Originally Posted by DroppedChoppedPanel
also, mountin your bags further up on the trailing arms allows you to get the same amount of lift with less air pressure meaning a softer smoother ride at the same height
This sounds good in theory but I think alot depends on what manufacturers bags your running. My 68 is not bagged w/the intent of planting the framerails @ shows. It's set up to be low all the time & add air when it's time to pull a trailer. That being said, when I'm just cruizing around town w/no load/trailer, about 30psi of pressure is as low as I want to get because the ride starts getting significantly more bouncy. At 30psi in the dbl. convoluted 224c Firestones, my rear end housing is up inside the space originally occupied by the bottom of the frame rail. 35-40psi seems about optimum w/no weight & when loaded I run about 60-70psi.
What kind of bags are you guys running when relocating them forward? What air pressure?