1. Look for a NV 4500 from a GM 4x4. They have a 32 spline rear shaft and round 6 bolt mounting pattern. Market price of $700-1500
2.Then look for a NP 205 used behind later model SM465 trannies and later TH400 trannies, from about '85 to '91 in straight axle 1-ton trucks. The best find is the "long" 32 spline female input gear. This is far less common than the "short" 32 spline input, but is as strong and durable. This gear will stick out of the 205 case by about 3 1/2". Market price of $250-600
3. If you can't find a long 32 shaft get a short 32 shaft with the round 6 mounting pattern. Proper shaft stickout from the TH400 is 2 1/2". Market price same as above.
4. Join them together with parts form Advanced Adapters. They carry Bellhousing kits and eveything you need to make it work. You sould be able to do it for less than 2 grand. Depending on condition of the the parts and how hard you shop around. They have kits to mount up the figure 8 transfer cases but they cost more that buying a good used round 6 type transfer.
5. Enjoy the .73 overdrive and better gas milage in 5th gear.
PICS NP 205 output gears left to right:
32 spline "short", 32 spline "long", 10 spline with a worn drivesleeve, 27 spline with a new drivesleeve.