Try your local banks. You may be surprised. If you are willing to put up a real down payment and can get an appraisal, "with approved credit" you should be fine. I think I would try this route before I went to a firm supposedly "specializing" in this type of loan.
A good local banker will realize he doesn't need to sell this to the loan committee as a conventional car loan. The blue book just does not support it. Go in hand with an appraisal and you will be way ahead. I am counsel for a small community bank, so I have heard this discussion before when an uninitiated loan committee member wondered why they were taking back as security "an old car." I was familiar with the car and because of the down payment (40% of what I thought the low value was) I told them if it ever was repossesed they better call another lawyer 'cause I was buying it.
If you haven't had any luck with local banks, you may want to check Vette sites. Financing on older Vettes is fairly common and maybe some of those guys have expanded to other models. With all the car companies and major finance companies giving such low rates, this is probably aniche that has been filled because there is more profit (don't expect 60 months @ 5.5% for this type financing in other words.) Notwithstanding, if your problem is credit related don't expect these companies to by sympathetic or to give you any advantage on something like what you want to purchase. The problem is the market is limited compared to the more traditional classic car, popular make and model market.
Good luck.
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