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Old 05-10-2002, 04:53 PM   #6
tom hand
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Location: Olive Branch,MS,USA
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Yes it is possible and very easy. But it will not give you much access to the emblems. They are far enough back that the front of the cab is in the way and you cannot get your hand in there. There are two ways to get the emblems off. One way is to use a tappet wrench.[it is just a real long open end wrench] With one of these it is real easy to get them off,but you have to tape the nuts to the wrench to get them back on. I did mine this way and it was not too bad. The other way is to unbolt the bottom of the fender under the emblem and bend it out enough to get you hand in there. A lot of people on here have done it that way. GOOD LUCK!

72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS

[This message has been edited by tom hand (edited May 10, 2002).]
72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS
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