Must not get cold in Texas often in the winter..............Because the '69 C-10 that was our Farm Truck was very rusty but trusty and dependable........Only ever did two things to it, #1 Oil pan gasket on the 250 Inliner #2 Heater Core..........It started leaking and I know I didn't want to go to the barn in a cold fogged up truck every day when it was 10 degrees out

It started leaking one day in the winter, high was about 5 degrees......Went to parts store and got a new one for $20, popped it in late that afternoon in the cold with the help of my brother and the neighbor kid............And let me tell you, we left that truck run while we did the chores at the barn(Hour), and when we jumped in it to come home, We warmed up quick with that new heater core and cardboard over the radiator
Ah, the good old days!!!!