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Old 03-24-2007, 12:30 PM   #9
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Re: paint reaction please help ???

Originally Posted by Tycoon4u View Post
I painted the top of my cab w/white oil based enamal and found 1 goobered spot on the window post. I sanded it smooth but every time I try to primer the small bare metal spots it softens and blisters the white paint. I've tried both enamal and laquer primer. The white goes on fine over the dry primer but when I spray primer over the bare spots it reacts with the white next to it while wet. Any input would be appreciated.

thanks, Dale

The rule is that you can spray enamel over laquer but not laquer over enamel as it will react! You point out that you have tried to use both laquer & enamel primers. The area you are working on is now contaminated and as a result your getting a reaction. First off use a compatible primer, enamel in this case as your finish coat is enamel. You will have to likely sand and prep the piller over and blend it into the roof. Trying to keep the area just confined to where the problem is will not get rid of the various primers that you have used.

Did you purchase your products from a body shop supplier as they are pretty knowledgable people and would only be too glad to help you.

More info. on the type of paint products would be of help to pin point this problem down to it's source. Can you post the product names and who supplied them as this would be a great help to solving this.

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