Originally Posted by CPNE
I'd get the 396 emblems if it were me.
I would too. The Mark IV engine deserves to be badged regardless of the originality of the truck it resides in. My '68 396 c-20 is going to get an added 396 emblem with the repaint. They didn't come (the badges) on ANY '68 396s from what I've researched...you could order the motor but no emblems were put on yet. It wasn't like a 427 Yenko Camaro with added badges from the dealer.
I'd put a 427 emblem on a built-up 4x4 if I went through the trouble of building it.
I might even drop the RV mirrors on the Camper Special and go with sport mirrors just to get lean a bit...Nothing ruined...only added. I once put a script-style set of Chevrolet emblems from the back of a '68 Impala on the fenders of a '78 3/4 ton 4x4 where the Silverado emblems were and it looked great. I got a lot of compliments on that and it probabally got me a full grand more from the bright-eyed kid who bought it. He still thinks its the coolest thing...
I hated to see that one go...