Re: getting rid of wing/vent windows
Originally Posted by drummin89
i was wondering if anyone has any info on converting doors with vent (wing) windows into non vent window doors. i have a 52 3/4 ton 5 window and im looking to get rid of the wing windows. Im curious about what needs to be done to do this. are the doors basically the same from 47 to 53 were i would be able to get the runners and hardware out of a door with out the wing windows and put them in my doors.
thanks in advance
Try going to ,or click here: , and try this out for size. This is what I intend on doing for my truck, a 53 GMC panel truck since I have already shaved my doors handles and the doors are in damn nice shape... to good to justify buying new ones and doing all the work again that is!
1953 GMC Panel Truck
1966 Chevy C10