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Old 06-10-2006, 06:16 PM   #264
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Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!

I started the morning off by making up the mid kick panel patch and getting that all finished. Then I moved up the post to complete the post graft for the new pass front door jamb and winshield post. Completed the front rocker door bump (burb only) and then went to hang the doors. Found one of the hinge pockets were cracked fso off it came to get repaired. Once that was done I alligned all the doors and they fit real nice to each other but the rear had some issues. When this cab back was originaly put on by the PO they did not have things set just right so we have been corecting things as we go. I had to massage the door latch area inward about 3/16" just to get the latch to close with out dragging. Got that working great but this still left the door gap at the rear of the third door to deal with. When I replaced the cab corner I took care of the problem we had with the door sticking out about 3/8" only from the lower body line down (the rest fit nice ). So not untill I was happy with all the adjusting for all other gaps did I start to hem the door edge to get the right door gap. This is were I stopped so I can grab a bit to eat and then back to the shop for more fun.

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