Originally Posted by 87 STEPPER
Also for who ever asked about having to modify the dust cover plate i didn't need to modify mine and i used belltech spindles.
Thanks for the feedback, 87 STEPPER.
Originally Posted by 454HO
And here is the dust shield installed, no mods required. Notice the ARP stainless steel 12 point bolts.
Incidently, one of my original dust shields was mangled. I got a replacement from the junk yard. When I was cleaning them up to paint them, I noticed the newer one is much thinner steel than the original. Evidently this was a 'cost reduction' sometime after '77. And BTW, the new one was noticably lighter than the old one.... hmmmm, less unsprung weight. 
Thanks for the pics. It's looking real good.
SS bolts
BTW, are you looking to p***t the shock absorbers?