Thread: Uh Oh!
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Old 11-11-2002, 04:22 PM   #11
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
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OK I got one more:

We (5 of us) went out for a night of drinking, shooting, and romping. Not really in that order. Anyway we did some shooting out in the desert, then got some drinks (30 pack). We drank them all at a friends house then hit the trail right by his house (way out at jack rabbit trail and I-10). Anyway my friend who was driving (not drunk) drove his 2wd F*rd into a ditch (not really a ditch, but we were stuck in it). With 5 of us we got down and tried to get it out. Shoved rocks under the tires everything. Found a street sign (already broken) and tried using it as a wedge under the tire. We are very clearly visable from I-10. After spinning dirt up and crackin open a few new beers (just bought another 30). I look behind me and see a cop comming up. I said sh*t its the fuz. We did have a few minors, everyone was under 21 except one person. We also had alot of guns from shooting earlier. We also had some herbs. One of the guys who was there was on probation for something stupid (I think he got into a fight). Anyway the cop pulls into the dirt behind us and gets out with his mag light (right in the faces of course). He tells us all to get away from the truck and to stand in a line in front of him. Me and my friend started walking to him, because we couldnt hear him (our ears were jacked from shooting earlier). We got a little to close for his comfort and he jumps back and pulls his gun. He reached over to his shoulder radio and says some codes. He says get back and dont take another step, I warning you! We got back of course. Cops come flying out of nowhere. There must have been 6 cop cars. Then we hear the dog barking. At this time I could have sworn the guy on pro. was gonna run, but he didnt. The cop take our ID's one at a time and then noticed the beer. My friend who was 21 had to pour out every single beer left (20 something of them). He talked to each of us one at a time. He asked us if we were drinking, who was driving and whats in the truck. Right when he asked me whats in the truck I paused. Another cop who I couldnt see (was back by his car) said, they werent in the truck when I pulled up. We told them that one of us lived right there. You could see his house. We were all gonna crash there. He let us all go and never searched the truck. He did tell us that if that truck wasnt there at 6:00 am then he would charge my friend with something (I cant remember what).

Heres the weirdest part they didnt do anything about the guy on probation and my friend who claimed to own the truck didnt have any proof at all. No tags, no registration, no title... nothing! But they let him go. They let us all go scot free. We were all amazed at the luck we had that night.

Sorry that was a long one. Thats the closest I ever came to being charged with anything or being arrested.
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