Thread: Kill Switch
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Old 01-24-2006, 07:37 PM   #3
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Re: Kill Switch

If theft prevention is your goal here's what I did:

I use an Autolock . Harder to cut through the brake pedal than the steering wheel. I also have a fuse on the battery wire to the ignition, under the hood. It's a blown fuse when it's parked. If (when) they get through the Autolock, hopefully, they'll waste a lot of time farting around looking for a kill switch that's not there before giving up or going under the hood- which you can rig up to lock if you like. Certainly not fool proof but a good effort.
69 C-10 LWB, 350, 700r4, 3.73 posi-traction, front disc brakes. Built for the desert- She can take the heat! Vivat Rex Chevus!
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