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sixty8chev 01-02-2004 10:53 PM

Bad Idea
1 Attachment(s)
Ok just browsing through the AIM website and came across these things. They look like they're about an inch thick.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I've been told that more than a half in wheel spacer is wrong, this just seems to be taking it to another level, but the couldn't sell em if they weren't DOT approved coud they?

70short/step 01-02-2004 10:57 PM

It looks like there is 2 pieces there and the front piece is only about a half inch thick. I think the just bolted it to something to show what it looks like once it is bolted up.

djracer 01-02-2004 11:31 PM

I wouldn't buy anything from AIM I have heard nothing bad things about them!

Randy70C-10 01-02-2004 11:41 PM

That looks like a six lug to five lug adapter to me.

grnddwn 01-03-2004 12:19 AM

If your using true billet adapters you'll be fine I've seen three inch ones

Longhorn Man 01-03-2004 01:28 AM

They can sell anything they want if it is DOT approved or not. Besides, one sate's DOT may not like what another state permits.
I say stay away from any spacets. Regardless what it is made out of, it will still put stress on the lugnuts holding it.
Leverage is not always our friend.

bigblock73 01-03-2004 01:34 AM

AIM = SHAME :barf: :barf:

zenish 01-03-2004 02:59 AM

ive got aim drop spindles.they seem to work fine.

Frankd 01-03-2004 09:00 AM

I have been looking for six lug to give lug ada[ters - where is a good place to get them ?

gr8scott51 01-03-2004 01:29 PM

IMO adapters = problems. If you want to go to 5 lug, swap out the hubs and axels.


JadeEmperor 01-03-2004 01:45 PM

Don't use L-AIM products
Those adapters are really that thick. My buddy picked some up from L-AIM had took them off within 2 months. Nervewracking was the term he used. When driving you could feel the warp and unbalance. Discount tire would not give him warranty on his tires because he was using adapters.

As "grnddwn" said, my understanding is that if they are billet you'll be fine but a lot a people have opinions against any adapters/spacers. Longhorn's got it right about the leverage, it's physics. The hub's not design for that added length and pivot pressure point.

If you have to go with adapters, I would look into these guys:
They're more expensive then L-AIM but have been fabbin' adapters for a long time and produce applications for racing - L-AIM just mass manufactures product for the heck of it.

Sorry I gave nickels worth instead of two cents.

SCOTI 01-03-2004 02:39 PM

Billet adapters work just fine & can be up to 4" thick. There is a difference between spacers and adapters though.

Spacers (usually just simple steel or cast) merely slip between the existing hub & wheel mounting surface. They utilize the factory wheel-studs, reducing the amount of threads available (however thick the spacer is) for the lugnuts to grip when the wheels are bolted up. This is why they recommend 1/2" thick spacers as a max. Any more than that, & you have to use longer aftermarket studs (but then the psi strength of the studs becomes an issue).

Adapters are different. Although they also slip between the hub & wheel mount surface, the original studs/lugnuts actually secure the adapter just like a standard wheel. The adapter then has it's own wheel studs, which can either be the same or a different bolt pattern, that the wheel mounts to w/no compromise in the amount of threads used to secure everything.

grnddwn 01-03-2004 02:51 PM

I was going to clarify my point but I see SCOTI already did

zenish 01-03-2004 09:50 PM

that adapter would be great to mount the spare if you had five lugs on one end of your truck and six lugs on the other.

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