driving distance

con-no sheering die
con-17" throat

DesertCat 01-04-2013 01:30 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
Check with these guys, some of the most amazing talent I have seen.:jdp:
If they don't know, it probably can't be known when it comes to metal shaping.

brans72 01-04-2013 08:38 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
Find a answer let us know here.

jbclassix 01-05-2013 01:03 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by DesertCat (Post 5795390)
Check with these guys, some of the most amazing talent I have seen.:jdp:
If they don't know, it probably can't be known when it comes to metal shaping.

I just found a new site to spend all my time on!


Originally Posted by brans72 (Post 5796153)
Find a answer let us know here.

I will for sure!

ETsC10 01-05-2013 10:36 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by jbclassix (Post 5796716)
I just found a new site to spend all my time on!

Me too! Didn't look around much but the site looks huge.

NONHOG 01-06-2013 01:48 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
1 Attachment(s)
Just bought the HF version. Sale price plus 20% off. Depends on the cashier,
she asked me if I wanted to use it. (uh sure!)
So far its a bit worse than I expected. Seems to have enough run out in one or both of the shafts that its binding a little when turning by hand. (no lever)
I de burred the gears with a hand file and that helped a bit. Dial indicator verified my suspicions. I'm going to put it together anyway and test it out.
Might be a non issue with hand crank.

You could also search the HAMB for some pretty cool mods on these.
I like MetalMeet but AllMetalShaping is smaller (a plus for me)
Good luck !

jbclassix 01-06-2013 01:56 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
NONHOG, that's good to know about the HF roller. About the only thing that I have from HF that I love is the 9 dollar set of step drill bits. I drill a pilot hole and they work great. Did your roller come with the sheering mandrel?

ol_skool_chevy 01-06-2013 02:00 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
Pro.........Harbor does shipping also

NONHOG 01-06-2013 03:02 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by jbclassix (Post 5799576)
NONHOG, that's good to know about the HF roller. About the only thing that I have from HF that I love is the 9 dollar set of step drill bits. I drill a pilot hole and they work great. Did your roller come with the sheering mandrel?

Yes and with any luck I'll try it out today. Yet to read anything re: the cutting dies.
Most all the reviews about the basic HF unit have been the same beef it up and its fine. Mine and 1 other I've read about the shafts were out.

For me HF is only 20 minutes away.

ol_skool_chevy 01-06-2013 03:11 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
try it out get back to us with your findings...I would buy one

cdowns 01-06-2013 03:18 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
i had a harbor frieght beadroller that i used for well over 10years on a ton of projects// not at all the best quality but for the price it could not b beat// the whole trick to using it is to layout your pattern before hand and to just slightly run it thru with slight pressure and to make 3-4passes increasing pressure 1/2- 3/4 a turn each time until you have the finished product

never did have any luck with the socalled cutoff mandrells

jbclassix 01-06-2013 05:49 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by cdowns (Post 5799720)
i had a harbor frieght beadroller that i used for well over 10years on a ton of projects// not at all the best quality but for the price it could not b beat// the whole trick to using it is to layout your pattern before hand and to just slightly run it thru with slight pressure and to make 3-4passes increasing pressure 1/2- 3/4 a turn each time until you have the finished product

never did have any luck with the socalled cutoff mandrells

OK. So I will be getting the Eastwood one... nothing against the HF one, but I am going to mod it anyway, so why not get the cheaper one to start out with. I am getting a HF 36" brake so I will post my results on that too!

72BlckButy 01-07-2013 10:10 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
Keep us posted on the outcome when you receive/use the Eastwood one.

NONHOG 01-17-2013 04:35 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
jbclassix, looks almost like the Eastwood main frame is thicker?
care to measure? I'll do the same. Thought it would be good for future buyers to know.
So far messed around only a bit. Cutter seem to be a waste of space.
Need to make a wheel ASAP and get rid of the crank.

Gumby 01-18-2013 02:48 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by NONHOG (Post 5799558)
but AllMetalShaping is smaller (a plus for me)

didn't enjoy my expierence there, to clicky, not giving my real info and location then go on about all the tools I own and what I do in a forum of strangers my first post..........

jbclassix 01-19-2013 12:55 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by NONHOG (Post 5824224)
jbclassix, looks almost like the Eastwood main frame is thicker?
care to measure? I'll do the same. Thought it would be good for future buyers to know.
So far messed around only a bit. Cutter seem to be a waste of space.
Need to make a wheel ASAP and get rid of the crank.

Well I didn't do as good at the scrap yard as i thought i would, so I will be waiting a little bit before i can pick mine up. But i did make enough for a HF tool that was higher on the priority tool list. I will do a review thread when i pick it up! I am still going to get the eastwood bead roller, just on hold.
Posted via Mobile Device

NONHOG 01-19-2013 01:50 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by Gumby (Post 5825442)
didn't enjoy my expierence there, to clicky, not giving my real info and location then go on about all the tools I own and what I do in a forum of strangers my first post..........

Sorry to hear that. My intro there was very positive and encouraging.
Could see how there style could be "clicky"


Originally Posted by jbclassix (Post 5827610)
Well I didn't do as good at the scrap yard as i thought i would, so I will be waiting a little bit before i can pick mine up. But i did make enough for a HF tool that was higher on the priority tool list. I will do a review thread when i pick it up! I am still going to get the eastwood bead roller, just on hold.
Posted via Mobile Device

Its your thread but if you don't mind I may continue to post my findings with the HF. When you do get yours we can compare notes.

Looking forward to your reviews!

jbclassix 01-19-2013 10:48 AM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
NONHOG post away! It's why i started this thread so anyone can post their opinions pro or con of this type of bead roller... and maybe some how-to's
Posted via Mobile Device

Gumby 01-19-2013 02:15 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

Originally Posted by NONHOG (Post 5827687)
Sorry to hear that. My intro there was very positive and encouraging.
Could see how there style could be "clicky"

Felt kinda like walking into the wrong bar, you get that feeling to just keep walking and slip out the back.....[turn around and run out the front, they might chase you]

jbclassix 01-26-2013 11:52 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller
I drove over to Bakersfield yesterday and picked this guy up. I will start another thread to write some reviews and tips on it. I am still saving for the Eastwood bead roller. Sorry for the bad picture.

NONHOG 01-26-2013 11:59 PM

Re: Eastwood vs. HF Bead rolller

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