Originally Posted by customcamper72
what brand of locker does everyone prefer? I am going to be ordering a locker for my 14 bolt FF soon, and i am trying to decide which one to buy,
is there much difference between them, lockright , detroitlocker, or the richmond gear brand ? any other brands i may not have heard of? thanks in advance.
This thread is a good testament of all the variations and opinions out there, so IMO it comes down to the 'usage' and YOUR 'expectations' of the vehicle.
If cost was not an option (I wish

) you could just run selectable diff's front and rear and call it good. KA-CHING!
I like my current Detroit in the rear, spool in the front set up but I went for the cheap solution in the Dana HP.
Although after doing the 4340 axles/one ton front shaft and stronger u-joint upgrades to go along with it, it wasn't so cheap in the end.
Tough to beat the Detroit's.