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Old 06-09-2006, 09:37 AM   #1
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Instrument Cluster Dimensions? Pics?

Does anybody have the dimensions on a '60-63 C10 instrument cluster? Bezel and all, not just the gauges.

I've been daydreaming about installing a tach for the past couple of days, but always had the nagging suspicion that the corners of my instrument panel were already occupied. Duh. I've got the idiot light panel, so my fuel gauge is in the upper right and the temp light is upper left.

I figure if I have to replace the whole panel, I might as well look into using the '60-63 piece, which is much nicer looking IMO.

I've never actually seen the older dash in person, so any pictures of the dash, gauges, instrument panel, and how it all fits into the edges of the cab would be very helpful.
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