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billetproofcustoms 09-08-2016 12:12 PM

Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Hello everyone,

I have tried to get info on any asbestos containing materials used in these old trucks, I have a 1966 short wide. I have not had too much luck finding solid evidence, but have narrowed it down to the most common "large quantity" suspect materials, which are; the original black rubber/tar floormat, the firewall insulation in the cab, and the undercoating. Now, I know there is certainly a concern with brake dust, and I hope everyone knows that going in, brake dust should be common knowledge..?

My point being this;
I have taken samples of each of those items out of my truck and they are currently at an asbestos testing lab in Dallas for analysis. By this time next week I will know as fact if these 3 items i have listed are "hot"

I will immediately post results here in this thread so everyone here that has asked the question in the past will have an answer based in fact.

IMO, everyone should be aware of any potential health hazards from this stuff before diving in and tearing out something that is harmful to your health.

dracko 09-08-2016 04:51 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Good idea on the shaving cream

jbgroby 09-09-2016 07:55 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
IT will be too late for many of us. I had my cab dipped, so I'm going to live forever......

61K10 09-09-2016 05:16 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
you're going to get acid reflex if you've been dipped---

Praxiss454 09-09-2016 11:36 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Subscribed. Thank you and please do post your results. I'd also be interested to see exact pictures of the material you had tested.

ironman3452 09-11-2016 09:30 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
if that is the case what about lead in the paint?

The Rocknrod 09-11-2016 11:46 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
And don’t forget about hitting your head when you work on the truck, you could go into a coma.
Or cut your hand (or leg) on the rust and get lock-jaw.
Or slip on the oil (or grease) on the floor and break your hip.

ls60apache 09-11-2016 03:54 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
there is also a mat between the roof panels , kinda like thick tar paper.

57NAPCO 09-12-2016 05:40 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
I think you'd probably have to eat all those asbestos containing materials to harm yourself but to each his own.

68panelman 09-12-2016 07:09 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
This is called letting your mind wander a little too much

60chevyjim 09-12-2016 07:39 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
you better sell that old truck just to be safe LOL.

ironman3452 09-13-2016 07:49 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
yea I need parts, better sell while you can lol

Praxiss454 09-13-2016 09:00 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Tough crowd. Looking forward to the test results, better to be informed. :barn:

Flying Hamster 09-14-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Places asbestos will likely be:
Exhaust donuts between manifold and exhaust pipe.
"Cloth" covering on wiring.
Choke tube "cloth" covering.
any white paper insulation in gauges or lights.
Possible pads in gas tank straps.
Bakelite parts like switch knobs, window crank knobs, switch blocks inside switches, starter solenoid insulators and fuse blocks.
It MAY be in seam sealers and caulks from that era.
If it IS in the floor mats or tar coatings, unless you dissolve or burn the mats or tars, you will not release asbestos.
Many of the old paints and primers DO contain lead, which was also used as body filler/solder on the exterior.

billetproofcustoms 09-16-2016 12:26 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
wow, this IS a tough crowd...

I understand that some think that this stuff is nothing to particularly worry about, and some would literally sell the truck if any is discovered. Im not going to have an abatement company come put a bubble over my truck and tear this stuff out with Haz Mat suits...BUT, I work in an industry that has made me keenly aware of the dangers of asbestos, and I do take that seriously, but I'm not they type to sell my truck because of it, I just know enough to want to be aware so I can take the proper precautions that I feel are necessary to ME.
Nothing wrong with that IMO.

@flyinghamster..good list, I was aware of most of these as well. I am primarily focusing on the stuff that I will be "disturbing" by pulling out, sanding, grinding, etc, thus possibly releasing the fibers.

I sent the samples off early week this week, I have not received the results yet, but should have them early next week, I will post results for everyones info.

As far as the specific items i sent off:
1. The firewall mat inside the cab underneath the dash.
2. the original rubber floor mat and the tar like mat underneath it
3. the factory undercoating on the frame/underside of the truck.

VictoriaHardware 09-16-2016 12:52 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Thank you. This is exactly the type of thread that needs to be here. More useful than the "Show me your fill in the blank" threads.

billetproofcustoms 09-22-2016 10:50 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
OK, so the Asbestos testing results are in. These were analyzed by a NVLAP certified/licensed Asbestos testing lab in Dallas TX, using the PLM/DS method.

I took samples of 3 materials as follows:

1. The fiberous brown firewall insulation inside the cab:
NO asbestos detected, The fiberous content is 60% Cellulose, 20% cotton, and 20% Synthetic

2. Black floor mat and tar-like substance it is stuck down with:
NO asbestos detected, The fiberous content is 15% Cellulose

3. Black undercoating under the truck (everywhere):
NO asbestos

good news all the way around!
I hope this helps out for what it is worth.

PGSigns 09-22-2016 11:15 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Thanks for getting it tested. All good information.

nibulus 09-22-2016 11:23 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Good info. Thanks for sharing!

dracko 09-22-2016 11:42 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Awesome thanks for doing that man. The thought definitely crossed my mind when I was tearing out the firewall insulation.

nxtruck 09-22-2016 03:47 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Thank you for posting these results!!

jbgroby 09-22-2016 04:44 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks

Praxiss454 09-23-2016 09:48 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks

Heater63 09-24-2016 05:50 PM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Thank you! Good to know!

64jmb 09-29-2016 01:13 AM

Re: Asbestos or not in these old trucks
Thanks for letting us know. Great information! I own a 66 C10 Short wide bed Fleet side custom cab myself!

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