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Old 11-08-2006, 11:51 AM   #21
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Re: How much power is too much power for bags?

good thread man..... First off, HP is not a factor when it comes to airsprings. On a properly designed suspension, the springs are only there to hold the vehicle up and control the suspension movement.... The ability to make it hook up is a fuction of suspension geometry first, and second choosing the right spring to make it all come together. An airspring lends itself extremely well to this inviroment because it is adjustable and tuneable unlike a spring that would have to be changed to get a different rate or jacked to change height.
As far as I know, NHRA and IHRA do not car what type of suspension you have or if it is air. The only thing I am aware of so far is that the driver can not have the ability to maipulate the system while on a run and that the vehicle does not violate scrub line in the event of a deflate. We have several guys that are running systems on bracket cars and diggers. I even have one guy that has his airsystem timed through his delay box....
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