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Old 01-31-2006, 11:42 AM   #3
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Posts: 22
Re: Shot in the dark - Explain my transfer case

Thanks that's what I have. 4lo, N, 2hi, 4hi pattern, and aluminum cover...

Follow-up questions:
The bolt pattern where the tranny meets the case looks to be a square-oval, and not a road-race track pattern (not symentric around the center). I'm thinking of swapping to a NV4500 if I can get the war-dept. (wife) to pony up some cash. I have a non-stock 400sbc in it now. Any gotcha's, neat tricks, major problems that I may encounter? Does the NV4500 marry up to the motor, or is a adapter/new bell housing in my future?

I'm considering going with stock linkage for the '72, and adapting that to the tranny, but I've seen where guys stuck with the hyd. linkage. I'm sure it comes down to preference and maintenance, but what's better?

TIA... Maybe I should make a new thread for my followup ????
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