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Old 10-17-2007, 07:25 PM   #8
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Re: Rear diff issues

Originally Posted by 77 350 Shorty Wide View Post
If your sure it's an open carrrier, the additive will do nothing really. If indeed you have an open carrier about the only answer then is... FOD (Foreign Object Debris) floating around inside getting between the moving parts locking things up. This happened to a buddy of mine in his '55 Belair back in 76, wasn't pretty at all. He was doing between 20 & 30 when it completely locked up. Pretty scary ride for about 30 seconds untill all motion ceased.
Wish you the best & be very careful driving, I would get it fixed asap.

Actually that's exactly what my buddy said would happen and why I started the thread. Sounds like a shocking experience.

I pulled the cover off today but unfortunately my camera died when I tried to take the first picture of the internals. I inspected it pretty carefully but couldn't find any blatant problems. I was told to expect small metal shavings kind of like the fine stuff left behind by an eraser and I did but I also found 8 larger pieces.

Do you think those are big enough to have been the ones that were causing the problem? I took it around the block and everything was fine so far.

Evan B.
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