Did you check youngin`s Longhorn site?I like everything about that truck.I like real trucks #1,as wheel as neat little short beds,etc.Andy,I know you`re right.But,I never read that book and my old habits are tough to change.We never used to call then nothin`.Then,option sheet or thingy on the glovebox door or stupid thing that`s hard to get off to paint

.I started hearing VIN-spec sheet from other vendors(I was once a small-time vendor)when you saw them being reproduced,circa 1990.Gary Terry(CheyenneSuperman)in Abilene sold me my first repro one because I wanted to keep my SPID(there!)intact on a rare truck that I was chroming the glovebox door on.Then,"DING!",I realized I should just chrome another and keep the door intact.I still have that VIN-spec sheet in the zip lock it came in.
I like the trucker look on the Longhorn...DOAH!!!!I mean CustomCamper.It`s not all tacky,just trucky.
This is the Chevy CustomCamper/20 I saved the SPID on(hope no one`s tired of hearing about it):